Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#31 Post by edison » Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:18 pm

Everytime you went to the old David Jones you felt like you were somewhere special. All those mirrors were fascinating. John Martins also had a very welcoming comforting atmopshere about it. Low key lighting, darker warmer tones. These days everything is harsh white and lit up like a christmas tree!

These photographs are fantastic, keep them coming. Does anyone have any of Eliza's coffee shop? That was a favourite place to visit in the rundle mall JM's. Those wooden booths and the milkshakes!

I also remember the magic cave area above the toy department. They used to hold all kinds of things in that space throughout the year. Every school holidays there seemed to be something new, the old lego exhibitions were outstanding!

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#32 Post by baytram366 » Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:50 pm

I noticed this today...
John Martins Plaza by baytram366, on Flickr

And also this a few months ago...
Johnnies Mall & Car Park Plaque by baytram366, on Flickr
Baytram 366's Flickr:


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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#33 Post by Adelaideian » Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:35 am

Hello Everyone,

I just joined after discovering these awesome pictures. I am a Child of the 80s/90s and really do remember that Rundle Mall had some grand department stores. Johnnies always seemed to have so much heart and did a great deal for South Australia. I really seem to miss shopping there more as the years pass. Like others I have great memories of that Huge Toy department from back in the day, as well as the lego world expos and other toy exhibitions. I also miss the old David Jones and really find the current store, sadly located where (Johnnies) use to stand, a total dissapointment to shop in. I really think that David Jones could really have used a lower level chain of department stores, right now. I think that they lost a good will in S.A. when they closed Johnnies, but the Old DJ's store was so grand, that it hardly needed replacing. Whoever, decided to open a department store in Rundle Mall, that does not sacrifice floor space, to other tennents, like David Jones have in Adelaide Central Plaza, or Myer do in the Myer centre could make a lot of money if they just channelled what made the old-time departmemt stores so grand.

Any chance that anyone has any pics of the old Rundle Mall John Martins' toy department or Magic Cave area?

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#34 Post by Ben » Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:12 pm

Slightly related. check out this video of the 1966 John martins christmas Pageant. Adelaide looks like a big city, bigger then it does now and the whole of rundle street has decorated store front and awnings. Shame how now all we have is a santa on the david jones building.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6wfEZOJ ... rofilepage

there is a add for John martins here which shows the toy department and magic cave


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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#35 Post by Adeguy72 » Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:19 pm

Adelaideian wrote: Like others I have great memories of that Huge Toy department from back in the day, as well as the lego world expos and other toy exhibitions.
I had forgotten about the lego world expos until I read your post.

I used to love the expos when I was young - lining up for what seemed like forever to get entry into them and then wanting to buy lots of lego when I came out (and not being able to).

I wonder why they don't have those anymore?

From memory there was a permament lego exhibition when the Myer Centre opened in 1991 but I don't think it lasted long? Anyone have any memories of that?

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#36 Post by Adelaideian » Sat May 05, 2012 5:11 am

Hello again, Everyone!

It is great to have found a page to discuss this stuff. Ben, thank you for those links. You are not wrong about how different Adelaide looked in 1966. They are great. The second add really plays on the nostalgia card for the massive toy department and Magic Cave. The Myer Centre did try a smaller version of the lego shows after they opened, in Dazzeland. From memory every six moths the Myer centre would replace the lego show, with a different themed lego show. The difference here is that these were smaller versions of the older lego shows that had been held in John Martins and the Old Myer store, but they had less scenes and after period of time they were no longer free, the Myer Centre were charging an admission fee, then they stopped.

It was a shame, back in 80s and 90s the Rundle Mall was quite a social place. Johnies and Myer would run toy exhibitions every school holidays, and David Jones would have flower shows for older people into flowers and gardens, etc. Now days, I do not think Myer or David Jones could house much like that in their newer, smaller stores. They gave to much floor space to other smaller retailers and now have smaller, paler versions of the great department stores that I remember from my youth.

I know some people have been highly critical of the design of the John Martins building and said that it had to go, but I think they misunderstood the social significance of John Martins for many South Australians it was much more than a building, as a shopping experience there was no better toy department as a kid, as social tool to bring the South Australian community together, there was nothing greater than a place that brought families into the city to see the lego shows or latest toy exhibition, introduced South Australia to the Christmas Pageant, Magic Cave and Santa's Castle in the suburban John Martins' stores, sponsored The Beatles visit to Adelaide in 1964 and sponsored the Festival of the Arts. John Martins set a bench mark that has yet to be equalled.

I also agree that the old David Jones was a great store, so much better than the current one is to shop in. Too bad that they down-sized.

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#37 Post by Adeguy72 » Sun May 06, 2012 8:45 pm

I agree with your comments Adelaidian.

I also have very fond memories of visiting Rundle Mall when I was young in the 70's and 80's. Although both Myer & Johnnies were both at my local shopping centre (Marion) the city stores were always great to explore - especially the big toy department at Johnnies and the special exhibitions they used to have in the auditorium (where the Magic Cave was held). My mum used to often take us up to Elizas on the top floor of Johnnies, or the DJ's cafeteria on top of the Rundle carpark - both of which were a special treat.

