Beer Garden
Re: Beer Garden
What exactly is an"everyday Australian"? Is it a white Christian or one who lives in and loves this country, no matter what race or religion they are?
Re: Beer Garden
What an absolute load of bollocks.rev wrote: It's as ridiculous as the councils tree in Vic square saying happy christmas, instead of merry christmas. Pretty soon it'll just say happy holidays. You know, so we don't offend certain groups whose belief it is that their new adopted country should change to suit them, whom the left wing bastards in this country all pander too, and unfortunately suck in everyday ordinary Australian's into their politically correct nonsense.
Re: Beer Garden
Great argument there buddy.Matt wrote: What an absolute load of bollocks.

lol wow. I wonder how much of your pantry is halal certified.Nathan wrote: Oh yes, it's all about being politically correct. Despite us having the largest Christmas pageant of its kind. *rolleyes*
Here's a news flash. There's no war on Christmas from the "left". A message saying happy instead of merry is not the result of some big agenda, and there are no examples of immigrants protesting such festivals and demanding people pander to their beliefs - it's a made up red herring.
Keep supporting the jihad mate. Can't be politically incorrect now can we.
Didn't know that, thanks for the insight.monotonehell wrote: Rev, you're jumping at shadows. "Happy Christmas" is more common in England and Ireland. "Merry Christmas" was more common in Old English, but was revived by Charles Dickens (A Christmas Carol). "Happy Christmas" was popularised during the Victorian Era, due to the desire of tea-totalers to remove what they perceived as the less sober "merry" from Christmas.
So "Happy CHristmas" was a war on drunkenness, not a war on Christmas. And most certainly is not a war on anything now.
Perhaps I was jumping at shadows over the tree, but overall I don't think so.
This lone wolf stuff and halal crap is just the beginning of the storm that's coming.
- Nathan
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Re: Beer Garden
I have no idea how much in my pantry is halal certified, nor do I really care. I don't know how much is kosher either. And if you really think a food certification scheme is how terrorist organisations are funded (think about how much money they would need, and how much the certification would raise), then I'm afraid there's little chance of reasoning with you.
What I can attempt to reason with though is that there is zero connection between halal certification products, and Christmas trees that say "happy Christmas". None.
What I can attempt to reason with though is that there is zero connection between halal certification products, and Christmas trees that say "happy Christmas". None.
Re: Beer Garden
Typical tactic of left wing indoctrinated people.Nathan wrote: What I can attempt to reason with though is that there is zero connection between halal certification products, and Christmas trees that say "happy Christmas". None.
Making pure bullshit up.
Feel free to quote my posts and show evidence of where I said there's a connection.
My other reply was going to be a long winded one pointing out your ignorance and plain old naivety. Sadly a lot of westerners suffer from this, because they've lived in peace their whole lives(and the generations before them) at home, and have a left wing education system that indoctrinates them.Nathan wrote:I have no idea how much in my pantry is halal certified, nor do I really care. I don't know how much is kosher either. And if you really think a food certification scheme is how terrorist organisations are funded (think about how much money they would need, and how much the certification would raise), then I'm afraid there's little chance of reasoning with you.
You obviously buy halal products. Do you have any idea how much money they are making from halal certification?
It's a tax essentially.
And you, as a none muslim, are paying a tax, for their products. Think about that for a moment. This has been brought in sneakily and under the radar. You are now paying a religious tax, and you don't even belong to that religion(I assume).
The Halal certification industry globally is estimated to be worth about $700 billion annually now. And that's from a Monash University report into the Halal industry.
But the Malaysian Halal authority has estimated the revenue collected from global halal certification is something like $2.8 TRILLION.
Do you buy Cadbury chocolates by the way? Because if you do you are supporting Halal funded global terrorism.
How about Kraft products?
How about Balfours and Four'n'Twenty?
You obviously have no idea how far reaching halal is. That's your level of ignorance and plain old stupidity really.
Why should our farmers pay a halal tax for everything to do with raising their cattle and herds, even for halal certified trucks to transport the animals?
Even the abattoirs are paying a halal tax.
If you don't see a problem with a religious tax being imposed on OUR WAY OF LIFE, then there's something severely wrong with you.
You do realize don't you, that the fees paid for halal, are part of those products being certified as halal?
Are you even aware halal goes beyond food products?
You cant reason with me? Maybe the problem is you've already buried your head in the sand and refuse to pull it out.
Here's a question for you.
I'm not a muslim. Why the hell should I pay a tax for Islam?
I don't pay a tax to be Christian. Other's don't pay a tax to be Hindus. Other's don't pay a tax to be Budhist. Others don't pay a tax to be Athiests.
But we should all now pay special taxes on products and services for Islam, because it's part of Islamic law? Sorry, I thought I lived in Australia, not Saudi Arabia. ... syria/4062SHOCKING PROOF HALAL FEES GO TO SYRIA
2 months ago
Halal money from Australian mosques and Islamic State Councils is being laundered through a charity called Al Imdaad, and it is finding its way to the Syrian conflict.
It’s a safe bet to assume Australian Muslims are not assisting the Kurdish Peshmergas or the Yazidis, but instead elements of the murderous Islamic State. has been told this charity is nothing more than a front to disguise where large sums of money, collected from the halal certification scam and receipts from major drug sydicates, finish up.
This so-called “charity” presents itself as a caring donor distributing funds to causes like South African Ebola victims, but nothing could be further from the truth.
In a recent interview, a Muslim cleric flatly refused to say where these large sums of money raised from halal certification fees go to, and it seems for good reason.
“It is an affront to ask such a question” he said, “you don’t ask where money raised in Catholic Churches goes to.”
Dr Rateb Jneid, President of the WA Islamic Council, in his 2013 annual report, admits moneys had indeed been sent to Syria from WA, using the sham “charity” Al Imdaad (see following).
Further investigations have revealed that the WA Islamic Council is only one of many Islamic organisations across Australia, including mosques, that are funnelling money via this sham "charity" front, to terrorist groups in Raqqa in Syria and Mosul in Iraq.
Now, Dr Rateb Jneid (many of these Muslims leaders falsely call themselves doctors) is the same bloke claimed was the kingpin when Police cracked a major methylamphetamine trafficking syndicate after a four-month probe netted more than $8 million worth of the drug, $380,000 in cash and a number of unlicensed firearms.
