#VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#31 Post by Brando » Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:10 pm

Have some of you even read the article or we just being children and looking at the pictures? The article clearly states that up to 'four syndicates of private developers have pitched concepts to the Liberals' and 'an international competition to design the redevelopment'. The renders are to give a basic idea of the concept.

VISION, this is all he is trying to get across, a state for the future, bring back the zest in the city.....These are things we have all been asking for from our leaders.

Bottom line guys, this can be done and with international architecture and private support we are in a much better position to achieve a great sporting, convention and vibrant hub.

You have my full support and vote come 2010 MHS. :D

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#32 Post by steveadl » Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:19 pm

Without going into the details too much (which if this were to go ahead will change 100 times before a final masterplan is decided on), this is a brilliant proposal. Bring some life back into the CBD and create a destination precinct similar to what other Aussie cities have (albeit probably still smaller scale).

Also without getting into the debate about the hospital in regards to whether we need a new one or can redevelop the old one - I'll leave that for more qualified people such as the doctors etc - it would be such a waste to use this vast tract of land to just plonk down a hospital in the middle of it. The hospital can be built elsewhere if needed, don't waste this potentially beautiful precinct on something that doesn't need that prime location to function.

Also, by a quick look at the images from the plan - it looks like part of the proposal involves putting the railway tracks underground to allow maximum space in the new precinct. Am I correct in thinking this? It's a brilliant idea if that's what they're planning, perhaps even an underground stop just below the stadium as well.

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#33 Post by adam73837 » Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:37 pm

As Borat would say; "Very Nice!" :lol:
steveadl wrote:Also, by a quick look at the images from the plan - it looks like part of the proposal involves putting the railway tracks underground to allow maximum space in the new precinct. Am I correct in thinking this? It's a brilliant idea if that's what they're planning, perhaps even an underground stop just below the stadium as well.
Yes, by looking at the map in The Advertiser today, it appears that that will be the case. Just on that thought, I remember that when Rann decided to expand upon his development at the Clipsal Site, there were talks of Adelaide's first underground station. Would it be an idea to continue the train tunnel (from where Riverside is) along the current route, underneath Park Terrace (providing a bit of relief at that Intersection) and eventually coming up to the 'Ground Level' later on?
Anyways, after the issues with the RAH Redevelopment fiasco a few feeks or so back, I'm glad to see that this time the drawing are more to scale. I'm also glad to see that AN EXCITING VISION FOR CITY WEST HAS FINALLY COME!!!!!!! Well done MHS and Liberals. BTW, judging by what you sadi earlier Howie:
Howie wrote:the ones who pitched it first to Labor (who wouldn't listen) then to the Libs (who have). This was well before the mini-marj-come-rah hospital plan was concocted.
, I don't know what Rann and the Labor Government were even thinking when they refused to consider such a thing. Surely if they are to aim for a population target of 2 million by 2030 (which I have several doubts about), they'd want to have an exciting, vibrant riverfront for all to enjoy!
Last edited by adam73837 on Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I take back many of the things I said before 2010; particularly my anti-Rann rants. While I still maintain some of said opinions, I feel I could have been less arrogant. I also apologise to people I offended; while knowing I can't fully take much back. :)

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#34 Post by mattblack » Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:39 pm

Just wondering what this stadium will be used for. SANFL hold both Port and Crow licences and its already said it wont support a new stadium, a telsra dome style stadium is no good for soccer, thats why their building a purpose built stadium in Melbourne. Looks like the Adelaide uni footy team will be its main residents. :D :D

By the way, the big buildings in the renders are artistic licence, they've built them on the unisa grounds. Guess that the Libs dont put much emphasis on education!!

