I don't support building a new hospital at the railyards however what you have written about it, is complete crap. Every patient that comes into a hospital is asked whether they are public or private, this isn't something new. But furthermore I ask you to visit the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital. With the exception of the 4 bed wards for acutely ill patients in front of the nurses quarters, the majority of patients are housed in individual rooms with ensuites. And yes these are public patients.adam73837 wrote:Before my Sensational Adelaide Activity becomes dormant again for the next few weeks (am awaiting someone to mention that this is a good riddance ) due to the IB which is consuming nearly all of my time, while my other fellow Year 11s go into town and have fights (sadly and utterly dispicably) or simply do nothing because they have as much time on their hands as I did during the summer holidays (pfft! and they claim to be "at the business end of High School As if the current SACE isn't easy enough, the Future SACE will have students doing only 3 subjects -or so I've hears from 2010's Year 11s); I'd like to post a bit of information which I have discovered since my last post. I'll either a) Get criticised for putting down Meda Mike (whom I may meet at the Anzac Highway Underpass opening tomorrow); b)Get told that this information has already been posted on S-A; c)Get no response because its a negative truth about Rann's scheme and most will go silent and have nothing to say; d) All of the above; or e)None of the above.
Anyway, since my last post I have learnt that one of the reasons the Media Mike wants to controversially shift the RAH to the Prime Real Estate Land at City West, is because by building a new hospital, they will make it Private and Public. HOWEVER, what this means is that you will walk in and be asked "Public or Private?" If you respond "Public" you'll go down the stairs into the basement (not literally of course , but you won't have your personal wards, toilets, etc. that John Hill has used as his main ammunition against the Doctors in the 2009 Battle of Health in the 2010 StateWar). Meanwhile, if you respond "private", you'll go and get pampered and most of the things being promised by Media Mike, will be received (of course with the financial crisis, these things will get scaled back while the cost continues to blow out ). Now I am aware that many will be sent into the 'Private' part of the hospital (so many that it will get crammed and people will begin to faint and Media Mike, Conlon and Foley will tell them to "wear lighter clothing" ), however essentially they are cutting back on Public services, etc. in order to save money, current clinics from the RAH will go, where to? Possibly Media Mike's trash can; Media Mike will toy with poor Lance Armstrong's mind again come the next Tour Down Under (Let it be known that I am not in any way, and nor am I intending to, criticise Lance Armstrong, I just feel sorry for him that he has Rann constantly stalking him from the moment he sets foot off the Aerobridge, to find Media Mike saying "Hello, i built this Airport you know, it was all MY idea and had nothing to do with the government before me." )
Anyway, still the chances of Rann's City West Hospital coming to fruition seems to shrink every day, because people can see that he is well and truly losing the plot with power, and honestly for the sake of the State ALP Party, it would probably be best for them to go, reshuffle and come back for the 2014 with a better Leader and Government because poeple are sick tired of Rann and his cronies. All the better, because if Rann loses this election, no longer will we technically have the Greens as the head party of this state, why do I think so? Well, let's start with Media Mike's wife... Seriously though, when you think about it, the Greens are running this State. Victoria Park Grandstand: didn't take much to go did it?; plastic bags that people conveniantly use for their garbage: going, going gone; Parklands contsantly being allowed to rot despite push by the public for development on them; new Hospital: we were very careful to make sure we didn't intrude the parklands weren't we ; the list goes on and i hate it. Why? See the last word of my signature.
P.S. Oh BTW, I'm aware that I sound like the "whingeing opposition", but I hope that the Rann supporters here realise that that is the point of having an oppositon -to provide a complete democratic system. 'Democratic'... Media Mike should look up that word
Every new hospital is built with the majority of rooms being single rooms. The reason is to stop cross infection between patients.