The Jneid brothers, Rateb, Ziad and Rabih have long been persons of interest for WA Police in continuing enquiries that have resulted in a number of raids. (Brother Ziad pictured)
Detectives from the WA Organised Crime Squad led the latest protracted sting with a series of raids on properties in Kewdale, Munster and Bibra Lake.
Liam Ducey of WA said five men and a woman had been charged, including the President of the WA Islamic Council, Dr Rateb Jneid.
On-line Perth News Now, reported Rateb was fined after he pled guilty to firearm charges. The brothers are still awaiting trial on the drug trafficking charges.
Incredibly the ABC, despite a comprehensive Police report, managed to cover the entire news item without once mentioning an Islamic connection or that one of those charged was the President of the WA Islamic Council. That’s our ABC I guess.
Now here’s the interesting bit. Prior to the arrests in May this year, the 2013 annual report of the Islamic Council of WA, signed by Dr Rateb Jneib, stated that:
“Our Halal subcommittee now is functional and income starts coming Alhamdulillah (meaning "all Praise and thanks be to God").
“Our next aim is to expand Halal certification for local and international business insha’Allah (God willing).
“In our Masjid (mosque), many activities were conducted by our resident Imam Hisham Obeid.
“Over the year the Masjid has continued to assist other associations by allowing the facility (halal certification setup) to be used, Alhamdullah.”
Jneib’s annual report continued, “During the year ICWA (the Islamic Council of WA) has made ongoing donations to Syria because of the difficult civil conditions.
"The donations were made through Al Imdaad charity, to ensure that no recriminations could be directed at ICWA.”
Sgd Dr Rateb Jneid
President- Islamic Council of WA
Police say they suspect profits from the drug syndicate were finding their way to Jihadist organisations overseas. I say the suspicion is via the same “charity” front used for halal fees.
I will keep digging.
Are you even aware that these Middle Eastern/Muslim gangs not just in Australia, but around the world, are funneling the proceeds of their drug dealing and other crimes(in western countries nonetheless) to terrorist groups in the Middle East?
Then again you probably didn't even know Australia's biggest mosque issued a fatwa against Christmas.
Before you inevitably label me a racist a bigot or whatever else, I'm not against immigrants of any colour or creed.
I'm the son of immigrants my self.
What I'm against is people coming to this country(or any country) and trying to impose THEIR way of life on the rest of that country.
If they want to live a strictly Islamic way of life, go back to the Middle East and do so.
Greeks, Italians, Chinese, etc didn't come to this country and try and impose their way of life on the rest of Australia.
Australia is a place where you can bring your traditions, bring your religion and keep practicing it here. Like all these groups of people have done.
The difference is none of these groups of people have tried to impose those things on the rest of Australia, like the Islamic groups are trying to do now.
FYI, if you are a Christian, practicing or not but especially if you are, you should have a very very big problem with halal certified foods.
Maybe people like you will wake up when Muslim gangs are exclusively pimping out and sexually abusing underage white non muslim girls like has happened in Europe.
The world is waking up though. Everyone from the UK to Russia to Australia to Canada to the African continent. The same threat is faced by the entire Western world and non-Islamic world.
Keep living in your blissful ignorance Nathan.
But Islamic taxes, Halal, Islamic charities, Islamic schools and mosques, Islamic street gangs and other Islamic organized crime groups in the West, have been linked all over the western world to indoctrination against Jews/Christians/the West, to terrorism and terrorism funding.
Keep your head buried in the sand though.
Re: Beer Garden
Nathan wrote:I have no idea how much in my pantry is halal certified, nor do I really care. I don't know how much is kosher either. And if you really think a food certification scheme is how terrorist organisations are funded (think about how much money they would need, and how much the certification would raise), then I'm afraid there's little chance of reasoning with you.
What I can attempt to reason with though is that there is zero connection between halal certification products, and Christmas trees that say "happy Christmas". None.
Here's more reading for you Nathan.. ... inked-mwl/h1
Pay to play: Saudi Arabia shakes down Denmark for halal fees to terror-linked MWL
August 22, 2013
The Muslim World League is the primary vessel for the dissemination of oppressive Wahhabi doctrine across the world. MWL has also worked with or helped create terrorist organizations such as JMB in Bangladesh. Now it appears that the MWL is the beneficiary of Saudi trade scheme that requires Danish companies to pay for halal certification by the MWL in order to export its products to Saudi Arabia.
This situation is somewhat similar to halal certification fees benefiting the Muslim Brotherhood in France. One difference is that if Saudi Arabia can force exporters to obtain halal certification from MWL chapters worldwide, that could represent a fortune in certifying fees for the MWL.
The news comes from Islam versus Europe, which translated the news from EPN, a webpage of the major Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten:
“The Saudi organization MWL is against freedom of religion, in favor of the death penalty for homosexuals – and get paid to halal approve Danish companies. Great Danish food producers such as Danish Crown, Rose Poultry and Arla are annually forced to pay thousands of dollars into the organization Muslim World League, which advocates oppression of women, the death penalty for homosexuals and the elimination of democracy. This is because Saudi Arabia requires that Danish companies that want to export halal products to the wealthy monarchy have to pay to the Danish branch of the Muslim World League in order to be halal certified.”
It's not hard to dig up information on this subject.
But first one must pull his head out of the sand.
Re: Beer Garden ... in-canada/
HAMAS funder controls Halal certification process in Canada
On April 5, 2012 · In Canada, HALAL, Hamas, Islamic Law, Shariah Law
A division of the Muslim Association of Canada which has provided funding to an entity that collects funds for HAMAS is essentially in charge of Halal certification in Canada.
To declare something “halal” is to declare it permissible under Shariah.
HAMAS is an official terrorist organization according to the US State Department. ... uebec.html
Do you think Australia is immune?
I bet you also once believed Australia was immune from terrorism on our home soil.
