[SWP] New Womens and Childrens Hospital

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#376 Post by Nort » Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:11 pm

Simo00083 wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:56 am
To call this “parklands” is an absolute joke. Dead grass and under utilised space. When was the last time anyone actually stepped foot in this area? If you are going to make this parklands well look after it and develop the area if not step aside and let someone develop the area. The whole eastern “parklands” are full of dead gras areas that need to be developed. Push on with more developments in this area and dare I say it a stadium or high rise residential towers. Adelaide needs to move forward and develop not have a minority hold up development e.g Adelaide Footy Club new home base.
I imagine that ACC would probably be quite accommodating if anyone else wanted to contribute a bunch of money to parklands works.

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#377 Post by Simo00083 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:15 pm

Unique selling point? Dead grass wasteland? Are you all there?

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#378 Post by Nort » Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:57 pm

Simo00083 wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 1:15 pm
Unique selling point? Dead grass wasteland? Are you all there?
The city being surrounded by greenery like Adelaide is is unique.

Yes more of the parklands need work, but it's expensive, long term plans and selling them off in the short term would be stupid.

We're lucky that viewpoints like yours didn't win out when areas like the now location of Bonython Park were barren in the mid 20th century.

FWIW if you looked up about this specific area there are already plans for revegetating parts of it. With the Victoria Park works wrapping up I wouldn't be surprised if this side is one of the next one's to get attention.

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#379 Post by rev » Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:28 pm

Simo00083 wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:56 am
To call this “parklands” is an absolute joke. Dead grass and under utilised space. When was the last time anyone actually stepped foot in this area? If you are going to make this parklands well look after it and develop the area if not step aside and let someone develop the area. The whole eastern “parklands” are full of dead gras areas that need to be developed. Push on with more developments in this area and dare I say it a stadium or high rise residential towers. Adelaide needs to move forward and develop not have a minority hold up development e.g Adelaide Footy Club new home base.
That corner they want to use, at least part of it is used by sporting clubs, such as cricket. There's also a playground there.

The parklands need to be developed properly with well lit walkways, properly maintained vegetation, and amenities throughout.

There's a better spot for the SAPOL horse stables, Park 6, or Lefevre Park. It already is used for horses.
They could use the corner of that park on Robe Terrace/Medindie Road, which has tree cover not too dissimilar to the present site.

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#380 Post by Patrick_27 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:43 pm

Simo00083 wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:56 am
To call this “parklands” is an absolute joke. Dead grass and under utilised space. When was the last time anyone actually stepped foot in this area? If you are going to make this parklands well look after it and develop the area if not step aside and let someone develop the area. The whole eastern “parklands” are full of dead gras areas that need to be developed. Push on with more developments in this area and dare I say it a stadium or high rise residential towers. Adelaide needs to move forward and develop not have a minority hold up development e.g Adelaide Footy Club new home base.
You have a really deranged view of progress and development, the majority would likely agree with me on that. Having actually stepped foot in that section of the parkland as recent as a week ago, working on the opposite side of GHR, I can tell you, it’s far from being full of ‘dead grass’ the ovals are very green and well kept, just as is the areas around with trees and ground cover.

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#381 Post by floplo » Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:17 pm

Nort wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:51 am
floplo wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:25 am
Can anyone explain to me what's the major difference between the private paddock in North Adelaide and this?

Why not relocate those horses as well and return the paddock in North Adelaide to everyone?

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Historically a lot of the parklands were used for animal grazing and storage. Over the decades they have gradually moved on when the land has been wanted for other park purposes.

Leaving things as they are until we're ready to do something else with the space is entirely different to claiming a large chunk of the parklands for a new stabling facility.

That will lock away the land for many more decades to come, potentially indefinitely.
Sorry, but I still fail to see the difference. This isn't something new, this is moving a long established activity (decades?) from one part of the parkland to another part.

And it still seems hypocritical to me that those public voices that were the most vocal in the public / private criticism of the Crows Aquatic centre debate are now happy to go on with the private use while rejecting the same use for the public good...

But to bring this back to the original point of this thread, this doesn't really seem so much a huge deal by itself, it looks more like a impulse reflex in the disappointment of not being able to stop the WCH moving to its new site.

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#382 Post by SRW » Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:01 pm

floplo wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:17 pm
Sorry, but I still fail to see the difference. This isn't something new, this is moving a long established activity (decades?) from one part of the parkland to another part.
Resulting in a massive loss of finite park land! This is not a mere shuffling of uses, an exorbitant area is being completely commandeered.
floplo wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:17 pm
And it still seems hypocritical to me that those public voices that were the most vocal in the public / private criticism of the Crows Aquatic centre debate are now happy to go on with the private use while rejecting the same use for the public good...