Thanks for the info on the Myer Centre lego show - I only have vague memories of that. Had stopped playing with my lego by then & never visited! Did anyone visit the lego exhibition on this weekend at the Goyder Pavilion by artist Nathan Sawaya? Was interested to read in the Sunday Mail that it's "the first tour in Adelaide dedicated to the use of Lego". The writer obviously wasn't around in the 70's and 80's!
Adelaideian wrote: I know some people have been highly critical of the design of the John Martins building and said that it had to go, but I think they misunderstood the social significance of John Martins for many South Australians it was much more than a building
Personally, I didn't have any problem with the design of the old Johnnies store - I thought it was a great store. With the renovations completed in the 80's (rebuild of the north terrace part (the shell of which was actually retained for the new DJ's store) and integration into the John Martins plaza) it was on par with the DJ's stores in Melbourne and Sydney and definately not beyond it's used by date. I know Harris Scarfe offered to take over the site when Johnnies closed but DJ's management were intent on demolishing it (for resaons known to anyone who knows what the management of DJ's thought of Johnnies!).
Adelaideian wrote: Now days, I do not think Myer or David Jones could house much like that in their newer, smaller stores. They gave to much floor space to other smaller retailers and now have smaller, paler versions of the great department stores that I remember from my youth.

I also agree that the old David Jones was a great store, so much better than the current one is to shop in. Too bad that they down-sized.
Sorry to nit pick, but I'm pretty sure the new Myer and DJ stores are bigger than the old ones. For example, old DJs store was 18,600 sqm and new store 26,000 sqm. Would be something similar for Myer.

I think everything seems bigger when you are younger - and the old style store designs with "rabbit warrens" of corridors and oddly shaped floor plates makes it hard to appreciate the true size of the store.

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#38 Post by kjc88 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:10 pm

Sorry for taking so long to post
more pictures but i promise they will be uploaded in the next week
or two,
BTW here are some links to more John Martins
TV ad's that can be found on youtube

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJUq2q3k ... detailpage

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBx5rV4M ... detailpage

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR79kQm- ... detailpage

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#39 Post by kjc88 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:14 pm

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#40 Post by lenlac » Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:17 pm

Adelaideian wrote:It was a shame, back in 80s and 90s the Rundle Mall was quite a social place. Johnies and Myer would run toy exhibitions every school holidays, and David Jones would have flower shows for older people into flowers and gardens, etc. Now days, I do not think Myer or David Jones could house much like that in their newer, smaller stores. They gave to much floor space to other smaller retailers and now have smaller, paler versions of the great department stores that I remember from my youth.
My grandmother always loved the flower shows for older people and she loved it when it gave her an opportunity to get bouquets delivered by serenata flowers. She was a vivid fan of David Jones and she never let go of being such a big big lover of his flower shows.

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#41 Post by Adelaideian » Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:31 am

I have always found that Johnnies abscence is something I always notice more, perhaps, because no on ever seemed to do Christmas like they did, i.e. The Magic Cave, Adelaide Christmas Pageant, Giant Santa ornament on the store (now used on Adelaide Central Plaza) and even the Santa's Castles that the Suburban John Martins stores used. Johnnies never spared any effort. I agree with what others have said about a large part of the legacy belonging to the Christmas Pageant and helping to bring the Beatles to Adelaide. However, for me the Magic Cave, Giant Store Santa, Santa's Castles and the Toy exhibitions from my Childhood will always have a big impact on me. I really do not believe any store has come a long since John Martins closure that has captured anything close to the Magic Johnnies had. I believe that the old David Jones store was also a loss for South Australia, but nothing compared to the loss that was Johnnies closure. For me this is made all the sadder that the new David Jones store just seems like a tired, looking run down, little store that may stand on the same land that Johnies once occuppied, but has given much of that land to to other tennents in the Adelaide Central Plaza complex. No offence to those who like the current David Jones store, this is just how I feel. If anyone has anymore old pictures of the Rundle Mall John Martins, or Old David Jones or Myer stores, I would be very grateful. I would love to see any pictures of that big mamouth toy department that Johnnies had in Rundle Mall.

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#42 Post by usersalvatore09 » Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:37 pm

Adelaideian wrote:I have always found that Johnnies abscence is something I always notice more, perhaps, because no on ever seemed to do Christmas like they did, i.e. The Magic Cave, Adelaide Christmas Pageant, Giant Santa ornament on the store (now used on Adelaide Central Plaza) and even the Santa's Castles that the Suburban John Martins stores used. Johnnies never spared any effort. I agree with what others have said about a large part of the legacy belonging to the Christmas Pageant and helping to bring the Beatles to Adelaide. However, for me the Magic Cave, Giant Store Santa, Santa's Castles and the Toy exhibitions from my Childhood will always have a big impact on me. I really do not believe any store has come a long since John Martins closure that has captured anything close to the Magic Johnnies had. I believe that the old David Jones store was also a loss for South Australia, but nothing compared to the loss that was Johnnies closure. For me this is made all the sadder that the new David Jones store just seems like a tired, looking run down, little store that may stand on the same land that Johnies once occuppied, but has given much of that land to to other tennents in the Adelaide Central Plaza complex. No offence to those who like the current David Jones store, this is just how I feel. If anyone has anymore old pictures of the Rundle Mall John Martins, or Old David Jones or Myer stores, I would be very grateful. I would love to see any pictures of that big mamouth toy department that Johnnies had in Rundle Mall.
I agree with everything you have said.

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#43 Post by advantix » Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:52 pm

Found these great shots on Flickr.

John Martin's Christmas Parade. by glen.h, on Flickr

Winter Wear In 1974. by glen.h, on Flickr

John Martins Gift Shop. by glen.h, on Flickr

John Martins Menswear, Marion Store by glen.h, on Flickr

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Re: Old David Jones & John Martins photos?

#44 Post by monotonehell » Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:02 pm

"The Shirt Shop"... so what happens there then?
Exit on the right in the direction of travel.

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