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Re: Thank God (irony): Street preachers silenced by court ru

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:07 am
by monotonehell
I don't remember a furniture store in Regent Arcade.

Do you think a speaker's corner would work in Adelaide these days? There's the one in Sydney, and there's also one in London. Old traditions, source of the phrase "on a soapbox". I thought they were more from a time of furious political thought (late 1800s, 1920s/30s) where people used to go espousing whatever political stance and the crowd would either cheer or jeer them with good humour. I doubt people would play nice these days.

Anyway, the Internet seems to have taken that role.

Re: Thank God (irony): Street preachers silenced by court ru

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:32 am
by Xaragmata
monotonehell wrote:I don't remember a furniture store in Regent Arcade.

Do you think a speaker's corner would work in Adelaide these days? There's the one in Sydney, and there's also one in London. Old traditions, source of the phrase "on a soapbox". I thought they were more from a time of furious political thought (late 1800s, 1920s/30s) where people used to go espousing whatever political stance and the crowd would either cheer or jeer them with good humour. I doubt people would play nice these days.

Anyway, the Internet seems to have taken that role.
Griffs was many years ago (mid 1970s?). Don't know if a speaker's corner would work now, & I can't remember if it was still in use or if it was just a
memorial - I thought there were some "stumps" off Frome Rd that people could stand on & spruik, but may be mistaken. I used to go to the Sydney one,
but again a long time ago, & it was full of people spruiking & watching. The internet has probably made them redundant, but if mandatory net filters
& site registrations come in, then there might be a place for them. People are not tolerant these days, and don't like to upset people's sensitivities or
cause hurt feelings - even the kookaburra sitting in the old gum tree stopped being "gay" for a while, in case it was taken the wrong way.

Re: Thank God (irony): Street preachers silenced by court ru

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:01 pm
by Xaragmata
SRW wrote:
Xaragmata wrote:How will the courts (council / police) deal with something like this, should it happen in Adelaide's streets? My guess is that they will bravely do nothing,
like the secular French. ... -the-West/
'Islamization' of Paris a Warning to the West
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

PARIS - Friday in Paris. A hidden camera shows streets blocked by huge crowds of Muslim worshippers and enforced by a private security force.
This is all illegal in France: the public worship, the blocked streets, and the private security. But the police have been ordered not to intervene.
I'm a little wound up on this exact topic at the moment, so sorry if I'm too harsh in my reply, but that story is f*cking ridiculous and deliberately inflammatory. All else I'll say is think very carefully before taking as fact anything presented on Network Robertson.
Here is another ridiculous & inflammatory video, this time on De Telegraaf, calling for death of Geert Wilders, and anyone who mocks, degrades or laughs
at islam. It is a global phenomenon, and as I wrote above, I expect that our authorities will bravely do nothing, apart from remove rubbish bins and put
up unattended luggage notices. ... ers__.html

Haatprediker roept op tot doden Wilders

[Video: Iman bedreigt Wilders - in English]

Re: Thank God (irony): Street preachers silenced by court ru

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:31 pm
by monotonehell
You're making a bit of noise there X, but what do you propose be done about these fundie crazies (who don't represent the vast majority BTW)? Law enforcement agencies definitely have them in their sights. Islam doesn't move as one united voice Worldwide, it's fractured, just like Christianity or Judaism. In all religions there are those fundaMENTALists who call for radicalism or terrorism. And there's always a disenfranchised segment of society who will (stupidly) listen, because they feel hard done by society. But on the whole you'll find most people (regardless of their beliefs) would just like to be able to get on with their lives, without fear of persecution.

To quote Kamahl, "why is everyone so unkind?" ;)

Re: Thank God (irony): Street preachers silenced by court ru

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:30 am
by Xaragmata
monotonehell wrote:You're making a bit of noise there X, but what do you propose be done about these fundie crazies (who don't represent the vast majority BTW)? Law enforcement agencies definitely have them in their sights. Islam doesn't move as one united voice Worldwide, it's fractured, just like Christianity or Judaism. In all religions there are those fundaMENTALists who call for radicalism or terrorism. And there's always a disenfranchised segment of society who will (stupidly) listen, because they feel hard done by society. But on the whole you'll find most people (regardless of their beliefs) would just like to be able to get on with their lives, without fear of persecution.

To quote Kamahl, "why is everyone so unkind?" ;)
The "fundie crazies" have succeeded in changing the lifestyles of people like me - the authorities prefer to remove bins & put up signs, instead of dealing
with them. The noisy & aggressive mall preachers have apparently been dealt with, but one never knows when a muslim will get "the call". I was on the
back seat of a city-bound bus a few months back, when I noticed a muslim reading an Arabic tract & apparently praying fervently. I mentioned him to the driver when I got off, but nothing came of it. But the possibility of a Madrid or London Route 33 is a risk of using PT these days, and allah mandates the
use of terror in establishing Islam as the supreme religion:
Sura [8:12] Recall that your Lord inspired the angels: "I am with you; so support those who believed. I will throw terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved. You may strike them above the necks, and you may strike even every finger."

