The only good thing about preventing right hand turns from Pym St is that it wont turn those back streets and Days Road from turning into alternative routes to get onto the good is he wrote:Ok its great that right turns will be prohibited in/out from Pym St.. I think it shows also that the traffic lights are removed - which is the ideal outcome.
My only other thing I never understood is why the paver/stone centre on South Rd, West Hindmarsh near the River Torrens/opp. Adam St was never compulsorily acquired as this would make so much difference to the width esp. the start & finish of the T2.
What it will do though is push that traffic out to Regency Road.
Now go for a drive to the Regency/Days road intersection at peak hour in the evening rush home. The signal sequence frequency needs to be changed at the very least so there is a smoother flow of traffic. There also needs to be better co-ordination with the signals further up at the south road intersection until they redevelop that section as well because vehicles are bottle necking from the intersection back towards Days Road.
And true. All that's left there before the Brickworks, is the paving center and three other small properties.
Maybe that's part of the next stage? Take those out and there's plenty of room for further widening up until the next intersection. Then things get interesting or complicated with the new community center, and lots of heritage listed properties down that stretch. I think they are state or local council listed though.
But you know what, those houses, see ya later, they need to go. Take photos, put them in the State Library with photos of other "historical" buildings, and build the damn motorway that's been sorely needed for half a century.