Re: Beer Garden
You do know WAMY has an Australian branch as well right?The World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) was co-founded in 1972 by Kamal Helwabi, a former senior member of the EgyptianMuslim Brotherhood, and by Osama bin Laden’s nephew, Abdullah bin Laden (who served as WAMY’s President through 2002 and later its Treasurer). WAMY raises funds for Hamas. In October 2002 made Hamas leader Khaled Mash’al an “honored guest” at a conference held in Riyadh. WAMY also helps finance the Kashmir insurgency against India, characterizing it as a “liberation” movement. WAMY was investigated by the FBI after 9/11, when it was determined that Dr. Al Badr al-Hamzi, whose credit card was found among the possessions of the hijackers, was receiving funding from the organization. The Senate Finance Committee requested that the IRS examine WAMY’s U.S. branch for links to terrorism
Gee, imagine the scandal, the furor if the Red Cross was discovered to be protecting and harboring terrorists and providing them with weapons as well..“The Saudi Red Crescent, for instance, a parallel to the Red Cross in the U.S., maintained passports for al-Qaida operatives to avoid searches and is referred to as an ‘umbrella’ organization by al-Qaida operatives. A message on the letterhead of the Saudi Red Crescent bureau in Peshawar requests that ‘weapons’ be inventoried. The letter contains a note from Osama bin Laden to its then-director stating ‘we have an extreme need for weapons’.
Of course no mention of the Red Crescent's terrorist links in the leftist media in the west..
The Sanabil Association for Relief and Development (Sanabil), based in Sidon, Lebanon, receives large quantities of funds raised by major HAMAS-affiliated charities in Europe and the Middle East and, in turn, provides funding to HAMAS. For example, Sanabil has received funding from the Al Aqsa Foundation (designated as an SDGT under EO 13224 in May 2003); the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (designated as an SDGT under EO 13224 in December 2001), and Interpal (designated as an SDGT under EO 13224 as part of this tranche). HAMAS recruits permanent members from the religious and the poor by extending charity to them from organizations such as Sanabil.
At the request of a HAMAS political leader, Sanabil began opening offices in all of the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon in August of 2001 in order to increase the foundation’s role inside the camps. After starting by providing basic necessities the charity eventually began asking poor families within the camps to fill out application forms, particularly those who had worked with the Islamic Movement (Al-Haraka al-Islamiyya) and HAMAS. As a result of these efforts, Sanabil has increased its scope of influence within the camps.
Interpal, headquartered in the UK, has been a principal charity utilized to hide the flow of money to HAMAS. Reporting indicates it is the conduit through which money flows to HAMAS from other charities, e.g., the Al Aqsa Foundation (designated under EO 13224 on May 29th) and oversees the activities of other charities. For example, the Sanabil Association for Relief and Development (designated as part of this tranche), represents Interpal in Lebanon. Reporting indicates that Interpal is the fundraising coordinator of HAMAS. This role is of the type that includes supervising activities of charities, developing new charities in targeted areas, instructing how funds should be transferred from one charity to another, and even determining public relations policy.
PVOE is controlled by the leader of HAMAS in Austria. The money is targeted to support members of HAMAS and is funneled through other charities in Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza or other areas of the Middle East in order to ensure the transfer of funds is undetected and reaches its intended recipients. PVOE is part of the HAMAS network of charitable organizations that includes the Al Aqsa Foundation.
Keep believing those charities are actually charities.The U.S. Department of the Treasury blocked pending investigation accounts of KindHearts, an NGO operating out of Toledo, Ohio, to ensure the preservation of its assets pending further investigation. “KindHearts is the progeny of Holy Land Foundation and Global Relief Foundation, which attempted to mask their support for terrorism behind the façade of charitable giving,” said Stuart Levey, Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. “By utilizing this specialized designation tool, we’re able to prevent asset flight in support of terrorist activities while we further investigate the activities of KindHearts.”
The mention of Jemaah Islamiyah should raise your eyebrows. But it probably wont.The International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) is a Saudi-funded entity that was created in 1978 through another Saudi-based, self-described charity, the Muslim World League. IIRO’s stated mission is “to provide [medical, educational, and social] assistance to victims of natural disasters and wars all over the world,” focusing largely on Muslim victims. IIRO was part of a Virginia-based terror network, discovered by the United States government to have had connections to al Qaeda, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, andHamas. IIRO is also an “assisting organization” to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, which has numerous ties to terrorist groups. On August 3, 2006, the U.S. Treasury Department designated the Philippine and Indonesian branch offices of IIRO as terrorist entities “for facilitating fundraising for al Qaida and affiliated terrorist groups” as well as the Executive Director of its Eastern Province Branch in Saudi Arabia Abd Al Hamid Sulaiman Al-Mujil, has bankrolled the al Qaida network in Southeast Asia under Executive Order 13224. Al-Mujil was also a major fundraiser for the Abu Sayyaf Group and Jemaah Islamiyah, both of which are affiliated with al Qaeda.
Speaks for it self.The RIHS is a Kuwaiti-based non-governmental organization. In Pakistan and Afghanistan it is affiliated with ASC. The Peshawar, Pakistan office director for RIHS is Abd al-Muhsin Al-Libi, who also serves as the ASC manager in Peshawar. Al-Libi has provided Usama bin Laden and his associates with facilities in Peshawar, and has carried money and messages on behalf of Usama bin Laden. The Pakistan office defrauded RIHS donors to fund terrorism. In order to obtain additional funds from the Kuwait RIHS headquarters, the RIHS office in Pakistan padded the number of orphans it claimed to care for by providing names of orphans that did not exist or who had died. Funds then sent for the purpose of caring for the non-existent or dead orphans were instead diverted to al-Qaida terrorists. There is no evidence at this point that this financing was done with the knowledge of RIHS in Kuwait.
It's a shame the world economy is reliant on Saudi oil and the US "petro"dollar is tied to it, otherwise there'd be a few less compromised politicians in the USofA, and a few more who'd have the balls to stand up to this global threat.Rabita Trust was established in 1988 by the late Pakistani President Zia-ul-Haq and the Muslim World League’s former Secretary-General Dr. Abdullah Omar Naseef. Rabita Trust was scrutinized by the U.S. Senate Finance Committee based on evidence that it knowingly funded terrorist groups. The organization was directed byWael Hamza Jalaidan, an al Qaeda founder and chief of logistics, until the United States and Saudi Arabia closed it down with Pakistani assistance. The US was initially reluctant to add it to lists of terrorist sponsoring charities because Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf was a member of Rabita Trust’s Board of Directors. Under U.S. pressure, Musharraf eventually resigned from the Board, at which point the United States designated Rabita Trust as a “Global Terrorist Entity” and froze its assets on October 12, 2001. ... terrorism/
And there's many more at that link.