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#35 Post by adam73837 » Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:45 pm

Sorry about this monotonehell; I know that you've reminded me time and time again that if I continue to look at comments posted on Adelaide Now, my IQ will begin to drop :D (as time goes by, I begin to understand why :lol: ). But I couldn't resist taking a peak at what people had to say:
People on Adelaide Now wrote:
I like a master plan, a direction, something to work to in the future. Only problem is state politicians cannot even run this state very effectively as politicians, now they are architects as well. I just hope they paid some real experts for the ideas and it wasn't M H-S working all night with crayons in hand.
Posted by: MR of smallville 4:19pm today

Rann says it is a waste of money etc but hes the one who wants to build a new expensive hospital there instead of redevelop the old one, at least the libs plan would make us look more like a progressive city
Posted by: alf of brighton 4:18pm today

I recall Vickie Chapman saying that it was "absolutely scandalous" that the government wanted to build on that land due to toxic soil and an alledged fault line etc. Now it seems it is ok to build on there because the Libs have an uncosted, knee jerk, adhoc plan. Go figure!
Posted by: Jason of Adelaide 4:10pm today

There's a good chance a casino and a 5-star hotel will be built on the railyards too!!! Skycity have just stated their intention to move out of the railway station! Do it, do it all!! great news- vote libs or perish under Rann...
Posted by: Chief Architect of 4:10pm today

I like the vision put forward - especially as it has the one thing Rann seems to think unecessary - public consultation. Obviously Rann thinks its a pretty good vision too, otherwise he wouldn't be investing personal effort to ridicule it. Rann wants Hamilton-Smith to "show him the money". I want Rann to show me the results of his last 7 years in office (his results I mean, not just a catalogue of good stuff that's happened while Rann has been in office)
Posted by: Trevor of Minlaton 4:09pm today

I reckon I can cost the proposal right now. 1. Sell West Lakes +$350m 2. Sell Ent centre site +$20m 3. Rebuild RAH and save. +$600m 4. Private sector buys ancillary commercial development rights in exchange for paying half the cost of building stadium + $500m 5. No tram required to west lakes, saving +$300 m Total $1.77 billion. And that's not even taking into account the annual benefit from extra jobs and GSt tax coming to government. Mr Rann, what's your problem?
Posted by: Cara Goretti of Adelaide 4:09pm today

election winner right here. Adelaide needs this more than anything else- this will do wonders for tourism, and the image of Adelaide. best of all we hopefully wont have to suffer AAMI stadium anymore. Whatever sport plays at this stadium I will attend- footy, rugby, soccer, cricket!
Posted by: Tim of adelaide 4:08pm today
I take back many of the things I said before 2010; particularly my anti-Rann rants. While I still maintain some of said opinions, I feel I could have been less arrogant. I also apologise to people I offended; while knowing I can't fully take much back. :)

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#36 Post by Shuz » Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:45 pm

A good plan, but please...

Show. Me. The. Money.

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#37 Post by adam73837 » Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:01 pm

The Editor of the Advertiser wrote:
ADELAIDE has long been burdened by a deficiency of the facilities expected of a modern city. Much has been made of our outdated and inadequate public transport facilities and roads.

Other major infrastructure issues include a replacement for the ageing AAMI Stadium, a Federation Square-style meeting place, a waterfront precinct including shops and dining and a proper home for the city's science and technology sector.

The Liberal Party's Riverside West plan manages to locate all these on one parcel of parklands at present used only for railyards and largely closed to public access.

The Liberal plan opens the area for a large variety of uses, not just for picnics on lawns but recreation in a far broader sense of the term than when the parklands were devised and people traversed them in horses and buggies.

The plan contains at its heart the politically clever concept that voters can have a reconstructed Royal Adelaide Hospital at its present site, a city stadium and much, much more.

It will appeal, at the same time, to those who fear the northwestern parklands will be dominated by a very large hospital building and therefore be alienated to the public, as well as South Australia's numerous sports fans.

The need for a new stadium close to the CBD has been well established.

Former Crows captain Mark Ricciuto, during a radio commentary on Friday night, acknowledged a city stadium probably was inevitable.

It is time to start planning for this and many of the other measures contained in the Liberal plan.

This might involve some significant public investment, once the present economic downturn eases. This would be entirely reasonable.

