ozisnowman wrote:We have the perfect plan that needs a few additions and we would have truely identifiable square that is functional
and useful and would be an ideal place to have outdoor concerts and new years eve parties, carols by candle light etc.
Do we? There seems to be an interactive water feature right where I would expect the crowd for such an event to be the thickest - 50 to 100m in front of the stage. What's all that about?
There doesn't seem to be anywhere in this design for the cafes and restaurants that you have all been going on and on about - have you suddenly cooled on that one?
Why can traffic flow around the southern end of the square but not the northern end? You can go around the square from Wakefield St to Grote St, but not from Grote to Wakefield.
I like the idea of a statue of a Kaurna elder to balance out the statue of Queen Victoria, but I would like to see them both closer to the centre of the square - the square is named for Queen Victoria after all. Nitpicking - I know.
How are pedestrians going to access the square? I must confess I haven't had time to read the report, but I did pour over the maps and pictures. I saw pedestrian access points but are they via bridges, underpasses, pedestrian crossings?