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Re: It's Zebra crossing time!
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:04 pm
by SRW
ricecrackers wrote:
as i've said, i am unconvinced of any benefits zebra crossings would have to Adelaide. there are no other reasons.
Unconvinced that there are benefits to zebra crossings or unconvinced that they would work? The latter would seem to be cynicism masquerading as an argument. For my part, I wholeheartedly agree with capitalist's proposal -- anything that enhances pedestrian priority in the city should be embraced.
Re: It's Zebra crossing time!
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:23 pm
by ricecrackers
SRW wrote:ricecrackers wrote:
as i've said, i am unconvinced of any benefits zebra crossings would have to Adelaide. there are no other reasons.
Unconvinced that there are benefits to zebra crossings or unconvinced that they would work? The latter would seem to be cynicism masquerading as an argument. For my part, I wholeheartedly agree with capitalist's proposal -- anything that enhances pedestrian priority in the city should be embraced.
Re: It's Zebra crossing time!
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:32 pm
by Waewick
SRW wrote:ricecrackers wrote:
as i've said, i am unconvinced of any benefits zebra crossings would have to Adelaide. there are no other reasons.
Unconvinced that there are benefits to zebra crossings or unconvinced that they would work? The latter would seem to be cynicism masquerading as an argument. For my part, I wholeheartedly agree with capitalist's proposal -- anything that enhances pedestrian priority in the city should be embraced.
O wonder who I would have to ask....
but happy for the support
Re: It's Zebra crossing time!
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:23 am
by Isiskii
Re: It's Zebra crossing time!
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:55 pm
by Westside
So, arguments aside, where else in Adelaide could zebra crossings be installed? I was thinking we need to replace that stupid lack of a crossing at the end of Jetty st, Glenelg. At the moment it is the only crossing (possibly in the world) with a sign "Pedestrians give way to vehicles". Surely a zebra crossing is going to be the safest solution here.
Re: It's Zebra crossing time!
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:09 pm
by Waewick
I think that would be the only place that would say that.
Zebra crossings would be good down King William Road - but that isn't CBD
Re: It's Zebra crossing time!
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:00 pm
by Mants
if it's in an area with high pedestrian volume, then traffic would never be able to get through, many drivers would become impatient and push their way through anyway. this is common at several city carparks, especially the rundle street upark, the grenfell street upark and the grote street entrance to the central markets upark.
Re: It's Zebra crossing time!
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:28 pm
by Aidan
Westside wrote:So, arguments aside, where else in Adelaide could zebra crossings be installed? I was thinking we need to replace that stupid lack of a crossing at the end of Jetty st, Glenelg. At the moment it is the only crossing (possibly in the world) with a sign "Pedestrians give way to vehicles". Surely a zebra crossing is going to be the safest solution here.
Firstly it's
Jetty Road Glenelg - although if the crossing's the one I think you mean, it's actually on Colley Terrace.
Secondly, giving priority to pedestrians would cause vehicles to block the tram tracks more often.
Thirdly, giving priority to pedestrians would encourage them to step out onto the road when vehicles are coming - how exactly do you think that's safer than encouraging them to wait until after the vehicles have passed?
It is actually very well designed - the wide median means that although they don't have priority, pedestrians don't have to wait very long because instead of having to wait for gaps in the traffic both ways at once, they only have to cross one lane at a time. And despite not impeding the flow of vehicles, it can handle large numbers of pedestrians.
Re: It's Zebra crossing time!
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:30 am
by Mants
Aidan wrote:
Firstly it's Jetty Road Glenelg - although if the crossing's the one I think you mean, it's actually on Colley Terrace.
geez, i dont think anybody else on this forum would bother correcting that. i think it was pretty obvious.
Re: It's Zebra crossing time!
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:59 pm
by The Scooter Guy
A Zebra crossing has thick white stripes for pedestrians to walk over & black/white posts with amber flashing balls, called Belisha Beacons.