Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#31 Post by rev » Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:32 pm

downtown wrote:Wouldnt take much to raise Hobart tourism by 15%. perhaps Lonely Planet are in the business of charity, perhaps they're in the business of advertising.
Remember the state government paid that English barmy army trumpet player to wear an Adelaide T-shirt and be a tourism mascot for the Ashes series.

News Ltd are in the business of advertising, who knows with Lonely Planet, their record isnt squeaky clean. Like I said, take both with a pinch of salt, they're not umpires of destinations.

you seem like a friendly bunch. Dont know if i'll stay here long.


I think you're a little confused. Nobody here is jumping up and down with over the top joy, celebrating.
A good news, feel good article about the place was posted. Is that a bad thing? Did we do bad? Did we not live up to your expectations?
What should we do, ignore the good, and focus on the bad?
Is that how we are going to be the best at what we can do and with what we've got? Is that how you see Adelaide and South Australia moving forward?

Lonely Planet may not have the final say for where you go on holiday, but it is the largest travel publication in the world.
The fact that they, along with the New York magazine have recognized the positives about Adelaide and South Australia and thought enough of the good things to publish articles/etc about it, is a pretty big deal. Lonely Planet reaches the whole planet, New York Magazine half a million New Yorkers.

Lonely Planet might have been founded in Australia, but it's a global publication these days. A controlling stake is owned by BBC. Therefore your claim that it is biased, and implied assumption that Adelaide is not deserving of being in the top 10, is nonsense. If it was biased, we'd be a regular feature along with most other places in Australia. But we aren't.

Just accept some good, feel good news for what it is, good, feel good news. And be happy that Adelaide is getting global recognition for what it has.
Last edited by rev on Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#32 Post by Will » Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:36 pm

downtown wrote:hello chaps,

A little perspective... Lonely Planet was founded and is based in Australia so I'm not so sure we can call it unbiased. Of course its biased, nearly everything is in some manner.
Furthermore, they've made a splash this year, at least in Australia for including Adelaide in the top 10 list for giggles. Well a little controversy never hurt any publicity stunt for a new edition of a book probably coming out by Christmas.

As for the vitriol leveled at the journalist, that's a little over the top isn't it? Again the article was a cynical bit of link bait and it worked a treat. Have a sense of humour instead of behaving like the backwoodsmen from deliverance and interstaters might start looking at South Australians in a different light. Yes i'm one of them and i live here and i'm not an employee of news ltd before you start down that road. Most of the things in that article seemed fairly accurate to me as I've also lived here most of my life, which is why it was somewhat funny, however obviously it was biased not to highlight the positive aspects of the city of Adelaide.

Adelaide will arrive as a city of note someday, once the locals stop getting up in arms about a little criticism or joking, once the locals stop getting so worked up about what others with different perspectives think.

Bottom line is, why should anyone care about Lonely Planet or News Ltd? there really is no sense in getting your tiaras in a twist. take the good with the bad, but take both with a pinch of salt because they mean nothing in the washup.

cheers :cheers:
I somehow doubt would have published a 'piss take' on Sydney or Melbourne if they had been on the list.

That is why we're upset.

Why should we accept such vitriol?

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#33 Post by downtown » Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:48 pm

article didnt seem vitriolic to me. just humorous.
the response has been vitriolic and i'd advise against validating such stereotypes by behaving like angry townsfolk. thats why Adelaide is joked about in Australia, because the perception exists that the locals have no sense of humour and are a bit simple.

rise above it and ignore it. by reacting you're just giving news ltd more hits on their site. => helping them charge more for advertising

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#34 Post by rev » Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:16 pm

downtown wrote:article didnt seem vitriolic to me. just humorous.
the response has been vitriolic and i'd advise against validating such stereotypes by behaving like angry townsfolk. thats why Adelaide is joked about in Australia, because the perception exists that the locals have no sense of humour and are a bit simple.

rise above it and ignore it. by reacting you're just giving news ltd more hits on their site. => helping them charge more for advertising
Again I ask you where is the joke, the funny side, to that garbage article?
Please enlighten the rest of us who don't find it funny, and are quite tired of reading the same old stereotypes being used for the last 20+ years.

Jokes about other cities and their inhabitants are common. Now this may come as a huge shock to you, but Melbournians "hate" Sydneysiders are vice versa.
The "hate", and jealousy is not just directed at Adelaide, but between other cities as well.

It's called inter-state rivalries.

