downtown wrote:hello chaps,
A little perspective... Lonely Planet was founded and is based in Australia so I'm not so sure we can call it unbiased. Of course its biased, nearly everything is in some manner.
Furthermore, they've made a splash this year, at least in Australia for including Adelaide in the top 10 list for giggles. Well a little controversy never hurt any publicity stunt for a new edition of a book probably coming out by Christmas.
As for the vitriol leveled at the journalist, that's a little over the top isn't it? Again the article was a cynical bit of link bait and it worked a treat. Have a sense of humour instead of behaving like the backwoodsmen from deliverance and interstaters might start looking at South Australians in a different light. Yes i'm one of them and i live here and i'm not an employee of news ltd before you start down that road. Most of the things in that article seemed fairly accurate to me as I've also lived here most of my life, which is why it was somewhat funny, however obviously it was biased not to highlight the positive aspects of the city of Adelaide.
Adelaide will arrive as a city of note someday, once the locals stop getting up in arms about a little criticism or joking, once the locals stop getting so worked up about what others with different perspectives think.
Bottom line is, why should anyone care about Lonely Planet or News Ltd? there really is no sense in getting your tiaras in a twist. take the good with the bad, but take both with a pinch of salt because they mean nothing in the washup.
A sense of humor?
Can you point where exactly the funny bits are in that article?
It may have been brushed off, once upon a time..but this same old crap has been done to death by those on the east coast.
And each time they play the it's a "piss take" or "joke" card and tell us to get a sense of humor. Really, you accept that as an excuse?
Are they really that insecure about their own existence?
One of the most recognized travel publications listed Adelaide amongst it's top 10, for a few giggles? Really?
Adelaide will arrive as a city of note someday, once the locals stop getting up in arms about a little criticism or joking, once the locals stop getting so worked up about what others with different perspectives think
Bottom line is, why should anyone care about Lonely Planet or News Ltd? there really is no sense in getting your tiaras in a twist. take the good with the bad, but take both with a pinch of salt because they mean nothing in the washup.
Wow again.
I'd say a few choice things to you, but the mods don't like it when I upset the new guy anymore.
If Lonely Planet rated Adelaide as a place to avoid, would you have the same opinion?
Keep in mind, if you don't already know which by the sounds of it I doubt you would, that Lonely Planet is a major travel publication.
Keep in mind as well that, aka News Ltd, is one of the major news sites in Australia.
The media and publications play a big part in promoting something. In this case a city/state.
Do you know what one of the major things Adelaide is known for? Bodies in barrels.
That received major national media coverage when it was unfolding. That has stuck.
So to have a major publication like Lonely Planet, and the New Yorker, give Adelaide the thumbs up, and suggest it as an alternative to a major city like Sydney, is a terrific thing.
What it signifies is that Adelaide is getting recognized for the changes it is undergoing.
One of the big changes is the small bar scene/laneway stuff going on. The New York magazine is talking about THAT! And you think they do this sort of stuff just for giggles?
It might not mean much to you, but it will mean quite a lot to the states economy.
Last year Hobart was listed by Lonely Planet, it received an increase of around 15% in tourist arrivals as a direct result.