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Re: #Article: Kennett calls for Adelaide vision
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:22 am
by Shuz
Actually, as the song goes
"Bright lights, big city..."
Re: #Article: Kennett calls for Adelaide vision
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:30 pm
by Brando
Shuz wrote:Actually, as the song goes
"Bright lights, big city..."
Cheers mate, thanks for the correction.

Re: Lack of Major planning in Adelaide...
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:18 am
by tidus0
Sorry if I am posting this a bit too late but,
Personally I don't think people are looking a the painting properly. Look at it this way, if you buy a house with cash you will have less, you see that is for you and your family so that isn't really much so you won't worry too much, a government on the other hand only gets a small bit of we will say 10billion per year for adelaide (a bit generous prolly but ohwell) the S.A government have 1.17million people too look after in their best interest. If they do something somewhere people will whinge if they do something for the whingers other people will whinge, i think what the real problem is that even if something isn't necessarilly benefitting them immediately it will be for a whole heap of people. There are different areas of the budget like, infrustructure, living, roads, power, water, tourism, and cleanliness. i don't know of how much people know this but Adelaide is the worlds second largest city (spralled outness) which means there is a massive area to cater for. someone is always going to miss out because we don't have a sustainable economy, if the government went "alright instead of doing underpasses and expressways we are going to put in place a subway system which caters a station at every major suburb e.g.Marion, Elizabeth, Noarlunga, Seafod etc, that would help for the PT but will it help people who won't use it or those who still insist using their cars not necessarily, the government always looks for the cheapest option and to help the people at its best. It may seem like they are wasting valuble money like the connector road between Hallet cove and Sheidow park but there is usually a reason behind it. The Southern expressway was to get rid of a majority of the peak hour along south road, the underpass is to make the intersection of south road and anzac hwy more sufficient. People are complaining that the government is wasting money but will they if it gave them a huge benefit? morelikly not. it is the case of i want something now but if i don't get it i will throw a tantrum.
Brighton Road/Tapleys hill road is bad I work on the Brighton road side of it and it takes on average a length of a long song to turn right off of it. But seeing as it is so bad for me the government really needs to put bridges up, i think not just because that road is busy it doesn't mean there isn't somewhere else that is in more need. I would rather the government no have a plan but do a good job about something then waste my tax money on something they need to keep replacing because they didn't think.
i bet you if the government said, we will pay for all your mortgages and give you $1million to every resident instead of spending it on what we need i bet 90% of adelaide will take the money, some people here don't understand that it takes years to get a city where it is, adelaide isn't the best city in the world or australia but we are living pretty reasonable, if we gave them more time to get their act together and think of different things and maybe involve everyone people may get what they want. I have handled a large sum of money before, it was over $10k but i bet you i wouldn't know where to start to use it. The government doesn't want to spend $30billion on redoing every road in adelaide to give less waiting time when they can spend it on restoring things that need it most. People don't see that having all that control over all that money isn't an easy job, they have people relying on them to use it wisely, they can't say yes we will fund $500million to go towards re-paving the footpaths in adelaide when they don't need it at the moment and say the water pipes are blowing up and need the money. For one step forward there is two steps back if the government steps forward they will see two new things that needing it more then that first thing. no matter what anyone says you cannot expect anyone to get a city to grow in one year. By the time most of the people who were born 1990 get to be in their 70's is probably when we will see 2million minimum and no lower the government has mentioned a couple of years back that they want to double the population by 2025 that is only 17 years away i will be about 34 then but sure other cities would have done the same and be more advanced but even if we had say 4million like melbourne we morelikely would get more money but we won't. The federal government looks at the population as well for the budget so near enough they may say there is about $150,000 per person with their roads, and maintainance for the year so you get $175500000000 for your budget but if we had say 4 million we may only get $600000000000 which is a lot but the exact same on person quota.
So look at it at a larger scale of one of your big things and you may understand more.
Infrastructure and Planning Issues facing SA.