Do you think if a Melbourne based journo posted an article like that, about Sydney, or Brisbane, that the reactions would be any different?
The reactions in those cities would probably see their media getting involved too.

Why should we sit back and take another hit? Why shouldn't we put up a fight?
The Southern Expressway duplication is almost completed..I doubt that hack for a journalist even knows about that. Considering the power the media has in shaping peoples opinions and views, why should we sit back and not answer our critics? Even if after they piss everyone off, try and claim the "it was a joke" defense?

You want perceptions of Adelaide to change or not?
How will it change if we keep seeing that sort of garbage in the media? And leave it unanswered?
Answering it doesn't have to be direct, it can be indirectly. A perfect answer is Lonely Planet listing Adelaide as a top 10 destination for 2014. Another answer is the New York Mag giving Adelaide as an alternative destination to Sydney.

At the end of the day, no matter what you(or that dick head journalist) say or what excuses you come up with(it's a joke blah blah blah), the fact is that wanker wrote that garbage because of his outdated perceptions of Adelaide.

For all the bashing of Adelaide that wankers like him do, about how Adelaide is behind the times, he sure does expose him self for being behind the times.

What's even more pathetic is that these supposedly "better class" of Australian's then us poor Adelaidian folk, actually have nothing better to write about then how shit Adelaide is. And why? Because Adelaide was judged as a top destination for tourists.
That says a lot about the sort of person that that wanker is.

The fact you can't even pick up on that, and instead choose to bitch about how we've supposedly reacted, says a lot about you to.

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#35 Post by downtown » Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:22 pm

I laughed a couple of times reading it. The endless grass scenery in the bike race was funny because its true. Obviously you dont share my sense of humor, That's too bad.

I really don't care to get angry to be honest, I'm more irritated by Adelaide people spitting fire every time someone makes a joke about the place. That's more the problem for interstate perceptions than anything else.

are all new members treated like this? :?

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#36 Post by rev » Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:36 pm

Obviously I, and most others in here don't seem to share your sense of humor.

Frankly the same tired old stereotypes that have been lobbed our way for decades now from the eastern states are tasteless and boring.
I'm not "angry" at anything. I guess you could say I'm frustrated, annoyed even, that the same nonsense is again repeated. It was being said when I was a kid, decades later, it's still being said.
If those who waste their time repeating that garbage bothered to get off their asses and visit Adelaide/SA, they might see how out of touch they are.
And rather then relying on old stereotypes which aren't applicable anymore, should probably try traveling around their own country before spewing crap about any part of the country that is more then four suburbs away from them.

And I'm not some bloke who sits there yelling how great Adelaide is. Adelaide is a great place, but I also think it needs more. A lot more.
More happening all year round. I routinely say so.
But even I can see that Adelaide is changing for the better.

While we can all see the negatives of our own city and state, doesn't mean we should accept shit balls being lobbed our way from morons interstate who have(probably) never been here or stayed here for an extended period, but who instead rely on old outdated stereotypes to bash our city in the national media.

The rodent who wrote the article is a wanker and a coward who hides behind weak excuses like "it's a joke"..
the only joke I see is that news ltd is actually still considered a serious source of news in this country, and not tabloid toilet paper that it is.

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#37 Post by Nathan » Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:50 pm

rev wrote:The rodent who wrote the article is a wanker and a coward who hides behind weak excuses like "it's a joke"..
the only joke I see is that news ltd is actually still considered a serious source of news in this country, and not tabloid toilet paper that it is.
This is getting closer to the problem. Anthony Sharwood makes a habit of writing sarcastic, border-line trolling articles. He used to be confined to the blog like pages of 'The Punch', but ever since that shut down, he's ended up posting the same rubbish under the guise of "opinion" to the proper mastheads. That kind of writing has it's place on certain sites, but what we should be asking is whether our main newspapers should be trying to emulate BuzzFeed.

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#38 Post by downtown » Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:25 pm

rev wrote:Obviously I, and most others in here don't seem to share your sense of humor.
no tolerance for diversity. that sounds like a you problem.

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#39 Post by monotonehell » Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:26 pm

downtown wrote:I laughed a couple of times reading it. The endless grass scenery in the bike race was funny because its true. Obviously you dont share my sense of humor, That's too bad.

I really don't care to get angry to be honest, I'm more irritated by Adelaide people spitting fire every time someone makes a joke about the place. That's more the problem for interstate perceptions than anything else.

are all new members treated like this? :?
Hey Downtown, welcome to the forum.

