How much of these things identified in this picture are underway or have been completed?
They are looking at a TWENTY YEAR PLAN.
Twenty god damn years to redevelop the Torrens Lake? Are they for real?
You know why it's a 20 year plan, and work has not begun on the entire precinct to deliver what their graphic designers create for public consumption? Because there is no intention of delivering a riverbank precinct like the above image, or better.
These plans are announced to convince people to vote for them and keep voting for them. It's what politicians do.
If they were serious, the whole area would have been a construction site and closed to the public. But it's not. Instead we've got a vague 20 year plan with nothing significant.
We've got the footbridge. We might get a new festival square, but it certainly wont be anything spectacular because that's just not Adelaide's style and modus operandi.
The commercial development above the casino..well, that's the casinos job, not the governments.
Revitalized elder park. What, the recent fresh paint job on the gazebo? Maybe instead of real grass they'll put synthetic?
River edge promenade? LOL don't make me laugh. A glorified footpath.
Natural riverbank? We've already got that and it looks out of place in a city.
New food and beverage. Keep dreaming. The closest we will get to that is the guys who setup the marquee bar there during the summer.
Sure, things can change in the future.
Do we have someone with balls and vision waiting in the political wings to rise to power in this state for that change to happen?
The fact there is so much grass included in the plans shown to the public should be your first indication. Grass is the dominant feature. Tell me, what's different between the grass in the plans and the grass currently there? Is it a special type of grass that has magical properties that will pull people in like a magnet?(no marijuana jokes please). Your second indication should be these 20 year plans and other nonsense which should be a direct clue that they aren't serious because if they were it wouldn't take 20 years.
Koutsantonis says a 20-year investment plan for the area outlines a bright future for employment in the area.
Too bad turbo didn't tell South Australian's that the bright future of employment in the area was working in a university, jobs relocated from existing uni med schools.
The economy is up shit creek. We don't have a government or an opposition for that matter that has any real plans to fix that.
Where's the jobs creation? Manufacturing has been in decline for decades. Why haven't they gotten on top of it after all this time and stimulated new industries of the 21st century? We keep hearing about this stuff around election time, but we never see any of it delivered.
We have a 20 year plan for this, 30 year plan for that.
If this was proposed for Adelaide, you'd all fall out of your chairs suffering seizures and people like Moran would drop dead where they stood.
This is some of whats going on in Perth. It's UC. It's not a 20 year plan from minister turbo. It's a vision, a reality that's being realized.
But in Adelaide..oh, we will revitalize Elder Park. With what..someone tell me what will revitalize Elder Park in the render at the start of my post?
What some of you will take away from what I just said though is that Rev thinks we need tall shiny skyscrapers on our river front. Revs just angry again and ranting, tldr.
What I'm actually saying is that what's happening in Perth is going to change the face and image of Perth. It's a massive project being undertaken. They've got the balls and vision to do it. We don't.
They are even changing part of the boundary of the Swan River by creating an inlet as you can see in the renders. Imagine if someone in Adelaide proposed doing something similar, like widening part of the Torrens. Wow the backlash and anger that would ensue would be epic and something to be ashamed of.
Then again we had politicians chaining them selves to trees on North Tce over the tram line extension...
No vision no balls in this state.