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Re: Westpac House
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 2:49 pm
by Will
Hopefully they will spell out 'Westpac', instead of just placing the bank's 'W' logo.
Re: Westpac House
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:43 pm
by Shuz
Will wrote:Hopefully they will spell out 'Westpac', instead of just placing the bank's 'W' logo.
Hope so. The stain marks left by the Santos signage is awful. Gotta take that one to the dry cleaners.
Re: Westpac House
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:49 pm
by crawf
Mants wrote:crawf wrote:Mants, they are apartment buildings
ok then...
what about Rialto then?
Signage on Rialto would ruin that stunning glass building, while the old Santos building doesn't look right with out signage IMO.
the tallest building doesnt necessarily need "lit up signage"
No it doesn't, but it does if there is already signage on the building.
Re: Westpac House
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:31 am
by Howie
I saw some red light on the top of the building tonight - it looks like the red will make it more visible than the blue we've been accustomed to.
Re: Westpac House
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:32 pm
by Will
Howie wrote:I saw some red light on the top of the building tonight - it looks like the red will make it more visible than the blue we've been accustomed to.
I was just looking at night time photos of other Austrlian cities, and it struck that compared with them, Adelaide will have an overwhelming presence of the colour red in its skyline. Most of the significant illuminated signs on our buildings are now red. I'm thinking of 'Oracle', NAB, Stamford Plaza, Origin Energy, AON, Credit Union on Light Square, QANTAS, and now Westpac.
Re: Westpac House
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:15 pm
by Howie
Was just about to write the same thing Will. Lots of red in the night sky. Some other colours would be nice.
Re: Westpac House
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:40 pm
by Snorkie
The westpac sign is now burning brightly (on the souther side of the building at least). Looks ok I guess, and much larger than I thought, but yeah even more red for the skyline. Unfortunatelly it appears as though its just going to be a W, and i dont think their name will be spelt out, cause the W is pretty well centered.
Re: Transport SA possibly relocating to CBD?
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:02 pm
by Snorkie
Cant be bothered starting a new thread for this, but if someone wants to move it thats fine. Today I have received information from a reliable source rather high up at NAB (however he is not directly involved with the discussion) that NAB are or will begin having discussions re. a possible move from their current location. I think this is excellent news, however it is still to early to give anything concrete, so I am going to put this in the speculative basket, cause I am only going by what one person has told me and thought I would share. If anyone has more info, would be much appreciated. However, if true would be excellent news as I would assume they would need 20000-25000m of office space, which would make for a sizable development.
Again, dont take this as gospel, but im just letting you guys know what I have been told...
Re: Transport SA possibly relocating to CBD?
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:18 am
by Ben
Snorkie wrote:Cant be bothered starting a new thread for this, but if someone wants to move it thats fine. Today I have received information from a reliable source rather high up at NAB (however he is not directly involved with the discussion) that NAB are or will begin having discussions re. a possible move from their current location. I think this is excellent news, however it is still to early to give anything concrete, so I am going to put this in the speculative basket, cause I am only going by what one person has told me and thought I would share. If anyone has more info, would be much appreciated. However, if true would be excellent news as I would assume they would need 20000-25000m of office space, which would make for a sizable development.
Again, dont take this as gospel, but im just letting you guys know what I have been told...
I actually heard something similar a few months ago from a guy I know who works in that office on King William.
Re: Westpac House
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:19 am
by Ben
Very dissapointed. I can't belive it's a white "w". I had hoped it would spell out the whole name and have white lights behind the black name. Hopefully it's not finished.
Re: Transport SA possibly relocating to CBD?
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:47 pm
by Will
The current NAB building at 22 KWS, Has approximately 10 000sqm2 of office space which is all leased to the NAB. However don't expect any relocation soon. The bank signed a new lease for the building last year for the next few years.
Re: Transport SA possibly relocating to CBD?
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:35 pm
by urban
If they are looking for a custom made development the project is likely to take a few years to complete.
It would be great to see a new NAB as their recent building in Docklands is very impressive. If they take the same care with a new building in Adelaide it would be a welcome addition to our CBD.
Many ifs but here's hoping.
Re: Transport SA possibly relocating to CBD?
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:38 pm
by Ben
Would be great if they secured CC6 then we could have a mini financial district with ANZ, Ernst & Young and NAB. When I was told about this a few months ago he said the lease expired in 2010. So it would be awhile away and they may extend their lease beyond this. With many C grade building it is unusual for leases to extend beyond 3 years from what I have seen unless they can negotiate a really good deal.
Re: Westpac House
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:55 pm
by crawf
Mate, its now red on the southern side though still white on the western side.
But yeah I'm a bit disappointed aswell would of been nice if they spelt "Westpac" or made the "W" slightly bigger. I also agree we need more colours in the skyline.
Re: Transport SA possibly relocating to CBD?
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:09 pm
by crawf
Will wrote:The current NAB building at 22 KWS, Has approximately 10 000sqm2 of oice space which is all leased to the NAB. However don't expect any relocation soon. The bank signed a new lease for the building last year for the next few years.
Theres another NAB building on Gawler Place, all up it could become a nice addition to this fine city though it would be good if they take up one of the city central towers. I'll be glad to see the KWS building knocked down it ruins the northern skyline view and is just plain ugly (looked a bit better with the old NAB signage in my opinion).
Also isn't Adelaide Bank looking at shifting its two offices (Hindmarsh Square and KWS) into a new building?