Re: #article : Foxtel perpetuate ADL Serial Killer Myth
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:00 pm
The commercial was back on the air today on CI. Saw it played twice atleast.
Adelaide's Premier Development and Construction Site
We have one: Saint Francis Xavier Cathedral at Victoria Square. All it lacks is its spire. Apparently, there's been plans for several years for a 60m spire on the tower (which was itself only completed relatively recently, I believe), but nothing has ever come to fruition. Though maybe with the Catholic Church's other developments in the vincinity (VS1, SAC Gymnasium) its not so far off, but that's a discussion for another thread...JamesXander wrote:I don't mind the tag the city of churchs. I know it makes us sound old and all that. But when you drive around, the churchs of Adelaide are great. Its also something different. Not like 'the city of light' etc.
The City of Churchs suits me just fine, infact after going to london I always envisaged a Cathedral being Built in the Heart of Adelaide. Something to rival St Peters.
I'm inclined to believe that this reflects better prosecution, as opposed to a propensity among the local population to off one another more fervently than in other states...SA, we're the killer State
January 29, 2008 09:30pm
SOUTH Australia has almost twice the national average of convicted killers, reinforcing its reputation as the nation's "murder capital".
Figures show SA has more people convicted of murder, manslaughter and reckless driving, per head of population, than any other state.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics says in 2006-07, SA had 15 per cent of the nation's convicted killers, but 8 per cent of its population.
Convicted killers, in that period, included throat-slasher Michael Anthony Curran and June Busson, who stabbed her cancer-striken husband to death.
By contrast, gangland hot-spot Victoria had 20 per cent of all killers and 25 per cent of the population.
Commissioner for Victims' Rights Michael O'Connell said the SA figures "suggest a shocking picture of violence".
"The fact we have so many murderers in prison is indicative of something else," he said. "It shows we are consistently good at capturing our killers." SA gained its international reputation in 2000 following the bodies-in-the-barrels serial killings.
Politicians and police sought to dispel the label as "a myth".
The ABS' latest Criminal Courts Australia report shows 62 South Australians were convicted of murder, manslaughter and causing death by dangerous driving in the period. It also represents a 6 per cent increase on the number of convictions in 2005-06, and a 9 per cent rise since 2001-02.
A spokesman for Attorney General Michael Atkinson said the figures related to "murders committed years ago".
"The latest police recorded crime statistics are showing a sharp downward trend," he said.
Opposition legal affairs spokeswoman Isobel Redmond was "reluctant to read too much" into the statistics, but she said crime had gone unaddressed by the State Government "for too long".