It's all just red herrings though isn't it?
When you are ready to pull your head out of the sand Nathan(and others), Google searches await you.
It's not hard to dig up the dirt on these groups and these people. It's freely available on many different sources.
WAMY has an Australian branch, so do many other Islamic terror funders masquerading as charities.
- monotonehell
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Re: Beer Garden
Rev you are part of the problem.
Screaming generalisations about people is the best way to disenfranchise them. Disenfranchised people often seek a banner to stand under. Guess where some of them end up?
Have some people trying to raise funds to support the Syrian conflict. Hell yes. Do ALL Halal certification monies go to Syria. Hell no.
What you are doing is helping the divide and conquer tactics employed by those few who seek to destroy our way of life. You are being a tool of the 'terrorists' - The rabble rousers and trouble makers on all "sides" of this conflict. From those in Government(s) to the dickheads who call themselves the "Australian Defence League."
Take a step back, stop listening to the echo chambers you're obviously reading/speaking with. Look deeper into these issues. There's a LOT of complications, there's a lot of nuances, there's a LOT of misinformation and hyperbole. You simply can't divide the World into Goodies and Baddies. Almost nothing is ever that simple. It's human nature to want to classify things, to try to understand things quickly. But any kind of generalisation or stereotype is plain wrong - there are always exceptions. I don't mean morally wrong, I mean factually wrong. What's more the generalisations you are shouting are about the minority.
And quit throwing around "the left" as a pejorative. That's just another example of divide and conquer bollocks. You, as a self proclaimed Christian, should see a lot of common ground on that side of the political spectrum. If not you're not Christian-ing correctly.
Screaming generalisations about people is the best way to disenfranchise them. Disenfranchised people often seek a banner to stand under. Guess where some of them end up?
Have some people trying to raise funds to support the Syrian conflict. Hell yes. Do ALL Halal certification monies go to Syria. Hell no.
What you are doing is helping the divide and conquer tactics employed by those few who seek to destroy our way of life. You are being a tool of the 'terrorists' - The rabble rousers and trouble makers on all "sides" of this conflict. From those in Government(s) to the dickheads who call themselves the "Australian Defence League."
Take a step back, stop listening to the echo chambers you're obviously reading/speaking with. Look deeper into these issues. There's a LOT of complications, there's a lot of nuances, there's a LOT of misinformation and hyperbole. You simply can't divide the World into Goodies and Baddies. Almost nothing is ever that simple. It's human nature to want to classify things, to try to understand things quickly. But any kind of generalisation or stereotype is plain wrong - there are always exceptions. I don't mean morally wrong, I mean factually wrong. What's more the generalisations you are shouting are about the minority.
And quit throwing around "the left" as a pejorative. That's just another example of divide and conquer bollocks. You, as a self proclaimed Christian, should see a lot of common ground on that side of the political spectrum. If not you're not Christian-ing correctly.

Exit on the right in the direction of travel.
Re: Beer Garden
With all due respect Mono, read my posts.monotonehell wrote:Rev you are part of the problem.
Screaming generalisations about people is the best way to disenfranchise them. Disenfranchised people often seek a banner to stand under. Guess where some of them end up?
Have some people trying to raise funds to support the Syrian conflict. Hell yes. Do ALL Halal certification monies go to Syria. Hell no.
What you are doing is helping the divide and conquer tactics employed by those few who seek to destroy our way of life. You are being a tool of the 'terrorists' - The rabble rousers and trouble makers on all "sides" of this conflict. From those in Government(s) to the dickheads who call themselves the "Australian Defence League."
Take a step back, stop listening to the echo chambers you're obviously reading/speaking with. Look deeper into these issues. There's a LOT of complications, there's a lot of nuances, there's a LOT of misinformation and hyperbole. You simply can't divide the World into Goodies and Baddies. Almost nothing is ever that simple. It's human nature to want to classify things, to try to understand things quickly. But any kind of generalisation or stereotype is plain wrong - there are always exceptions. I don't mean morally wrong, I mean factually wrong. What's more the generalisations you are shouting are about the minority.
And quit throwing around "the left" as a pejorative. That's just another example of divide and conquer bollocks. You, as a self proclaimed Christian, should see a lot of common ground on that side of the political spectrum. If not you're not Christian-ing correctly.
I'm not rallying against Muslims in general nor generalizing them. I'm talking about halal certification proceeds and some islamic charities and groups.
I'd point out that the Saudis are the biggest terrorist financiers on the planet, but it'd fall on sand filled ears.
I don't care for the ADL nor bother reading anything they've got to say. Haven't even looked them up before.
Yes I can simply divide the world into goodies and baddies. WatchYou simply can't divide the World into Goodies and Baddies. Almost nothing is ever that simple

Bad = people who intentionally fund terrorism, often by deceiving donors.
Good = those who don't, those who try and stop it(ie lea)
The not so simple part is those who've been deceived by the so called charity.
What better way to deceive people into handing over money, then to play on their emotions and morals?
It's a lot bigger then some people trying to raise funds for the Syrian conflict. Those individuals are a focus now because Australian citizens have been flying off to Syria to fight with ISIS and other groups, and some have returned home.
It's small fry compared to the international groups and organizations with branches in Australia.
I already highlighted at least one which is known for it's links to terrorism.
And the worrying part is it's a youth organization. What were the ages of some of these people running off to Syria to join ISIS again?
Too bad my christian forefathers used armed force to fight off and later rid their homes of the scourge of Islam.And quit throwing around "the left" as a pejorative. That's just another example of divide and conquer bollocks. You, as a self proclaimed Christian, should see a lot of common ground on that side of the political spectrum. If not you're not Christian-ing correctly.
These groups and organizations that I'm highlighting as a problem, have the same beliefs and views as those before them hundreds of years ago.
Just imagine if Western Christianity was stuck in the middle ages like these people are.
