Smoking Bans

Anything goes here.. :) Now with Beer Garden for our smoking patrons.
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Re: Smoking Bans

#31 Post by Diamond » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:41 pm

Anyone care to join me for a fine Cuban cigar in the beer garden? :D
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Re: Smoking Bans

#32 Post by crawf » Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:04 pm

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Re: Smoking Bans

#33 Post by Ben » Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:31 am

What a radical idea but how fantastic to have a cleaner city and a world leading city in Health.

From The Advertiser
Libs want city smoking ban


December 16, 2007

SMOKING would be outlawed throughout the City of Adelaide for two days each year – as a start – under a world-first plan to be put to State Parliament.

Renegade smokers caught puffing in the streets, in parks or on footpaths during the prohibition would initially face a voluntary $20 "fine", rising to a maximum enforceable penalty of $200 once the system was in full force.

The ambitious plan, developed by the Liberal Party, aims to elevate Adelaide to a position to claim the title of cleanest and healthiest city in the world.

The smoking ban would cover the Adelaide City Council area, including North Adelaide.

However, private homes, offices and hotels with designated legal smoking areas and cars without child passengers would be exempt.

Liberal leader in the Legislative Council David Ridgway will introduce a Private Member's Bill in February. It is expected to pass the Upper House.

It will then go to the Lower House where Mr Ridgway hopes to gain support from health-conscious Labor MPs – including Health Minister John Hill, Sports Minister Michael Wright, Youth Minister Paul Caica, Children's Services Minister Jane Lomax-Smith and Substance Abuse Minister Gail Gago – to have it made law.

While the Bill is before Parliament, Mr Ridgway hopes to use 2008 as a trial run by having two days declared smoke-free on a voluntary basis.

The first would be the Friday before World No Tobacco Day on May 31, and the second would be Christmas Pageant day.

Mr Ridgway, a non-smoker, said the idea came to him while walking through the city and seeing how many cigarette butts littered the streets.

"I've always wanted to have a healthier, smarter, cleaner city where people are fitter and live longer, and this is one move in that direction," he said.

"I'll be asking people to give co-workers support so they can make a considered decision to give up.

"Lots of people can give up for a while – this is just one day at a time, and if it triggers some people into stopping, it will be well worthwhile."

Mr Ridgway noted it was not so long ago the idea of banning smoking in offices, restaurants or on public transport was greeted with outrage, but that is now accepted as normal.

He did not expect a permanent citywide ban "for many years" but did not rule out Adelaide becoming the first city in the world to completely ban smoking in public areas.

The Opposition will seek volunteers to hand out aids to quitting on the designated days as well as "fines" asking smokers to donate $20 to the Cancer Council.

If the law is enacted, Adelaide City Council parking patrol officers will be expected to hand out enforceable fines of up to $200 to rogue smokers in 2009 and 2010, with the proceeds going to the Cancer Council. The ban would be reviewed in 2010. Mr Ridgway expected a backlash from some smokers, including people who may deliberately light up on the designated no-smoking days in rebellion.

"There might be some people concerned about civil liberties who get their knickers in a knot but we are just talking about two days a year," he said.

Mr Ridgway's wife Meredith, a smoker, initially rejected the idea but now accepts the plan.

Action on Smoking and Health Australia (ASH) estimates smoking kills more than 15,000 people and costs the nation $21 billion each year.

ASH chief executive Anne Jones welcomed the move, provided it was linked to helping and educating smokers.

"There is a huge trend nationally to have smoke-free outdoor areas but SA has been lagging," she said.

"This is a great idea but it will need the support of health and community groups as well as support for smokers to help them give up for the day." Quit SA referred enquiries to Cancer Council SA chief executive, Associate Professor Brenda Wilson, who noted that one in five South Australians smoke.

"We support moves to further restrict smoking in areas where people congregate such as at building entrances, outdoor eating areas, sporting grounds and playgrounds," she said.

"We would prefer a consistent, ongoing and statewide approach to regulation change to prevent public confusion."

A spokesman for Substance Abuse Minister Gail Gago said Adelaide City Council already had the power to enforce outdoor smoking bans.

"Our concern is that it would be largely unenforceable," he said.

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Re: Smoking Bans

#34 Post by SRW » Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:40 am

Perhaps I'm cynical, but what a gimmick. We ought not do things simply to claim a grandiose title for ourselves, which, in reality, will not enhance our reputation even slightly. If this were a serious, practical proposal, it would deal solely with gathering areas, such as bus and tram stops. A blanket ban is not feasible.

And "voluntary $20 "fine""? Absolute tosh!
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Re: Smoking Bans

#35 Post by Mants » Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:59 pm

this is absolutely ridiculous!!

especially since so many bars/clubs/pubs have spent millions upgrading or constructing beer gardens.

i have the right to smoke in my city. i can understand why they would ban smoking indoors, but OUTdoors?

