South Australia has continued to age with people aged 65 years or more contributing 15.2% of South Australia's population in 2005, compared with 14.5% in 2000. While the proportion of older residents in South Australia continues to increase, the proportion of younger people continues to decline. At 30 June 2005, the proportion of the state's population who were children aged under 15 years was 18.4%, compared with 19.5% in 2000.
Median age
South Australia's median age continues to be the highest of all states and territories in Australia, with the median age (the age at which half the population is older and half is younger) increasing from 37.2 years in 2000 to 38.8 years in 2005. This is consistent with the national trend, with Australia's median age increasing from 35.4 years in 2000 to 36.6 years in 2005.
Children (under 15 years)
In 2005, South Australia had the lowest proportion of its population aged 0 to 14 years (18.4%) of all states and territories. Nationally 19.6% of the population was in this age group. In South Australia the total number of children declined from 285,800 in 2004 to 283,600 in 2005, a decrease of 0.7%.
Persons aged 45 to 64 years
The proportion of South Australia's population aged 45 to 64 years in 2005 was 25.6%, which was higher than the national figure of 24.5%. In South Australia the total number of people in this age group rose from 386,300 people in 2004 to 394,600 in 2005, an increase of 2.1%.
We are getting Older, we have less young people. Our population growth is under 1%, but would be almost 0 if not for the foreign immigrants coming here on lax immigration rules for SA.
Populate or Perish.
This comes to SA 50 years after the rest of Australia heeded the call, but hey, thats the SA way