Re: Beer Garden
Mono I want to know where the misinformation is here about Halal..
Notice how it says that not all products display the halal cert. symbol. Why not?
Like I said, it's being done sneakily and has been brought in under the radar. All the anger is now happening AFTER the fact.
The fight now is to STOP this bullshit from happening further.
And it is bullshit.
Because I'm an Australia, not a god damn Saudi Arabian.
I'm a Christian(or some of you may be athiests or budhists or whatever), not Muslims.
We do not adhere to Islam or it's laws. Why should we pay it's taxes?
If Muslims in Australia want halal foods, by all means, import them from the Middle East, or grow/raise/make your own.
Do the products sold by Nestle that are halal certified, also come in non-halal form anymore?
I get that these multi-national companies also have a presence in the middle east, were halal certified products are necessary because that's THEIR WAY OF LIFE OVER THERE. And I get that to save money and make more profits these multi-national companies would rather just make one set of products.
But unless people start making noise and saying no, then it will only get worse.
Now maybe you don't have a problem paying a damn Islamic tax on things you buy, but I sure as hell do have a problem with it.
Has Australia been invaded by an Islamic army and a Caliphate been established without anybody noticing?
If so I'll pack my bags and go live in a country where freedom and democracy are still in place.
Notice how it says that not all products display the halal cert. symbol. Why not?
Like I said, it's being done sneakily and has been brought in under the radar. All the anger is now happening AFTER the fact.
The fight now is to STOP this bullshit from happening further.
And it is bullshit.
Because I'm an Australia, not a god damn Saudi Arabian.
I'm a Christian(or some of you may be athiests or budhists or whatever), not Muslims.
We do not adhere to Islam or it's laws. Why should we pay it's taxes?
If Muslims in Australia want halal foods, by all means, import them from the Middle East, or grow/raise/make your own.
Do the products sold by Nestle that are halal certified, also come in non-halal form anymore?
I get that these multi-national companies also have a presence in the middle east, were halal certified products are necessary because that's THEIR WAY OF LIFE OVER THERE. And I get that to save money and make more profits these multi-national companies would rather just make one set of products.
But unless people start making noise and saying no, then it will only get worse.
Now maybe you don't have a problem paying a damn Islamic tax on things you buy, but I sure as hell do have a problem with it.
Has Australia been invaded by an Islamic army and a Caliphate been established without anybody noticing?
If so I'll pack my bags and go live in a country where freedom and democracy are still in place.
Products That Are Halal Certified
The halal certified list contains products that have undergone the halal certification process.
These products do not necessarily display a certifying symbol however their status has been verified by one of our researchers. The certification status of these products has the potential to change without notice as certification may expire without our knowledge. We will endeavour to keep this list accurate to the best of our ability.
Column A to F
Abbotts Village Bakery
Adelaide Poultry
Alba Edible Oils
We have found that Aldi regularly changes suppliers so many products may be Halal Certified but not necessarily marked on the packaging.
For a complete list, please click here.
Alfa One
Rice Bran Oil
All Bran (Kellogg's)
All-Bran Original, All-Bran Wheat Flakes Honey Almond, All-Bran Wheat Flakes Original
All Natural Bakery
Oat Slice and Oat Slice with Yoghurt
Allowrie Butter
Alpen Blend (Nestlé)
Chocolates and Snack Bars
Ardmona (see SPC)
Asian Foods Australia
Many of their suppliers are halal certified but they would not name which ones.
Asian Home Gourmet
Aromatic Grill Spice Paste 50g, Biryani Spice Paste 50g, Cantonese Fried Rice Spice Paste 50g, Chicken Curry Spice Paste 50g . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Austral Pacific Exports
Baby Mum-Mum
Rice Rusks
Baiada Poultry
Including Lilydale Free Range Chickens
Bagel House
To view the halal certification status of each individual item, please click here.
Bakers Biscuits
Bakers Life
Bread, Crumpets, Pikelets, English Muffins, Lebanese Bread, Pita Bread
Bakers Maison
Baking Cocoa (Nestlé)
Ballantyne Butter Products
Baumann's Biscuits
Bayview Seafoods
Be Natural
Macadamia Honey, Almond and Apricot, Almond and Apricot Yoghurt Coated, Fruit and Nut, Fruit and Nut Yoghurt Coated . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Bear Brand (Nestlé)
Evaporated Milk
Bega Cheese
Bellamy's Organic
Ben & Jerry's
Ice Cream
Ben Furney
Other products that the company is unwilling to disclose at present. Check the labels, contact them to ask why. [email protected]
Best Buy
Fruit Easter Buns, Bread Range, Crumpets, English Muffins, White Milk
Big Olive, The
Black and Gold
Easter Buns
Black Swan Dips
Cholesterol Health, Cod Liver Oil 1000mg, Cold Combat, CoQ10 75mg, Evening Primrose Oil, Evening Primrose Oil + Fish Oil . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Bob & Pete's
Boss Hog
Rolls, Bread
Milk (Regular, Hilo, Skim, Premium Cafe 2L), Sour Light Cream, Thickened Cream, Whipping Cream
Bounty (Mars)
Burger King
Damper Roll
Burgerman (The Real McCoy)
Burgen Bread
Crumpets, Pikelets
Boost, Boost Totally Nuts, Crunchie, Flake, Flake Luxury, Snowflake, Moro Gold, Moro Gold Totally Nuts, Picnic, Time Out, Twirl . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Cape Grim Water Company, The
Still Pure Water, Sparkling Pure Water
Capilano Honey
Carmens Museli Bars
Some are but we are waiting for the list of specific items.
Carnation (Nestlé)
Evaporated Milk
Castlemaine Dips
Castricum Brothers
They supply meat to restaurants in Victoria and interstate.
Caterer's Choice
Cream, Sour Cream
Cavos Products
Pita Bread
Cenovis Vitamin D
Optimum only.
Cheese & Chives Potato Chips (The Real McCoy)
Cheesecake Shop, The
Not all stores are halal certified. To find out which stores are certified please check their website.
Enquire by clicking here.
Cheester Cheese Rings (The Real McCoy)
Chefri Solid Oil
Chicken Treat
Bread, Rolls
Chop Chop!