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Re: Smoking Bans

#36 Post by The_Q915 » Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:59 pm

dissapointing, as soon as they start looking like a competent opposition they start making up these labour like policies. is is just a policy that prays on peoples predgedace but will have not real benifit to anyone. How much do we want the goverment to control peoples lives and make personal decisions for them. Are we to keep strickening laws untill farting
outdoors is banned?
Last edited by The_Q915 on Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Im dead serious

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Re: Smoking Bans

#37 Post by Shuz » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:23 pm

This is ludicrous. I'm not a smoker, but to take away people's liberties and their right to smoke outdoors (when they have already been barred indoors) is just outlandish. It would be like saying that since we have to keep dogs leashes on in the streets, lets say theyre not entitled to a run in the park anymore. Little logic and meaningless reason lies behind this. Its laughable that this has to be brought up in Adelaide, by Adelaidians - like we aren't subjected to criticsm from everyone else enough!

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Re: Smoking Bans

#38 Post by ynotsfables » Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:53 pm

This goes to show the warped mentality of the current state Liberals, i do'nt know whether to laugh or cry.
Seriuosly though you don't want Adelaide becoming a police state, lets ease off a little with this smoking issue. I'm not a smoker a joker a gambler or a midnight toker but i am against prohabition that starts to infringe on human civil liberties and this comes close.

What next not being able to say Ho Ho Ho merry christmas in public.
Lj Hooker will probably be targeted next.

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Re: Smoking Bans

#39 Post by Mants » Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:30 pm

ynotsfables wrote:I strongly urge people to read Goerge Orwells 1984 and see what BIG BROTHER really is all about.
i was just about to say! soon they will be placing telescreens in all of our homes! :wank:

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Re: Smoking Bans

#40 Post by Cruise » Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:52 pm

ynotsfables wrote: What next not being able to say Ho Ho Ho merry christmas in public.
Lj Hooker will probably be targeted next.
No, I think anyone named richard who likes to be called "dick" will be hung out to dry next...

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Re: Smoking Bans

#41 Post by Hippodamus » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:34 pm

Completely absurd. Although it doesn’t surprise me much.

I am a smoker, and am currently living overseas however a born and bred (and a very proud) Adelaidian. During my stay overseas, I’ve heard the news of banning cigarette smoking in all enclosed spaces, i.e. clubs and pubs in Adelaide.

How pathetic… the very nature of the club and bar scene is to have a drink with a ciggi in hand. It complements the drink. I’m not ignorant to the harms of smoking, and know them very well thank you very much (including passive smoking in very tight enclosed places), but essentially you are taking away an important social element for the people that do choose to smoke.

Us Ozzies have it all wrong… instead of focussing so much on the smokers of this country, who are tax paying citizens and probably built more wings and extensions on hospitals than the politicians of this country – what about all the fat bastards and hags out there who become obese from the fast food culture so prevalent in Australia… I don’t see much advertising on the TV regarding the dangers of eating take away on a regular basis… same bloody thing!

Apparently Greece has one of the world’s highest proportions of smokers in Europe. This is probably perpetuated somewhat through the culture, café scene and the country being one of the most renown party destinations of the Mediterranean, if not the world. Funny that they also live the longest (after the Japanese), has puzzled scientists for years. Some health experts suggest that a balanced diet, along with enough sleep (also from siesta’s) even if someone smokes… can extend the years on someone’s life substantially.

I’m going off for a smoke… seeya! :P

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Re: Smoking Bans

#42 Post by crawf » Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:48 pm

Its not pathetic at all, the new smoking ban in all clubs and pubs in Adelaide (and all around Australia) has been the best thing. So much money has been spent on redeveloping hotels and constructed beer gardens (some which are very nice).

As for this idea, I really don't think the libs are that serious wanting to get power in 2010. Yeah I hate the smell of smoker, but this is just selfish and ridiculous. Theres no chance this would take off, it would only drive people out of the city and you would be able to smell more disgusting smells like bio, car fumes etc...

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Re: Smoking Bans

#43 Post by .::G!oRgOs::. » Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:37 am

What a terrible idea!
And some here are very ill-informed. Best thing to happen? Very nice beer gardens?
Come here and say that in 6 months time when all these beer gardens are full of pokies. Let me tell you that most places with beer gardens are now seriously looking at placing pokies outside since this is where patrons prefer to be.

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Re: Smoking Bans

#44 Post by crawf » Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:07 am

Well that would be even more ridiculous

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Re: Smoking Bans

#45 Post by SRW » Mon Dec 17, 2007 4:28 am

.::G!oRgOs::. wrote:What a terrible idea!
And some here are very ill-informed. Best thing to happen? Very nice beer gardens?
Come here and say that in 6 months time when all these beer gardens are full of pokies. Let me tell you that most places with beer gardens are now seriously looking at placing pokies outside since this is where patrons prefer to be.
They can look at it all they want, but I can't see that that would ever be allowed.
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