F1 to Adelaide

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Re: F1 to Adelaide

#61 Post by rev » Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:01 pm

Pretty much what Bits said.

The government it self doesn't actually run it. The SA Motorsport Board used to run it, which is now defunct, and it is now run by the SA Tourism Commission. Same people involved just under a new banner.

Ticket sales are, as bits said, delayed because they expect to sign a new major naming rights sponsor by November.
Bands for the after race concerts aren't going to be chosen by any minister or their department, it's the race organizers, the people working in the SATC with the race it self who do that, along with one of the major tour promoters in Adelaide, whose company name I can't remember..I think he has something to do with Fowlers Live though.

But if any of the parties that's likely to kill the event, or destroy it so it's moved out to The Bend or wherever else, it's the Liberals. I'd say the idiots in the Greens, but they have as about as much chance of winning government as there is of little green men landing their space ship in Victoria Square and making first contact in South Australia.

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