Chris' Dips
Chuppa Chups
Clear Wrap
Bread, Rolls, English Muffins, Greek Dipping Bread, Lebanese, Yiros
Iron Liquid, Tonic Liquid
Club Chocolate (Nestlé)
Tasty Cheese, Vintage Cheese
Coco Pops, Coco Pops Chex (Kellogg's)
Coffex Coffee
Coles Bakery
Hot Cross Buns, Crumpets, Pikelets, English Muffins, Turkish Bread
White Milk, Sour Cream
Fresh Confidence Toothpaste
Coon and Cracker Barrel
They are currently reconsidering because of consumer lobbying.
Copperpot Dips
Cordina Farms Chickens
Supply to Coles, Foodworks, Spa, IGA, Woolworths, Superbarn, Bi Lo and Foodland.
Corn Flakes (Kellogg's)
Corn Flakes (Sanitarium)
White Milk
Balsamic Vinegar, Malt Vinegar
Country Fresh Australia
Goat, Lamb, Mutton
Country Gold Butter Blend
CRF Group
Lamb and Mutton
Crisco Canola
Liquid Gold, Sunola, Endura, Sunflower
Crispix (Kellogg's)
Crunch Chocolate (Nestlé)
Crunchy Nut (Kellogg's)
Cornflakes and Clusters
Curry Masters
Dairy Bell
Ice Cream: Vanilla, Neapolitan, Banana Split, Chocolate, Strawberry and Nuts About Chocolate
Dairy Farmers
Dairy Whip
Quote from a rep: "I can advise that we do not disclose all the products we pay for Halal certification, but may advise Halal approval on a particular product that is of interest to you."
Dinkum Dogs
Hot Dog Rolls
Dove Chocolate (Mars)
Easter Buns, Bread Range, Lebanese Bread
Duc d'O
Les Manons, Mini d'O, Sea Shells, Truffles Dark Chocolate, Truffles Milk Chocolate, Truffles Milk Chocolate Crunchy Biscuit . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Ducks Nuts
Easiyo Yoghurt
Eclipse Mints
Black Chill, Cinnamon, Orange, Peppermint, Spearmint
Emu Bottom Biscuits
Horseradish, Herrings
Celsetial Oil, Mayonnaise, Cotton Seed Oil, Barbeque Sauce, Melfry Shortening, Salfry Oil.
Euky Bear
Eucalyptus Rub, Eucalyptus Oil, Inhalant, Rub
Extra (Wrigleys)
Blueberry, Freedent, Spearmint, Strawberry (tab only), Tropical, White, Professional Mints - Forest Berries, Peppermint
Family Choice
Noodle Bowls, Rice Crackers, Square Rice Crackers.
Farmhouse Gold
Ferguson Valley Country Chicken
Ferndale Confectionary
Sugar-free Kopiko® coffee drops
FGB Natural Products
Bosisto's, Clements, Euky Bear, Hypol
Fine Brand (Southern Meats)
Cobalt (peppermint), Electro (spearmint), Pulse (tropical fruit), Tempest (watermelon), Zing (bubblegum)
Flavour Creations
Protein Supplements, Energy Supplements, Ready to Drink, Desserts, Formulated Meal Replacements
Light and ultra light may contain halal gelatine.
Floridia Cheese
Food for Health
Food Land
Easter Buns, Bread Range
Food Works
Four'N Twenty
Halal Pies, Halal King Size Sausage Rolls
The company states that these products are not sold in the major supermarkets but rather in petrol stations and convenience stores.
Chilli Sauce 4L
Franklins No Frills
Easter Buns, Bread, English Muffins, Tasty Cheddar, Reduced Fat Cheddar, Mozzarella (sliced, shredded or block), Sour Cream,
Possibly other products as well that can change from time to time.
Frosties (Kellogg's)
Column G to N
Galaxy Chocolate (Mars)
Biscuit Crumb
George Western Foods
Hot Baked Bread, Mecatherm, Cibatta
Gippsland Dairy
All products
Go Natural
Almond and Cranberry Super Food, Brazil Nut Walnut and Date Super Food, Fruit and Nut Delight, Fruit and Nut Delight with Dark Chocolate Ripple . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Gold Max
Crumpets, Pancakes, Pikelets
Golden Churn Butter
Golden Farms
Gold'n Canola
Good Stuff
Easter Buns, Bread Range, English Muffins
Goodman Fielder
Please check individual brand names.
Goodness Superfoods
Gourmet Chef
Chilli Paste, Minced Garlic, Minced Ginger
Gourmet Garden
Gourmet Nut Co, The
Granola Clusters (Sanitarium)
Berry Delicious, Vanilla & Almond
Grants of Australia
Mouthwash, Toothpaste
Guardian Breakfast Cereal (Kellogg's)
Grinders Coffee
Guylian Chocolates
Halcyon Proteins
Makers of Flavex
Alfa One Bran Oil, All Natural Soups, Yoghurt Mixes
Hardwick's Meat Works
Harris Farm
Harvey Fresh
Lite Milk, Full Cream Milk, Whipping Cream, UHT Long Life Products, Natural Yoghurt, PET Long Life Juices 2L, Freshly Squeezed Juices
Hastings Dairy Co-op
Jam, Honey and Butter, Fruit-based Marmalades, Relishes and Sauces
Helga's Continental Bakehouse
Herbert Adams
Cauliflower and Cheese Savoury Rolls, Cheese and Spinach Savoury Rolls
Hi Top
Hog's Breath
4" Hamburger Rolls
Worcestershire Sauce
Large Round Roll
Bread Range, Milk
Heat and Serve Rolls
Honey Weets (Sanitarium)
Hubba Bubba
Chunk - Seriously Strawberry
Hungry Jacks
Rolls, Pancakes
Hunter Valley Quality Meats
85 Trim, Bolar Blade, Bone in Forequarter Shin, Chuck Steak, Cube Roll, Eye Round, Hind Shin, Knuckle, Oyster Blade, Rump . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Cherry Liquid
Easter Buns, Bread Range, Pikelets, Turkish Bread, Milk
Bread Range
Inghams Chickens
Organic Cosmetics
International Roast (Nestlé)
Ital (Biscuits)
Toscani, Fiorentini, Europeans
Jalna Yoghurt
JBS Meats Australia
Skin Care, Dietary Supplements
Johnson & Johnson
Baby Shampoo
Jumpy's (The Real McCoy)
BBQ Supreme, Cheese Sensation, Cheese & Chives, Salted
Just Right (Kellogg's)
All-Bran, All-Bran Wheat Flakes, All-Bran Flakes Honey Almond, Coco Pops, Corn Flakes, Crispix, Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Kettle Chips
Sea Salt, possibly others.
