claybro wrote:
bits wrote:SA holds its hand out as much as any state for funding.
not true it gets far more per head of population in federal funding and defence contracts.
It has more land than any other state given to defense, there should be more spent here.
claybro wrote:
bits wrote: SA gets a bigger take of GST than some other states but that is because of a formula all states agreed to.
/you just contradicted your last point.
Nope, that isn't SA with a hand out that is an agreed formula that currently calculates SA is owed more money.
If SA wasn't paid it in full it would be the other states taking money from SA.
claybro wrote:
bits wrote:Reminder not once has SA lost power because of lack of capacity to generate power.
If SA was able to generate enough of its own power at the time of the last blackout, it would not have been sucking merrily on the Vic interconnector. There was virtually NO wind power being generated on that hot afternoon.
1)While Pelican Point was not at capacity and many numerous other power stations were not running at that time. If all SA based power stations were going I believe the interconnectors could have been disconnected.
2)The Vic interconnects are used as power generating/supplying source for SA. Due to market pressures the interconnectors has now replaced Port Augusta and most of Pelican Point. That was a bad outcome as it replaced good sources with crappy ones. The interconnectors were introduced and have been used so far as if they were as good as a local source but they are not.
Why would we not be sucking power from Victoria? The NEM dictates that Victoria is likely a major source of power for SA on any given day.
We did not need wind power, the power generation capacity for the state was perfectly ok to handle the demand with no wind power.
It was not the lack of wind power that caused the outage, it was AEMO did not turn on gas power stations.
Not once has lack of wind or lack of sun caused an outage for SA. It has been mismanagement by AEMO, preference to import power over dodgy leads from Victoria and severe network damage.
The so called "intermittent power" has NEVER failed us.
claybro wrote:
bits wrote:Apparently the Nsw and Vic states require federal funding for their base load power but SA does not?
SA has built wind farms with federal money.
Wind farms are not base load. The Federal Government could build SA base load capacity, they are happy to do that for NSW and Vic apparently and then moan that SA does not have enough base load.
claybro wrote:
bits wrote:Closing Port Augusta, adding wind farms and solar panels has not yet lead to a state which lacks the capacity to generate enough power.
Lack of thermal baseload power is causing the intermittent shortages, so yes, closing Port Augusta has contributed to the problem.
None of the outages has been caused by lack of having base load or peaking generators. It has been mismanagement by AEMO, preference to import power over dodgy leads from Victoria and severe network damage.
None of these outages have been because SA exceeded a generation capacity wall.
We have the capacity, it either failed(interconnectors and storms) or was never turned on (Pelican Point and others).
claybro wrote:
bits wrote:The interconnectors suck and the NEM is broken
Agree the NEM is broken, but the interconnections are what keeps the lights on at present. They are about to become irrelevant once the Victorian thermal generators close.
Nope, the interconnectors are not required, we chose to use them instead of using the existing local generators. We covered this about 10 pages ago. We have enough generation capacity, we do not need power from Victoria to keep the lights on, we chose to use power from Victoria.
The interconnectors are used on many days when SA could power the entire state between Torrens Island and Pelican Point alone.
We have huge coal base load generators which work about 95% of the time.
They are offered and used by NEM/AEMO as if they are equal to a local generator, that prevents competition for new reliable base load to be built in SA by the private industry.
This is why the NEM is broken, it does not care how reliable a source is.
The interconnectors will not become irrelevant when Vic turns off 1 of their coal stations, if that is what you are hinting at.
Victoria will still operate their other 2 massive coal stations. Hazelwood represents 30% of Victorias coal power stations. Victoria also has very large gas power stations and many smaller plus interconnects to NSW also.
claybro wrote:
bits wrote:NSW actually suffered from the problem people incorrectly think SA has, not enough generators.
probably yes, because like the rest of Australia, state governments have not bee constructing enough thermal power stations, despite a doubling of population in the last 40 years.
A little bit of that and a bit of States have not replaced aging power stations. They created a national market which was supposed to lead to the private industry building stations, but they didn't.
The States have no income from electricity anymore to pay for building power stations. It was all sold off to the private sector.
The NEM is stupid and broken.
The actual usage is fairly flat these days, each house uses less power per year and it averages out with growth.
Each states peak power usage hasn't increased since about the year 2000.
claybro wrote:
bits wrote:Remove the interconnectors and magically all the previous generators will be on.
Except the ones closed and decommissioned, due to the "free" power in the system during optimal wind generation .
Cheap base load from Victoria is as much to blame as wind.
The only significant power station to be decommissioned was Port Augusta. Port Augusta was running out of coal and was due for retirement. Lots of factors come in to play.
claybro wrote:
Not 1 acknowledgement that renewable generation has created instability, which ironically even jay has acknowledged because his solution to the current issue is not more wind farms, but THERMAL gas generation.
They have created no stability issue, no outage has been caused by lack of wind power, they have been caused by damage to the network or gas stations not turned on.
The plan is not to fix some invented issue with wind power, it is to fix the problems with the NEM and interconnectors. Wind farms are not base load like the interconnectors are being used as.
Wind farms can not replace the base load the interconnectors are currently feeding to SA. Of course Jay's plan is to replace it with local Thermal base load.