The other advantage in going to market for the final design is that you give opportunity for the bidding contractors (who are large companies with plenty of experience on these sorts of projects) to provide innovation to the design and perhaps end up with a slightly better or most cost effective design. That is why DPTI went to numerous bidders - they effectively get many variations on their design for minimal cost, and can pick the best solution.
This is how most major projects are delivered worldwide - from DPTI, to Dept of Health, to BHP, Santos, etc.
Rev, your process is certainly simpler. The only issue is that for DPTI to get any state / federal funding, they need a very robust design and some certainty that the project is going ahead (including endorsement from other stakeholders), so that treasury can commit the money. DPTI cannot go to tender until funding is confirmed. No different to if you were building a house - the bank would not commit funds unless they can see and endorse the design, and can be confident that their money will be used responsibly. On these major infrastructure projects, there is too much risk committing funding before the design and cost estimate are presented, and accepted by the stakeholders.
Note, I do not work for DPTI or any government department, nor am I trying to defend their processes. I have been fortunate enough to work on major projects for both government and non-government entities, and just wanted to give a few facts before we all point the finger at DPTI so early in the project. Happy to continue updating you all on the project (for as long as I stay on the project of course!).
[Shuz] wrote:I don't get this.
You come up with a concept design... then you come up with a design... you take into account community concerns... you refine that design... you come up with the detailed design.... and then build it. That's what we're taught in planning at least anyway.
But it seems DPTI likes to put all this work into putting in a detailed design, only to present it as a concept design, spend 6 months on community consultation, coming up with a completely different detailed design, only to refine that detailed design with a whole new detailed design, and then call for tenders to commence building work based on detailed designs from 2 other organisations which have not involved in the whole process that DPTI have been through, spend months evaluating those two detailed designs, meanwhile coming up with a completely new detailed design to make it look like they're doing something and soothe the Murdoch press into regurgitating the same story under a different headline... announce the winner of the tender process by going with the detailed design that that one of the organisations came up with, and leave the 6 detailed designs that the department came up with themselves in the meantime to collect dust on an archive filing shelf somewhere, only to work out that by the time they've got to this point, they don't have enough money to go through with that design, and then rush the whole process in 6 weeks again, based on a few notes and drawings on the back of an envelope, as a result of a meeting of collective brain farts, which is a child's version of one of the detailed designs they came up with 2 years beforehand... only to build it and blow out the cost by double the budget.
Yep. That's DPTI and State Government incompetence for you.