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:18 pm
by ozisnowman
While some things the government has done or is currently in the process of implementing are good they are not
going far enough. Going by the following article, the government should seriously consider an expanded rail
and tram network, new energy sources including nuclear and obviously more desalination plants. We also
need to stop any further urban growth. We need to concentrate on many more TOD's centered around transport
The following article paints a scary picture for Australian City urban sprawl and our house price bubble. You
may find that inner city prices will probably rise quite a bit but outer suburban prices will drop like a lead balloon.
From today's tiser but written by a London Correspondant for an Independant Paper.
A DISASTROUS energy crunch is looming because most of the major oil fields in the world have passed their peak production, a leading economist has warned.
Fatih Birol, chief economist with Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA), said such an "oil crunch'' within the next five years could jeopardise recovery from the global recession.
Higher oil prices brought on by a rapid increase in demand and a stagnation, or even decline, in supply could derail the recovery, Birol said in an interview with The Independent newspaper.
Mr Birol said many governments appeared unaware that oil is running out faster than previously predicted, with global production likely to peak in about 10 years - at least a decade earlier than most had estimated.
"One day we will run out of oil, it is not today or tomorrow, but one day we will run out of oil and we have to leave oil before oil leaves us, and we have to prepare ourselves for that day,'' Mr Birol said.
"The earlier we start, the better, because all of our economic and social system is based on oil, so to change from that will take a lot of time and a lot of money and we should take this issue very seriously,'' he said.
An assessment of over 800 of the world's major oil fields has found most of the biggest ones have already peaked and that the rate of decline in oil production is now running at nearly twice the pace as calculated two years ago.
Mr Birol also warned that the market power of the very few oil-producing countries that hold substantial reserves of oil - mostly in the Middle East - would increase rapidly as the oil crisis begins to grip after 2010.
"The market power of the very few oil-producing countries, mainly in the Middle East, will increase very quickly. They already have about 40 per cent share of the oil market and this will increase much more strongly in the future,'' he said.
The IEA, the energy monitoring and policy arm of the 30-nation Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, said last month that signs of a strong rally in global economic growth and oil demand were fading.
The IEA added however in its latest monthly report that there could be a dramatic turnaround for demand next year.
Re: Infrastructure and Planning Issues facing SA.
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:32 pm
by ozisnowman
Once this issue of Peak Oil really hits us, who in their right mind from overseas would want to invest in property in
Australia. I can see a huge bursting of the property bubble about to occur....
Re: Infrastructure and Planning Issues facing SA.
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:42 pm
by Wayno
ozisnowman wrote:Once this issue of Peak Oil really hits us, who in their right mind from overseas would want to invest in property in
Australia. I can see a huge bursting of the property bubble about to occur....
Not all property, just car dependent suburbs - right?
Re: Infrastructure and Planning Issues facing SA.
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:14 pm
by ozisnowman
Yes the car dependant suburbs will be hardest hit, but i guess that due to the impact on interstate, foreign travel etc.
Also people will be less likely to want to immigrate here due to its isolation from the rest of the world.
Re: Infrastructure and Planning Issues facing SA.
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:51 pm
by jk1237
sorry guys, but here I go again
lets start by lowering the oversupply of carparking in the CBD. If this peak oil situation happens, there's gonna be a lot of empty shells around town that could have been used for other purposes than multi-storey carparks. Its a waste of money forcing new office buildings to build more carparks when the peak oil in a few years may mean a dramatic switch away from internal combustion 1 person occupied cars driving into town
Re: Infrastructure and Planning Issues facing SA.
Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:52 am
by adam_stuckey
I don't really think its all doom and gloom the oil issue is and big and obvious one that no one with power has really addressed that’s why its up to people like you and me to invest into "green companies"
It just seems very simple to me that if we introduce Green energy production on a large scale (like some people in the Riverland have started doing to great success) followed by electric cars (which mind you all this technology already exists and if implemented would serve most people who drive less than 100km one way per day) this would solve most if not all of these issues. Id love to know how many oil companies own patents to green energy technology though!
Re: Infrastructure and Planning Issues facing SA.
