Government appoints body to oversee city development ... velopment/
26 Mar 12 @ 03:01pm by Alice Higgins
A NEW panel chaired by a State Government architect will advise developers and architects on city development.
Premier Jay Weatherill today (Tuesday, March 26) announced a City Design Review Panel, chaired by government architect Ben Hewett, would advise developers and architects on all city applications valued at $10 million or more.
All applicants lodging a $10 million-plus proposal must present their plans to the City Design Review Panel before it is considered by the government’s Development Assessment Commission (DAC).
The applicant can choose whether it takes on board the advice of the panel but its recommendation will be forwarded to the DAC before it considers the project.
The City Council’s Development Assessment Panel will still rule on all developments under $10 million and offer advice to the DAC on applications more than $10 million.
Mr Weatherill said the opportunity for new development in the city had been “stifled for decades” because of disagreements between the council and the government.
Lord Mayor Stephen Yarwood said the move was “an absolute quantum leap for development in SA”.
“The whole point of this is to remove debate or anxiety or issues at the end of the process and deal with them up front,” Mr Yarwood said.
“There will still be a development plan, there will still be development guidelines and there will still be an independent authority making the final decision.”
Planning Minister John Rau said the new panel represented a “complete rethink” of city development.
“Up until now the City of Adelaide has had a very highly prescriptive model for development approvals ... many, many details about heights or distances or colours of windows or whatever but not great detail about design,” Mr Rau said.
“This will enable people from a very, very early stage to liaise with the panel and, in effect, build their project from the ground up in consultation with the design panel.”