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[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:29 am
by mgb
I thought the council had done this already?
- beehives.jpg (65.65 KiB) Viewed 4667 times
Maybe need to do on the other side of the road as well to even things up and make it a grand entranceway ?
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:37 pm
by crawf
^Heh, that has already been done
Forget tacky sculptures or a so called "city gate", just improve the actual landscaping. Some of the parklands section of Sir Donald Bradman Drive is surrounded by dead grass and overgrown trees, as is King William Road alongside Veale Gardens.
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:48 pm
by Plasmatron
This is dumb. There is so much we already need to do in this city, without suddenly being excited/distracted by some irrelevant idea that would cost a buttload and not contribute to achieving our existing goals. Focus, Adelaide! Focus!
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 3:00 pm
by Goodsy
if they're going to do something grand I'd rather them build Parliament House to it's original design or rebuild the Adelaide Exhibition Building
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:49 pm
by ynotsfables
Maybe not so much a gate but the entry to our city from every direction should be emphasised by a wow factor of some sort. Don't give up on this idea yet.
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:01 pm
by Goodsy
ynotsfables wrote:Maybe not so much a gate but the entry to our city from every direction should be emphasised by a wow factor of some sort. Don't give up on this idea yet.
the skyline should be enough to be a wow factor, NYC doesn't have a gate
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:23 pm
by floplo
GoodSmackUp wrote:ynotsfables wrote:Maybe not so much a gate but the entry to our city from every direction should be emphasised by a wow factor of some sort. Don't give up on this idea yet.
the skyline should be enough to be a wow factor, NYC doesn't have a gate
Brooklyn bridge ?
Statue of Liberty ?
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:31 pm
by bits
floplo wrote:
Brooklyn bridge ?
Statue of Liberty ?
Do they really compare on a global stage to something as grand as the Elder Park Rotunda?
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:47 am
by Ser Noit of Loit
GoodSmackUp wrote:if they're going to do something grand I'd rather them build Parliament House to it's original design or rebuild the Adelaide Exhibition Building
I'll throw every penny I have at them to put the dome and towers on parliament house. It looks awesome.
How would a gate, even two, into Adelaide work? The CBD is more or less in the middle of the urban area and takes traffic in from all directions. Where's the gate for cars coming along Pultney, or King William, or Wakefield, or Botanic Road, etc?
Like others have said, I'd much prefer them first work on existing works.
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:51 am
by floplo
Ser Noit of Loit wrote:GoodSmackUp wrote:if they're going to do something grand I'd rather them build Parliament House to it's original design or rebuild the Adelaide Exhibition Building
I'll throw every penny I have at them to put the dome and towers on parliament house. It looks awesome.
How would a gate, even two, into Adelaide work? The CBD is more or less in the middle of the urban area and takes traffic in from all directions. Where's the gate for cars coming along Pultney, or King William, or Wakefield, or Botanic Road, etc?
Like others have said, I'd much prefer them first work on existing works.
The article mentions Bradman Drive and Main North Road in Prospect as possible locations. Though I guess since both would involve building in the parklands , certain groups will make sure it won't happen anyway....
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:29 am
by Llessur2002
floplo wrote:Though I guess since both would involve building in the parklands, certain groups will make sure it won't happen anyway....
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:20 am
by skyliner
My first reaction was what a great idea - followed by it would have to be iconic and identifiable with Adelaide - carrying the essence of the city coupled with standout architecture. But what about finishing the Gawler line electrification?
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:40 am
by [Shuz]
We already have this amazing gate in the city.
Also, skyliner, surely you've been on this forum long enough to apply common sense. Seriously - did you even read the article? Do you understand the difference between $3m and $300m? Do you understand the difference between local, state and federal governments, their respective responsibilities and the sort of budgets they work with?
Gawler Line Electrification is a State Government responsibility, not a Local Government one.
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:55 am
by how good is he
What I found surprising is the council only contribute $500,000 to the homeless per annum. Maybe if they spent $3.1m on an iconic entrance statement/structure that could also house the homeless, they could kill two birds with one stone?
[PRO] Re: City Gates
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:30 pm
by rev
This is one of the stupidest things I've heard this council come up with.
How about they spend that $3.1 million on something actually needed, like road maintenance within the CBD.
Or how about they put that $3.1 million in a high interest earning account and put it towards finishing Victorian Square.
City Gates? What do we need them for? What's it going to add, besides another thing that the Adelaide City Council will end up running to the state government for money to maintain?
But if a City Gate was to be built, it would have to be built on Sir Donald Bradman Drive. Logically as that's the entry into the CBD from the know that big place where planes land and tourists arrive, then head into the CBD to their hotels.
But what's the point even then? It's not like the route into the CBD is anything spectacular...a motorway/freeway with sound barrier walls/vegetation would be a better view/drive into the CBD then what's currently there, even if they add "City Gates"...