Here is the Reuters report of the call to behead Geert Wilders: ... 903?ca=rdt

Muslim cleric calls for beheading of Dutch politician
Fri, Sep 03 09:26 AM EDT

By Ben Berkowitz

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A well-known Australian Muslim cleric has called for the beheading of Dutch anti-Islamic politician Geert Wilders, a newspaper
said on Friday.
De Telegraaf, the Netherlands' largest newspaper, led its front page on Friday with a story on the speech by Feiz Muhammad.

The Sydney-born Muhammad has gained notoriety for, among other things, calling on young children to be radicalized and blaming rape victims for their
own attacks.

The paper posted an English-language audio clip in which he refers to Wilders as "this Satan, this devil, this politician in Holland" and explains that anyone
who talks about Islam like Wilders does should be executed by beheading.

De Telegraaf did not say when the speech was given but said it and the Dutch secret service both had copies. According to his website, Muhammad is
based in Malaysia.

To the Adelaide City Council / Adelaide Metro etc - put the bins back in the Adelaide Station concourse - if you dare :)

Re: Thank God (irony): Street preachers silenced by court ru

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 1:20 am
by monotonehell
X don't go quoting bits out of context from the Quran, that's what Christian Fundies do from the Bible to support their dogma. According to an explanation of that sara, it's part of a recount of a historical battle, and a discussion between God and his prophet about how the battle went. There's similar tracts in the Old Testament between God and Moses (IIRC) and smite this and smote that and so on. Remember Mohamed pinched the idea of writing a holy book from the Jews, as a form of social control, in an attempt to unite the feudal tribes of the region. So there's all kinds of justification "from God" for all the wars in both books. The Jews wrote their holy book to justify taking over other people's lands in ancient times and to give themselves a sense of belonging and history. Most of the early stuff is rehashed versions of ancient oral tradition, borrowed and reworked so that they were cast as "the chosen people".

It's all politics.

The bottom line is anyone can take a passage out of context from any holy book and hold it up to support their case. The problem is that they first have an idea and THEN go looking for something that they can pretend supports their point of view. Of course they always ignore all the other parts that go against their idea. :roll:

Terrorism = bad
Islam <> terrorism
Christianity <> terrorism
Judaism <> terrorism
But look at all the crap that gets done in the name of those religions.

You need to separate culture from religion from regional politics from local community from shit stirrers who incite all this trouble. And that includes crazy 'Muslims' calling for the beheading of cartoonists as well as right-wing 'Christian' fundies stirring the pot from the other side.

Don't fall for the hype -- from either side. And yeah I rekon the bins should go back on the concourse too.

Re: Thank God (irony): Street preachers silenced by court ru

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:10 am
by Xaragmata
monotonehell wrote:X don't go quoting bits out of context from the Quran, that's what Christian Fundies do from the Bible to support their dogma. According to an explanation of that sara, it's part of a recount of a historical battle, and a discussion between God and his prophet about how the battle went. There's similar tracts in the Old Testament between God and Moses (IIRC) and smite this and smote that and so on. Remember Mohamed pinched the idea of writing a holy book from the Jews, as a form of social control, in an attempt to unite the feudal tribes of the region. So there's all kinds of justification "from God" for all the wars in both books. The Jews wrote their holy book to justify taking over other people's lands in ancient times and to give themselves a sense of belonging and history. Most of the early stuff is rehashed versions of ancient oral tradition, borrowed and reworked so that they were cast as "the chosen people".

It's all politics.

The bottom line is anyone can take a passage out of context from any holy book and hold it up to support their case. The problem is that they first have an idea and THEN go looking for something that they can pretend supports their point of view. Of course they always ignore all the other parts that go against their idea. :roll:

Terrorism = bad
Islam <> terrorism
Christianity <> terrorism
Judaism <> terrorism
But look at all the crap that gets done in the name of those religions.

You need to separate culture from religion from regional politics from local community from shit stirrers who incite all this trouble. And that includes crazy 'Muslims' calling for the beheading of cartoonists as well as right-wing 'Christian' fundies stirring the pot from the other side.

Don't fall for the hype -- from either side. And yeah I rekon the bins should go back on the concourse too.

I will quote whatever I like, and observe whatever I like, and interpret it as I choose, whether some say it is "out of context", "hype" or other terms.

The bins are unlikely to go back, and the authorities will be unlikely to tackle the "extremists" - and situations of mass civil disobedience will increase,
with muslims rejecting kuffar authority, and seeking to implement the global Caliphate under sharia law.

The situation in Oz (and SA) is not anything like France, Belgium, UK, Thailand's "restive South", Philippines ... but an ounce of prevention might be
worth a pound of cure. Groups such as the "New Boys" are muscling in on territory once held by older "outlaw bikie gangs" that have been around for
at least 40 years, but Adelaide's streets are starting to show a break down in law and order, with gang-related shootings & stabbings becoming
common place, but at least the noisy preachers have been shut down, for now. I am sure Hindley / King William Street corner is all the safer for it :)