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Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 4 | Total 15

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:06 pm
by Ben
April update

Quite a few changes. 2 x Unley road up. Still 2 crane bases at Festival plaza (one partially complete) and another at 262 South Terrace.

North Adelaide and Glenelg have come down. I would think the last Casino crane, East Terrace and Greenhill road down soon with Wakefield down next month.

Not many others expected anytime soon.


Completed 2020
Adelaidean....................................................37 (138m)
Renaissance Arcade (Realm)...............................40 (132m)

Completed Metro 2020

Eight - Glenelg..............................................12
Ex Channel 9 site - Majestic hotel........................6

Under Construction/SWP CBD

269 North Terrace...........................................34 (118m).........................1
Sofitel Currie Street.........................................32 (117m).........................1
114 Waymouth Street........................................26..................................1
Penny Place...................................................24...................................1
20 Toms Court...............................................17...................................1
124 Waymouth Street.......................................17..................................1
23-29 Market Street.........................................17..................................1
102 Wakefield Street........................................16...................................1
SkyCity Hotel.................................................12..................................1
250 East Terrace..............................................8..................................1
262 South Terrace............................................8
Adelaide Oval Hotel..........................................4
Festival Plaza.....................................................................................1

TOTAL CBD CRANES:..................................11

Under Construction/SWP METRO

179 Greenhill Road.........................................10................................1
354 Bowden..................................................10...............................1
Cremorne Plaza, 246 Unley Road......................... 7................................1
Hyde Park place............................................. 7................................1

TOTAL METRO CRANES:.................................4

TOTAL ADELAIDE CRANES:.............................15

Approved/Proposed Upcoming

80 Currie Street.........................................34 (137m) (VIS)
Central Market Arcade.............,,...................35 (135m~) (VIS)
75-79 King William Street..............................39 (132m)
29 Twin Street............................................38 (124m)
203 North Terrace.......................................35 (~115m)
322 King William Street (South).......................31 (114m) ONH
322 King William Street (North).......................31 (114m) ONH
51 Pirie Street (Hyatt)..................................28 (114m)
Festival Centre...........................................27 (108m)
64 Currie Street (QT)....................................25
13-21 Coglin Street......................................23 ONH
399 King William Street.................................23 ONH
157 Waymouth Street....................................23
261 Pulteney Street......................................22
42-56 Franklin Street....................................21
73 Pirie Street............................................21
260 Flinders Street (Stage 2)...........................20
124 Wakefield Street....................................18
14 Bentham Street.......................................18
GPO Westin Hotel........................................16
2-6 Hutt Street...........................................16
Ascend Hotel West Terrace.............................14 ONH
135 South Terrace (Parkland Vista)....................13
SAHMRI 2...................................................12
266 - 270 Pulteney Street...............................11
Ramada Hotel - Elizabeth ...............................8

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 4 | Total 15

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:51 am
by Ben
South terrace crane going up today

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 4 | Total 15

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:39 am
by phenom
The above-mentioned crane on South Terrace.

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 12 | Metro 4 | Total 16

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:09 pm
by EBG
The completed crane 28/4/2020 .Please click on picture for bigger.

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 12 | Metro 4 | Total 16

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 1:23 am
by timtam20292
This crane is extremely visible from my street here in the city. Hope the building has a similar impact as it rises.

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 12 | Metro 4 | Total 16

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 9:23 pm
by EBG
2/5/2020,Wingfeld crane coming down this weekend. The tower crane had removed 3 tower sections to make it easer for the mobile to reach it. Please click on pictures for bigger.

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 4 | Total 15

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 1:28 pm
by EBG
Bowden crane came down some time last week. see metro / Bowden thread .

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 4 | Total 15

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 10:47 pm
by EBG
The second riverside car park crane is going up today and the remaining casino crane has started to come down with some tower sections being removed. no time for pictures.

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 4 | Total 15

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 3:20 pm
by EBG
Now (Sat 27/5/2020) the remaining casino crane is coming down- a tower section has just being removed and is still suspended by the crane. Also note the 3 riverside car park cranes. Please click on pictures for bigger.

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 4 | Total 15

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 2:00 pm
by EBG
Second casino crane going .....Please click on pictures for bigger.

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 4 | Total 15

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 6:55 pm
by western
Not sure if any of you know of this site - 'Crane counter Index' for Australian cities. Very interesting read. Appear up to date with 15 cranes for Adelaide. I think it originated with Joe Bjelke in Qld as an indicator to wealth and city development.


Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 4 | Total 15

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:02 am
by Ben
Wakefield street coming down today.

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 4 | Total 15

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:38 pm
by EBG
Wakefield crane coming down as Ben mentioned. Please click on picture for bigger. picture 6/6/2020.

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 4 | Total 15

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:43 am
by Ben
June update

No expected cranes in the next month.

Waymouth, East Terrace and Greenhill Road to come down.


Completed 2020
Adelaidean....................................................37 (138m)
Renaissance Arcade (Realm)...............................40 (132m)
114 Waymouth Street........................................26
102 Wakefield Street........................................16
SkyCity Hotel.................................................12
262 South Terrace............................................8

Completed Metro 2020

Eight - Glenelg..............................................12
354 Bowden..................................................10
Ex Channel 9 site - Majestic hotel........................6

Under Construction/SWP CBD

269 North Terrace...........................................34 (118m).........................1
Sofitel Currie Street.........................................32 (117m).........................1
203 North Terrace...........................................35 (~115m)
Penny Place...................................................24..................................1
20 Toms Court...............................................17...................................1
124 Waymouth Street.......................................17..................................1
23-29 Market Street.........................................17..................................1
SAHMRI 2......................................................12
250 East Terrace..............................................8..................................1
65 South Terrace..............................................8..................................1
Adelaide Oval Hotel..........................................4
Festival Plaza.....................................................................................4

TOTAL CBD CRANES:..................................12

Under Construction/SWP METRO

179 Greenhill Road.........................................10................................1
Cremorne Plaza, 246 Unley Road......................... 7................................1
Hyde Park place............................................. 7................................1

TOTAL METRO CRANES:.................................3

TOTAL ADELAIDE CRANES:.............................15

Commencing July / August 2020

73 Pirie Street............................................21
GPO Westin Hotel........................................16
266 - 270 Pulteney Street...............................11

Approved/Proposed Upcoming

80 Currie Street.........................................34 (137m) (VIS)
Central Market Arcade.............,,...................35 (135m~) (VIS)
75-79 King William Street..............................39 (132m)
29 Twin Street............................................38 (124m)
51 Pirie Street (Hyatt)..................................28 (114m)
Festival Centre...........................................27 (108m)
64 Currie Street (QT)....................................25
13-21 Coglin Street......................................23 ONH
157 Waymouth Street....................................23
261 Pulteney Street......................................22
42-56 Franklin Street....................................21
260 Flinders Street (Stage 2)...........................20
124 Wakefield Street....................................18
14 Bentham Street.......................................18
2-6 Hutt Street...........................................16
135 South Terrace (Parkland Vista)....................13
Ramada Hotel - Elizabeth ...............................8

Re: Crane Counter: CBD 11 | Metro 3 | Total 14

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:57 am
by Ozbear73
New forum user here...go easy 😩
Now correct me if I’m wrong but I’m sure I spotted 4 cranes yesterday at the Festival Plaza site and not 3...and should the 32 level Grote St proposal also be included in the list of upcomings as a VIS as well??