It is sad that you have only focussed on the negatives, as well as some bizarre examples I do not recognise (i.e. where is this proposed freeway that could not be built because of public opposition?)claybro wrote:If only Adelaide had the same progressive mentality. Not to say Melbourne is not without some big problems, but I think it is entirely possible for a city of 1.2mil like Adelaide to have the same go ahead attitude of the 4mil city like Melbourne.Airport too far away/ too busy...lets just build a new one...Road too busy...lets just tunnel under the city and charge poeple to use it. Unfortunately for some reason we in Adelaide do not. Always the perennial problem of not enough money(or too lazy to find it). And the conservative voice here... You wanna build a tram line?.... but that might mean I cant park my car in King William street and walk to Rundle Mall...wanna build a freeway...OMG my morris minor does not go that fast....New fangled electric trains...well folks, one at a time please, otherwise it might bankrupt us all, and for that we have to close the whole system down for 6 months, just for safety mind you, because we dont know how to put electric in... Wanna build a grandstand in the park, oh heavens no, that might attract the wrong types to our park lands, anyway the park is for the rich folk in Rose Park,so lets squash it and spend 6 months putting up and pulling down a stand anyway, so hopefully they will get sick of it and move that horrid race to Elizabeth.The racecourse that was there....well we dont want horses either, or people, just lots of trees, only Eucalypt mind you , let the European trees die through lack of water, but make sure we but in irrigation for the eucalypts so they dont die.. A 50 storey building in the CBD....?, well planes might crach into it and residents in North Adelaide might see it, and it might cast a shadow over Burnside. Think I need to move to Melbourne...or Perth...or Brisbane...or Hobart...
Crazy man has left the building!
You seem to forget that despite the negativity, we managed to extend the tramline, get the Adelaide Oval redevelopment underway, build the new RAH, allow holiday trading in the CBD, remove height restrictions....
I dare you to state a city where every development proposed faces absolutely no opposition and gets built.