As to Yatala, I spoke to my pal at Planning SA. Holloway is waiting on a final report from a consultant before making a decision. They wouldn't name the consultant, but it may well be Connor Holmes, doing their neat trick of advising a consortium of developers and simultaneously advising Mr Holloway, yet avoiding any conflict of interest by some means known only to them but perfectly acceptable to the government.
This will form part of the new Ministerial DPA on the general area of Northgate and Oakden to rezone the Ross Smith site (and other former school sites for some bizarre reason), rest of Hillcrest Hospital, Strathmont Centre and bits of Hampstead Rehab Centre to become intensive residential - some of it will be added to the TOD list even though there are no plans for trains or trams to the area. Anyway, better hi density well planned on greenfield and redevelopment areas than hotchy potchy in current suburbia.
It is Connor Holmes and it will be released in March at the earliest.
Just a quick aside on the ALP - please see the quote I use at the bottom of my posts - that is the problem with the ALP nowadays, they've forgotten what they were really about, it is just all about the winning. Can anyone guesss from which book it came?