phenom wrote:Why wouldn't trucks enter Meyers Lane from the other end (which is extremely wide, in fact, about 4 cars wide) and the end which is closer to the development rather than the teeny tiny one way entrance shown here? Turning in off Sturt Street would also be a lot easier than turning in off Gilbert Street. Meyers Lane is really 'half' a road - a full wide road for the last half then it narrows down to a one-way road.
No idea, but the the submitted plan identifies semi's entering via Meyers Lane from Gilbert and all other delivery vehicles entering from Sturt St. I presume it's because a semi would need to reverse around the corner on Sturt St to be able to back into the loading dock. From Meyers Lane they can pull straight through, then reverse into the loading dock.
phenom wrote:I would say these revised planning rules will significantly reduce the areas of the city where you can have a 'quiet suburban' feel whilst still being in the CBD.
I'm not after a "quiet suburban" feel. I hate the Burbs, that's why I've chosen to live in the CBD for the past 18 years. I'm all for vibrancy in the CDB (except for Clipsal 500
). My concern is that the overshadowing negates all the good design that specifically built into my house. I'd say my house is a fair bit higher that 5 Green stars with all the energy reducing features and water conservation features. The State Government just announced that electricity is going up 18%, couple that with A) the reduced energy I will receive from access to the sun and B) the flip side of needing to increase energy usage at the same time, and I'm not a happy camper.
Considering I only finished this build about 3 years ago, changing the planning laws so dramatically in such a short space of time is pretty crapy.
The State Government's own planning department recently said people need a level of certainty in the planning system to be able to adequately get on with their lives.
Anyone want to buy a lovely 3 bedroom townhouse
. What, you don't want to live next to such a big block of apartments