One risk for the Liberals is the lack of a clear alternative for a replacement hospital for the ageing RAH. Their three-option plan to rebuild the hospital on its present site is confused and unwieldy.

The new policy does firmly place the northwestern area of the city fringe as the key battleground for the next state election. Whoever successfully argues the case for their vision for this area will have a clear vote winner.
Successful Sevens

THE success of the International Rugby Sevens Adelaide event demonstrates the healthy appetite of the city for quality sport.

Rugby is not a traditional South Australian sport, yet the excitement of Sevens, combined with a lively crowd atmosphere, has drawn patrons.

The Australian Rugby Union is already considering a bid for the 2013 Sevens World Cup, with Adelaide as the host city.

Adelaide Oval hosted two Rugby World Cup matches in 2003, including one involving the Wallabies.

Certainly, the city has demonstrated an ability to host major sporting events beyond the traditional football, cricket and tennis.

It is to be hoped Adelaide can add a Sevens World Cup to the Clipsal 500, Tour Down Under and the International Rugby Sevens Adelaide.

Responsibility for all editorial comment is taken by The Editor, Melvin Mansell, 31 Waymouth St, Adelaide, SA 5000
I take back many of the things I said before 2010; particularly my anti-Rann rants. While I still maintain some of said opinions, I feel I could have been less arrogant. I also apologise to people I offended; while knowing I can't fully take much back. :)

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#38 Post by Howie » Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:01 pm

Up on NineMSN site now.
Row heats up as Libs unveil stadium plan
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/798 ... adium-plan
By Larine Statham

South Australia's Liberal opposition has fired the latest volley in the row over the choice between a new hospital and a sports stadium for a key site.

The Liberals want to use Adelaide's disused rail yards for a new stadium and entertainment precinct, releasing detailed plans on Monday.

The Labor government has already earmarked the site for the Adelaide's new central hospital, which will be called the Royal Adelaide after plans to call it the Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital were dropped.

The issue is expected to be a highlight of the next state election.

"This is one of the best pieces of the River (Torrens)...but it's denied to the public of South Australia because of its ugly rail yards and it's very difficult to access," opposition leader Martin Hamilton-Smith told reporters.

Mr Hamilton-Smith said the proposed entertainment precinct would transform the city.

It would include an amphitheatre, entertainment centre, restaurants, cafes, a science and technology centre as well as the multi-use sports stadium.

It would take between 15 and 20 years to complete with the Liberals refusing to outline what the project would cost, except to say that they would seek financial support from the commonwealth, sporting organisations, private enterprise and taxpayers.

"If you want to ... transform this city, this is the site to do it - it is the wrong place for a hospital," Mr Hamilton-Smith said.

"This is a plan for jobs, this is a plan for a new Adelaide after this global downturn.

"This will be the most significant infrastructure development this city has seen in the modern era."

However, South Australian Premier Mike Rann criticised the lack of costing detail for the Liberal proposal and said the Liberal party had already flagged several different sites as potential locations for the hospital.

"It's been more like an ambulance than a hospital," he told ABC Radio.

"It's had more positions than the Karma Sutra."

Mr Hamilton-Smith said the opposition believed Adelaide would be better served by redeveloping the Royal Adelaide Hospital on its current site.

He also pledged to release detailed costing on all Liberal proposals before the next poll, due in March 2010.

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#39 Post by Norman » Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:36 pm

mattblack wrote:Just wondering what this stadium will be used for. SANFL hold both Port and Crow licences and its already said it wont support a new stadium, a telsra dome style stadium is no good for soccer, thats why their building a purpose built stadium in Melbourne. Looks like the Adelaide uni footy team will be its main residents. :D :D
Yes, very true, while the atmosphere in the Telstra Dome is great, the actual viewpoint for the soccer is terrible.