But to bring this back to the original point of this thread, this doesn't really seem so much a huge deal by itself, it looks more like a impulse reflex in the disappointment of not being able to stop the WCH moving to its new site.
What are you on about? The opposition expressed here is pretty consistent with the principle that parkland is a unique inheritance to be preserved and enhanced, not treated as free land. I fail to see how the inordinate dispossession for police horses (in addition to the hospital!) constitutes a public good especially when there are more reasonable alternatives.
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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#383 Post by ChillyPhilly » Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:25 pm

Simo00083 wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:56 am
To call this “parklands” is an absolute joke. Dead grass and under utilised space. When was the last time anyone actually stepped foot in this area? If you are going to make this parklands well look after it and develop the area if not step aside and let someone develop the area. The whole eastern “parklands” are full of dead gras areas that need to be developed. Push on with more developments in this area and dare I say it a stadium or high rise residential towers. Adelaide needs to move forward and develop not have a minority hold up development e.g Adelaide Footy Club new home base.
Everything is wrong with this.
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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#384 Post by Nort » Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:19 am

floplo wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:17 pm
Nort wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:51 am
floplo wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:25 am
Can anyone explain to me what's the major difference between the private paddock in North Adelaide and this?

Why not relocate those horses as well and return the paddock in North Adelaide to everyone?

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Historically a lot of the parklands were used for animal grazing and storage. Over the decades they have gradually moved on when the land has been wanted for other park purposes.

Leaving things as they are until we're ready to do something else with the space is entirely different to claiming a large chunk of the parklands for a new stabling facility.

That will lock away the land for many more decades to come, potentially indefinitely.
Sorry, but I still fail to see the difference. This isn't something new, this is moving a long established activity (decades?) from one part of the parkland to another part.
If that's the case it undermines the argument that it's fine to take that parklands to build on because it's "not really parklands", which is an argument some tried to make, saying that since people can't walk through the stables areas there isn't any space being lost/taken.
And it still seems hypocritical to me that those public voices that were the most vocal in the public / private criticism of the Crows Aquatic centre debate are now happy to go on with the private use while rejecting the same use for the public good...
What private use are you referring to here?
But to bring this back to the original point of this thread, this doesn't really seem so much a huge deal by itself, it looks more like a impulse reflex in the disappointment of not being able to stop the WCH moving to its new site.
It's taking a chunk of the parklands that is currently open and slated as important for future park development and locking it off for decades to come. That's a huge deal even if you personally don't use that space or think you would in future.

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#385 Post by Nort » Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:50 am

I think there's a good compromise here.

To avoid any impression that the parklands are just being treated as free land, the government should pay what the market rate would be to rent an area of land that large that close to the CBD when they want to take some of it like this.

All that money gets put into beautification works on the rest of the parklands, supplementary to any existing funding.

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#386 Post by SBD » Wed Mar 15, 2023 3:29 pm

Supposedly it has to be in the parklands because "horses can't walk across main roads" which is clearly false or misquoted. I imagine the full quote is more that the stable should not be across a road from the grazing and exercise paddocks.

The current barracks I believe hold a number of other police functions. Perhaps a compromise could be that the stable and paddocks can be in a park somewhere and the other functions, office etc could be in commercial space opposite.

There's a large cleared site adjacent to the Torrens on Port Road with only a few heritage elements that Streetview shows is a Landmark Site for sale. Perhaps the state could use its Keswick windfall gain to buy that site for the Police so the horses can have access to the river. I'm sure they would love it.

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#387 Post by gnrc_louis » Mon May 29, 2023 12:35 pm

More detail here with a few quotes from the footy premier: https://indaily.com.au/news/2023/05/29/ ... l-premier/

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#388 Post by Nathan » Mon May 29, 2023 12:43 pm

The multi-level carpark is still fucking awful, even if they asked the renderer to stick some vines on the side of it. And there absolutely should be some kind of pedestrian connection over the rail lines to the RAH, and then under Port Rd along the train lines into Gladys Elphick Park / Narnungga. The parklands trail completely falls apart trying to get over Port Rd and this should be a chance to address that.

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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#389 Post by SRW » Mon May 29, 2023 1:52 pm

Nathan wrote:
Mon May 29, 2023 12:43 pm
The multi-level carpark is still fucking awful, even if they asked the renderer to stick some vines on the side of it. And there absolutely should be some kind of pedestrian connection over the rail lines to the RAH, and then under Port Rd along the train lines into Gladys Elphick Park / Narnungga. The parklands trail completely falls apart trying to get over Port Rd and this should be a chance to address that.

I'm honestly still shocked about how shameless they've been about this. They're attempting to paint this as somehow parklands positive, while making a mockery of the idea of zero net-loss. If 'opening the inaccessible areas' is now the barrow they wish to push, they should at least do that well. The parklands connections here are half-baked.

For example, the activation hero is supposed to be the area around the Gaol. But even after they take down the fences and lay some turf, who is negotiating the arse end of a massive car park and hospital to access this area?
Screenshot 2023-05-29 135559.png
In addition to Nathan's suggested links, there should be a connection under the railway between Gaol and Weir.

In another universe, we could have built the hospital in the city and used the Gaol for a MONA-esque facilty.
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[SWP] Re: New Womens and Childrens Hospital

#390 Post by rooshooter » Mon May 29, 2023 4:09 pm

Where’s the public transport access? A dinky bus stop on port road? And that car park is terrible…
Having just come back from Europe and enjoying the incredible public transport systems there it’s just disappointing that this hospital is designed for cars and pretty much nothing else…

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