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:14 am
by AG
Shake it up SA, it's time to think big
Article from: The Advertiser
September 12, 2009 12:01am
SOUTH Australians have been challenged to shun small-town politics and embrace big-picture issues of nuclear energy, immigration, reform and education.
Business SA chief executive officer Peter Vaughan said SA was being held back by narrow-thinking, small-town politics and an inflated bureaucracy.
"We will not be able to maintain our lifestyle if we are not prepared to accept challenge, change and make difficult decisions that may adversely affect some for the benefit of the vast majority," he said.
"Our current population can't sustain us. We have the oldest population per capita of people over 60.
"We have the least population per capita under 30.
"That is a doughnut formulation, which means fewer and fewer wage earners and young people are actually supporting more and more older people.
"We have fewer people with tertiary qualifications per capita than anywhere else. That's a perfect-storm combination if you combine our population structure and our skills base."
Additionally, SA had the nation's highest per capita dependency on welfare.
Mr Vaughan said skilled migrants with young families could help set a platform for SA's development for the next 50 to 100 years.
"We can't survive without the critical mass and we need to use these people to settle our current and looming skills shortage," he said.
With a forecast population of two million by the late 2020s, he said, much of this growth would come from migration. "Nobody will give us a free kick. Don't think the other states or the Commonwealth will turn around and give us a helping hand. Those days are over," he said.
"We need to broaden our outlook".
Mr Vaughan said nuclear power was the debate we had to have. "How can you sit on the world's greatest known resource in what is geologically, geopolitically and geographically the safest place in the world to store waste without having a debate about it?" he said.
Calling for reform of state and local governments, Mr Vaughan said SA was over-governed.
"We are 1.5 million people. And yet we have layer after layer of local councils, regional development boards and a state government. We have the most over-governed city council in Australia, held captive by a small band of residential interests," he said.
"And the Legislative Council is a manifestation of a bygone landed-gentry era still perpetuating the myth that they have the right to deny the mandate of the Lower House."
Mr Vaughan said reform of the public service was essential and numbers must be cut.
"One in every seven employees in the state is employed by the Government and what we have is a clogging of the system creating boundaries, and barriers and impositions on the people and business who employ six out of seven workers who every day face the market-force issue of demand and supply."
Mr Vaughan said the education system must also move to address issues that had led to a lack of tertiary qualifications including the shortage of science and maths teachers.
"We could keep going the way we are going. We won't fall off the perch and probably our mineral strength will allow us to stumble through. Or we could seize the day and look to the next 50 to 100 years and position ourself to be one of the jewels in the Pacific," he challenged.
Re: Infrastructure and Planning Issues facing SA.
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 12:36 pm
by SRW
I wasn't aware that we had the lowest per capita tertiary qualifications or the highest per capita welfare burden, although the latter doesn't surprise me with our generally older population and higher unemployment as compared the rest of the country.
"And the Legislative Council is a manifestation of a bygone landed-gentry era still perpetuating the myth that they have the right to deny the mandate of the Lower House."
That's a nonsense. The Upper House is elected just as democratically as the lower house and is equally entitled to claim mandate. That said, I do agree that Parliament should be unicameral in South Australia, but not unless the Assembly adopts proportional representation (either the Hare-Clarke system -- to be called Hare-Spence system in SA, after that
great lady who first advocated its use here -- as used in Tasmania or MMP as used in New Zealand). That the constitutional convention that was held in 2003 to buy off Peter Lewis did not examine the issue probably shows how likely it is that it'll ever happen -- the major parties are too happy with their preponderance.
Re: Infrastructure and Planning Issues facing SA.
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:10 pm
by Omicron
It would be nice, mind you, if Legislative Councils and Senates in general were less the dumping grounds for failed or unsuitable Lower House candidates as they are now. A week-old loaf of bread could achieve a 14.3% quota let alone one clad in a suit and tie, which probably explains the extent of week-old loaves of bread quietly moulding away in the red chambers across the nation.
And a severe beating to those who only vote above the line, complaining about having to take off their shoes to count the number of candidates. Good god, people!
Re: News & Discussion: Planning Issues & Challenges
Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 4:05 pm
by rubberman