Almond Bread, Almond Bread Gluten Free & Dairy Free, Almond Toffee, Anzac, Butterscotch Portion, Chocolate Chip Bites . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Kilcoy Pastoral Company
King Island Dairy
Kit Kat (Nestlé)
Vegemite, Cheese, Easy Cheese Range
They have other products that are certified but this is not identified on the product labels. They will not release a list of their certified products so you will have to call them about each specific item.
Krispy Kreme
Kurrajong Kitchen
La Ionica
La Zupper Soup
Check the label for the halal certified symbol to know which ones.
Lee Kum Kee
Vegetarian Stir Fry Sauce, Double Deluxe Soy Sauce, Soy Sauce, Premium Soy Sauce, Superior Light Soy Sauce/Soy Sauce . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Fetta Cheese, Haloumi, Paneer, Ricotta, Apricot and Almond, Garlic and Chives, Black Forest Cream Cheese
Lactose Free Cheese, Lactose Free Cream, Lactose Free Milk (variety)
Light'n'Tasty (Sanitarium)
Berry, Apricot
Lilydale Free Range Chickens
Longwarry Food Park
McCoy (The Real McCoy)
Crinkle Peperoni and Cheese Pizza Shop Chips, McCoy Moroccan Spice Slow Cook, McCoy Sweet Chilli and Sour Cream Deli Style Chips, Original Potato Chips
Maffra Cheese Company
Maggi Noodles (Nestlé)
Maggi Sauces (Nestlé)
Maggi Hot Chilli Sauce, Maggi Oyster Sauce, Maggi Fish Sauce, Maggi Sweet Chilli Sauce, Maggi Seasoning
Cheese, Butter Soft, Munchables (without ham), “On the Go”
Maltesers (Mars)
M&M's (Mars)
Mama Lucia Cheese
Manildra Flour Mill
Exact products yet to be confirmed.
Marmite (Sanitarium)
Mars Bar (Mars)
stocks and gravy
Dressings: Balsamic, Caesar, Coleslaw, French, Honey Mustard, Italian, Premium Tartare, Ranch, Thousand Island . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Bread Range, Milk
Meadow Lea
Health Products
Meredith Dairy
Midfield Meat International
246 Lamb, The Midfield Group, Merri Valley Quality Australian Lamb, Southern Grande Beef
Mil Lel
Superior Parmesan, Extra Sharp Parmesan, Romano, Swiss.
Milky Bar Chocolate (Nestlé)
Milky Way (Mars)
Mills and Wares Bakers
Milo (Nestlé)
Mini-Wheats (Kellogg's)
Blackcurrent and 5 Grains
Ministry of Muffins
Wraps and Food
Moe Meat Packers
Morpeth Sourdough
Mountain Fresh Fruit Juices
Mrs McGregors Spread
Murray River Gourmet
Musashi (Nestlé)
Protein Powders, Amino Acids and Supplements
Carnitine Capsules, Creatine Monohydrate Powder, Elevator, Fat Mobiliser + Carnitine Capsules, Fat Mobiliser Capsules . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Naked Bread
Raisin Bread
Naturally Good
Specific items to come.
Natural Sweetener
Nescafé (Nestlé)
Nesquik (Nestlé)
2 Minute Noodles, Alpen Blend, Club, Crunch, International Roast, Kit Kat, Maggi, Milky Bar, Milo, Musashi, Nescafé, Nesquik . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Nevana Fine Pasteries
Radiance Toothpaste, 2nd Chance Shampoo, Ultrashine Radiance Toothpaste
No Frills (Franklins)
Easter Buns, Bread, English Muffins, Tasty Cheddar, Reduced Fat Cheddar, Mozzarella (sliced, shredded or block),
Possibly other products as well that can change from time to time.
Norco Foods Nimbin Cheese
Norgan Vaas/Everest Ice Cream
All products
Nutrigrain (Kellogg's)
Nutriway (Amway)
Column O to Z
Old Colonial Cookie Company, The
Olive Grove
4" Wholemeal Hamburger Rolls
Organic Bubs
Vitamin D supplement
Pacific West
Pampas Pastry
Papa Joe's
Passage to India, Malaysia, China, and Thailand Sauces
Buttermilk, Cream, Sour Cream, Milk, Yoghurt, Weis
All products with gelatine are halal certified.
Peanut Butter (Sanitarium)
Peerless Foods
Brands: Copha, EOI, Fairy, Formula 40, Frytol, Gold Leaf, Kremelta, Miracle, Olive Gold, Pura, Shef, SPD, Sunbeam, Tablelands, Vitalite, Wik
Please contact Peerless Foods to find out which of their products are halal certified. You can use their contact form on their website found here.
Pepe's Ducks
Perfect Italiano Cheeses
Perfect Sweet
Sugar Free Sweetener
Peters (Nestlé)
Ice Cream - Contains halal gelatine.
Pastry, Shortening, etc.
PK (Chewing Gum)
Blue and Mint
Pods (Mars)
Popcorn (The Real McCoy)
Butter Flavoured, Nacho Cheese Flavour
Poppa Brown's Pies
Powerbar (Nestlé)
Protein Plus Chocolate Flavour Powder
Lifestyle and traditional mayonnaise.