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#40 Post by Just build it » Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:40 pm

No costings, a very average artistic impression and life long Labor voters are suckling up to the MHS nipple. :lol:


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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#41 Post by Pistol » Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:54 pm

It's funny how no one really cared about the railyards until Rann outlined plans to build the new hospital.
Now there is furore about it being the wrong place blah blah blah.
Election is not until 3/2010 so maybe we should wait until the rebuttal from Labor - after all I would suspect that Labor will have some sweetners not announced as of yet to get us to vote for them.

Show us a decent timeline and costing structure and then this project might have some creditability - until then this is all pie in the sky stuff.
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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#42 Post by peas_and_corn » Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:57 pm

I just have two problems with the proposal. The first is the money side of things, which could be a deal breaker for me. The second is that it just feels too... convenient. It just feels like they decided to cram all of our wishes together onto that plot and make it a proposal.

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#43 Post by Howie » Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:58 pm

Up on NineMSN site now.
Row heats up as Libs unveil stadium plan
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/798 ... adium-plan
By Larine Statham

South Australia's Liberal opposition has fired the latest volley in the row over the choice between a new hospital and a sports stadium for a key site.

The Liberals want to use Adelaide's disused rail yards for a new stadium and entertainment precinct, releasing detailed plans on Monday.

The Labor government has already earmarked the site for the Adelaide's new central hospital, which will be called the Royal Adelaide after plans to call it the Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital were dropped.

The issue is expected to be a highlight of the next state election.

"This is one of the best pieces of the River (Torrens)...but it's denied to the public of South Australia because of its ugly rail yards and it's very difficult to access," opposition leader Martin Hamilton-Smith told reporters.

Mr Hamilton-Smith said the proposed entertainment precinct would transform the city.

It would include an amphitheatre, entertainment centre, restaurants, cafes, a science and technology centre as well as the multi-use sports stadium.

It would take between 15 and 20 years to complete with the Liberals refusing to outline what the project would cost, except to say that they would seek financial support from the commonwealth, sporting organisations, private enterprise and taxpayers.

"If you want to ... transform this city, this is the site to do it - it is the wrong place for a hospital," Mr Hamilton-Smith said.

"This is a plan for jobs, this is a plan for a new Adelaide after this global downturn.

"This will be the most significant infrastructure development this city has seen in the modern era."

However, South Australian Premier Mike Rann criticised the lack of costing detail for the Liberal proposal and said the Liberal party had already flagged several different sites as potential locations for the hospital.

"It's been more like an ambulance than a hospital," he told ABC Radio.

"It's had more positions than the Karma Sutra."

Mr Hamilton-Smith said the opposition believed Adelaide would be better served by redeveloping the Royal Adelaide Hospital on its current site.

He also pledged to release detailed costing on all Liberal proposals before the next poll, due in March 2010.

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#44 Post by adam73837 » Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:06 pm

My mum told me that on 5AA this morning, MHS or someone was saying that this city needs a Kennet to come in; cut the crap and do what's right. Obviously they didn't say those exact words, but you get the picture.

Then this 'Kennet figure' can grab the SANFL by the collar and say, "Listen, we're going to build this new state-of-the-art stadium and you're either in it or your not. If you're not, don't expect one cent of Government funding."
-Sorry, couldn't resist that. :lol:
I take back many of the things I said before 2010; particularly my anti-Rann rants. While I still maintain some of said opinions, I feel I could have been less arrogant. I also apologise to people I offended; while knowing I can't fully take much back. :)

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Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)

#45 Post by Wayno » Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:17 pm

Do both sides of politics use the same tactic? yes they do. Throw an uncosted proposal out for comment, then drop or push ahead depending upon the level of public support. A good example of a dropped idea was the recent proposal by Labor to put a few chairs and screens in place of the RAH :roll:

Expect the Libs to extract maximum political benefit from the Riverside concept. They will drip feed info to us across the next 11 months - each release containing a bit more analysis & costing than the last, but more importantly reinvigorating emotion against Labor. A beautiful pincer movement.

Even if Labor wins, the EP will remain an issue for them well into the next term - it won't go away.

I love election time - it's a battle of wits (and half-wits) :lol:
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