You can't relay blame a few frustrated people using you as an outlet for their frustration. We get two glowing articles in a couple of days, from Lonely Planet and the New Yorker. That gave people a bit of pride. And then the insecure rant in the News Limited media, using the same tired put downs we've been hearing for decades from people who haven't even visited Adelaide, appears. People don't have anyone to complain to, except that you come in and defend it somewhat. Guess what, you're now the only target for that frustration. Just bad timing. ;)

Oh well. We will all get over it. Do stay, we are a friendly bunch, even if we do argue with each other from time to time.
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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#40 Post by Matt » Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:51 pm

Dull article - same 20 year old stereotypes and lazy Adelaide bashing we've heard a zillion times before.

Any joke that's repeated ad nauseum gets tired and this one's been done to death.

If it was legitimately funny, more people would see the funny side, but we've heard it all before and, while perhaps accurate a few years ago, I think Adelaide's risen above that sort of shite.

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#41 Post by crawf » Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:37 am

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I find it interesting that there has been no mention from over the border in Victoria, which has criticized Adelaide in past for being a 'backwater' and should be shut down. Plus there has been no mention from the other cities, just this ill-informed ancient rubbish from this Sydney journalist. Living in a city that has stumbled in recent times and will most likely be dropped to the second city title in the future.

Maybe I'm wrong but if this was posted in the past, I think there would of been more backlash especially from the two biggest cities. So in my eyes that already show that Adelaide's reputation is already improving.

There is no doubt next year will be the start of an exciting new chapter for tourism in Adelaide. The on-going riverbank development, future casino expansion, Victoria Square, Rundle Mall, increasing number of small bars, emerging laneway culture, food trucks aswell as the existing attractions like North Terrace, Glenelg, Port Adelaide etc and nearby regions. Brand 'Adelaide' could be a very successful brand in the future.

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#42 Post by Vee » Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:22 am

crawf wrote: Brand 'Adelaide' could be a very successful brand in the future.
Good comments, Crawf.
And doesn't it look good to be in the top ten cities to visit in 2014?
Definite sense of city/state pride detected on social media in the wake of the Lonely Planet gong.

Good timing!
And Adelaide gets set for November.... ... vents.html?

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#43 Post by Maximus » Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:11 am

downtown wrote:I really don't care to get angry to be honest, I'm more irritated by Adelaide people spitting fire every time someone makes a joke about the place. That's more the problem for interstate perceptions than anything else.
downtown wrote:Adelaide will arrive as a city of note someday, once the locals stop getting up in arms about a little criticism or joking, once the locals stop getting so worked up about what others with different perspectives think.

Bottom line is, why should anyone care about Lonely Planet or News Ltd? there really is no sense in getting your tiaras in a twist. take the good with the bad, but take both with a pinch of salt because they mean nothing in the washup.
The other problem with your argument is that it doesn't entirely make sense. The journalist reacted first, not us. He clearly has a problem with the fact that Adelaide was rated more visit-worthy than Sydney. By your own logic, we could easily just replace a couple of your words and come up with the following:

"I really don't care to get angry to be honest, I'm more irritated by Sydney journalists spitting fire every time someone doesn't love the place. That's more the problem for interstate perceptions than anything else."


"Sydney will arrive as a city of note someday, once the locals stop getting up in arms about a Lonely Planet articles, once the locals stop getting so worked up about what others with different perspectives think. Bottom line is, why should anyone care about Lonely Planet? there really is no sense in getting your tiaras in a twist."

If we have our tiaras in a twist, then by your own logic so too does the journalist. :wink:
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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#44 Post by metro » Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:19 pm

crawf wrote:There is no doubt next year will be the start of an exciting new chapter for tourism in Adelaide. The on-going riverbank development, future casino expansion, Victoria Square, Rundle Mall, increasing number of small bars, emerging laneway culture, food trucks aswell as the existing attractions like North Terrace, Glenelg, Port Adelaide etc and nearby regions. Brand 'Adelaide' could be a very successful brand in the future.
With a state election and the SA Liberals expected to win, and the Adelaide Council elections where I think Yarwood will struggle to win a 2nd term, 2014 could be the year Adelaide starts to go backwards again. :roll:

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Re: Adelaide in Lonely Planet's Top 10 for 2014

#45 Post by [Shuz] » Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:15 pm

Whatever on earth possibly makes you think Yarwood will struggle to get a second term? He's by far the most popular and successful Lord Mayor Adelaide has had in living memory!
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