Pride Meat
Chicken, Beef, Lamb and Mutton
Professional Whey
AUS Whey Protein Concentrate, Calcium Caseinate, Micellar Casein MPI, NZ Whey Protein Isolate, Select (NZ) Whey Protein Concentrate, USA Whey Protein Isolate
PTL Shortening
Puffed Wheat (Sanitarium)
Pure Oragnic
Purina Fancy Feast: Roasted Selection, Ocean Flavours, Kitten Chicken with Veg Flavour and Gourmet Chicken Platter
Skin and Hair Care Products
Food Colourings and Essences
Rafferty's Garden
Baby Food
Real McCoy, The
Burgerman Original Saucee, Cheesters Cheese Rings, Crinkle Cut Original, Crinkle Cut Salt & Vinegar,Crinkle Cut Smokey BBQ, Jumpy’s . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Red Feather (Ballantyne)
Butter Products
Red Island Australia
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Red Lea
Chicken products
Red Rooster
Restaurant Bread
Bread Range
Rice Bubbles (Kellogg's)
Rinoldi Pasta
Bread Range, Turkish Bread
Riverside All Australian
Saffron Road
San Remo Pasta
Corn Flakes, Granola Clusters, Honey Weets, Light'n'Tasty, Marmite, Peanut Butter, So Good, Up & Go, Vege Delights, Weet-Bix . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Sara Lee
Easter Buns
Saxa Salt
Select Harvest
Almonds,Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Coconut, Hazel Roast Mix, Hazelnut, Hazelnut Praline, Peanut Paste Medium Fried, Peanuts, Peanuts Medium Fried.
Serendipity Ice Cream
Sirena Tuna
Check labels for halal symbols for specific ones.
Fruits and Littles
Smart Buy
Bread Range
Smarter White
Fruit Ice
Snickers (Mars)
So Good (Sanitarium)
Regular, So Good Lite, So Good 99.9% Fat Free, So Good Essential, So Good Bliss Chocolate, So Good Bliss Strawberry . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Soy Life
Soy Yoghurt
SPC (Ardmona)
Apricots, Apple, Beetroot, Plum, Prunes, Fruit Cocktail, Two Fruits, Peaches, Pear, Baked Beans, Spaghetti, Cloudy Pear and Apple Drinks...
For a complete list, please click here.
Special K (Kellogg's)
Advantage, Honey Almond and Forest Berries
Artificial Sweetener
Spud Shed Bread
Bread Range
Stahmann Farms
Steggles Chicken
Includes barter chickens.
Sultana Bran (Kellogg's)
Buds, Crunch, Original
Summertime Chicken
Texas Toast
Sunrice Rice Cakes
All original and savoury flavours.
Sunveg Oil
Sustain (Kellogg's)
Sweet William
Table of Plenty
Teys Australia
Thomas Chipman
Tip Top
Top Hat Fine Foods
Top Taste
Trisco Foods
The big issue here is that Trisco Foods sell their halal certified products to other food producers so that their products then contain halal certified ingredients.
To see their products, please click here.
Tuckers Natural Gourmet Crackers
Twix (Mars)
Up & Go (Sanitarium)
Choc Ice, Vanillla, Strawberry and Banana
Vaalia Yoghurt
Vegemite (Kraft)
Vegge Chips
Vegie Delights (Sanitarium)
Rashers, Deli Slices Smoked, Deli Luncheon Henchen, Deli Luncheon Smoked, Not Burger, Tender Crumbed Schnitzels, Tender Soy Fillets Original...
For a complete list, please click here.
Venom Protein
Whey Protein Powder
Vetta Pasta
Beef Pie, Beef Rendang Pie, Beef and Mushroom Pie, Beef Goulash Pie, Beef Curry Pie, Chicken Pie, Lamb Pie, Vegetarian Pie . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Violet Crumble (Nestlé)
Vittoria Coffee
WA Country Bakers
Wattle Valley
Camembert Cheese 110g, Double Brie 110g, Double Brie 1kg, Baby Spinach Chunky Dip, Grilled Eggplant Chunky Dip . . .
For a complete list, please click here.
Weet-Bix (Sanitarium)
Also included is Hi-bran, Crunchy Honey Bites, Apricots Bites, Wildberry Bites
Well Naturally
No Added Sugar Milk Chocolates, Sugar Free Dark Chocolates
Hot Dog Roll
Weis Bars
Western Milling
Western Star
White Cloud
White Wings
Plain Flour, Wholemeal Plain Flour, Wholemeal Self Raising Flour
Chocolates - All except Rum and Raisin
Wholesome Bake
White Milk, Sour Cream
Woolworths Bakery
Bread, Rolls, Crumpets, Pikelets, English Muffins, Lebanese Bread
See Extra, Hubba Bubba, PK and Skittles
Zanetti Cheese Products
Some of the range is halal certified but you will have to contact the company to find out specifically which ones.
Zena Oil
Re: Beer Garden
What the hell has this thread descended into?
I note the Sensational Adelaide banner has disappeared...
I note the Sensational Adelaide banner has disappeared...
Any views and opinions expressed are of my own, and do not reflect the views or opinions of any organisation of which I have an affiliation with.
Re: Beer Garden
Alright Shuz let's get back to the banter of non-political stuff
Who knew about this little motorsport rally event down at Port Adelaide recently?
Who knew about this little motorsport rally event down at Port Adelaide recently?
Re: Beer Garden
It is no accident that the most progressive and free societies of the last 1000 years have evolved from Christian origins. We should be thankful we live in such a society, and not shy away from relevant discussion, and therefore defence of our way of life.
This being the beer garden...all is up for discussion. Those who are not interested in politics or religion and shy away from such subjects....ignore this issue at your peril. Our way of life, wheather you are Christian, Bhuddist, Jew, Moderate Muslim, Athiest or whatever, we must all acknowledge Australias customs, traditions, food types, laws are based on a Christian view of society, and we should all be alert to these "little" requirements gradually undermining what we so easily take for granted! It saddens me that those of us who are gay, or even female for that matter have not acknowledged the freedoms that we enjoy are simply not possible under even moderate muslim custom/ governence and laws. So many of us are so slow to defend and embrace our inclusive churches (yes..for those who have not been into a church of late there are gay groups and female preachers in Christian churches now), and so quick to defend muslim practice as part of a "multicultural" society, even if the practice flies in the face of our laws.rev wrote:Like I said, it's being done sneakily and has been brought in under the radar. All the anger is now happening AFTER the fact.
It is no accident that the most progressive and free societies of the last 1000 years have evolved from Christian origins. We should be thankful we live in such a society, and not shy away from relevant discussion, and therefore defence of our way of life.
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