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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:11 am
by dsriggs
FancyPants wrote:Maybe the suits can enjoy their Adelaide CBD experience at KFC, because that's all that will be left soon
Maybe if they wanted to keep the Jade open, they shouldn't have sold??

...what am I saying? It's all the suits' fault MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!! #occupyjade

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:00 am
by Waewick

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:34 am
by omada
I don't quite understand why the building isn't heritage listed.

And why everyone is so in love with ugly new hotels with lots of exposed concrete.

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:40 am
by Ben
I think we should wait and see. James Hines who owns this property said a couple of days ago they have hundreds of millions of dollars worth of development to go as soon as height limits have been reviewed.

I would say we will see a significantly different proposal once this happens. That would also fit with the October closing time for the Jade.

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:49 am
by Vee
cruel_world00 wrote:I still can't understand why a lot of forumers seem to be nonchalant about the loss of the Jade. It's all well and good if it moves. But what is wrong with the current location? It's not being demolished to make way for this hotel. It's being demolished just because.

These are the exact types of venues Adelaide needs to maintain. Why can't they both exist?
Agree. Why can't they co-exist? I would like to see the Jade saved.

There is an Online Petition to save the Jade. ... n-adelaide

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:04 am
by metro
omada wrote:I don't quite understand why the building isn't heritage listed.

And why everyone is so in love with ugly new hotels with lots of exposed concrete.
this. and the same developer's last hotel was the Crown Plaza, LOTs of exposed concrete. Looks like it was built in the 70s and a few friends from interstate were surprised when I said it was brand new :shock:

for this, two things need to happen with this proposal. First, improve the design, make it look like a new hotel (64Currie St for example), and no blank western wall backing onto Adelaide Arcade, which both ruins a heritage building and further ruins the street by having another huge blank wall. Second, double the height, so 118m and 34 Levels.

otherwise it's just another ugly little box like their last two projects, Crown Plaza and Conservatory. :roll:

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:32 am
by AtD
Concrete walls are mandatory on property boundaries. One day the neighbouring building may be developed to be equally as tall. The wall between them must act as a fire barrier. It's the same in every other city.

This is a recording.

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:18 am
by Nathan
Vee wrote:There is an Online Petition to save the Jade. ... n-adelaide
I don't understand why people are petitioning the Lord Mayor and the council — as the issue is completely out of the council's hands. Surely it should be directed at Hines Property?

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:37 pm
by degruch
Hi all...noobie here.

@nathan, I think the petition itself is somewhat of a kneejerk in reaction to the loss of yet another live music venue, and one that's quite significant in some quarters. However, if you read some of the comments listed under the petition, you'll see that people are signing it in disgust at the ACC's decision to allow a developer to demolish (what should be) a heritage building, the errosion of any form of culture in our CBD. It's ACC's planning division that gave permission to demolish, and not heritage list the building, is it not (honest, is it)?

Look down any laneway like Twin Street in Melbourne or Sydney and you'll find little bars, boutique shops and businesses (not franchises in Westfields), cafe's, etc. But increasingly the opportunities to do the same thing in Adelaide are being demolished...look down a laneway in Adelaide and you'll find wheelie bins and entrance ways to carparks.

So, I've signed the petition...I'm not in favour of every old building in Adelaide remaining and NOTHING ever developing in this town, but Twin Street of all places (especially given the hotel can co-exist with the building, whether it be tennanted by Jade Monkey or whoever) should be tastefully developed, not bulldozed and concreted over. I encourage anyone who agrees to sign as well.

@dsriggs: I don't think the owners of the Jade Monkey had much of a say in who sold the building.

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:42 pm
by Waewick
Walking to and from work every day, I do get a laugh about "the loss of heritage" buildings in in adelaide.

there are a significant amount of heritage buildings which have been retained (the facade at least) all through the CBD.

this building appears to be in the Harris Scarfes mould, people want to keep it cause it is old - it really is an ugly building which was clearly build on the cheap back then.

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:49 pm
by degruch
I get a laugh out of this...ladies and gentlemen, the history Criterion Hotel! ... d=0CCYQ_BI

...or is it tears.

I don't think you've quite got my point. I can see yours, yes there are a lot of old buildings around, but why knock over one you don't need to?

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:58 pm
by Nathan
degruch wrote:Hi all...noobie here.

@nathan, I think the petition itself is somewhat of a kneejerk in reaction to the loss of yet another live music venue, and one that's quite significant in some quarters. However, if you read some of the comments listed under the petition, you'll see that people are signing it in disgust at the ACC's decision to allow a developer to demolish (what should be) a heritage building, the errosion of any form of culture in our CBD. It's ACC's planning division that gave permission to demolish, and not heritage list the building, is it not (honest, is it)?

Look down any laneway like Twin Street in Melbourne or Sydney and you'll find little bars, boutique shops and businesses (not franchises in Westfields), cafe's, etc. But increasingly the opportunities to do the same thing in Adelaide are being demolished...look down a laneway in Adelaide and you'll find wheelie bins and entrance ways to carparks.

So, I've signed the petition...I'm not in favour of every old building in Adelaide remaining and NOTHING ever developing in this town, but Twin Street of all places (especially given the hotel can co-exist with the building, whether it be tennanted by Jade Monkey or whoever) should be tastefully developed, not bulldozed and concreted over. I encourage anyone who agrees to sign as well.

@dsriggs: I don't think the owners of the Jade Monkey had much of a say in who sold the building.
But that's the point, it's not ACC's decision. Yes, I'm surprised it wasn't heritage listed given the rubbish that gets a listing around the city, but given the development is well over $10 million, no matter what the council said it wouldn't have mattered. The responsibility rests entirely with the developer in this case. I'm as gutted as anyone about the closure of the Jade, I've had many a good time playing there, but the petition will achieve absolutely nothing when it's directed at the wrong people.

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:06 pm
by degruch
As far as I'm aware, heritage listing could still be granted, as per the units next to the Grace Emily, or the dead tree in the middle of the road in Campbelltown.

Obviously, the developer has weighed up the cost of demolishing the building against something, as knocking over the structure wouldn't be free - given the economic consideration, it's unlikely there would be much point in approaching the developer, unless it was to belatedly purchase the property. I have no doubt the developmer would be eyeing a long term plan of developing the JM site, whether it be for supporting businesses (cafe's et al) or a carpark. It's another waste of character in our city and should have stopped long before it reached this point.

There's a fair amount of news coverage coming up for the whole thing. Worth noting that the JM owners are planning on finding a new venue and, on the face of things at the very least, aren't opposed to the development.

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:16 pm
by Thanial
I hate to say it but I've never actually heard of the Jade? I asked around with my friends and none of them have heard of it either! What actually is it?

[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:20 pm
by degruch
Thanial wrote:I hate to say it but I've never actually heard of the Jade? I asked around with my friends and none of them have heard of it either! What actually is it?
It's a small bar and live music venue that's been running in the old 'City Steam Biscuit Company' building (Steam Biscuit?) on Twin Street. The Jade Monkey has been there for 10 years, previously Irving Baby clothes store I believe (now relocated). The building is 131 years old, I can't ever remember it not being tennanted at some point...but I'm not 131 years old. :)