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Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 1:22 am
by Patrick_27
GoodSmackUp wrote:Image

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 1:26 am
by Patrick_27
Dazzeland wrote:Not sure what to make of this proposal for the airport hotel, but it looks to be a rydges branded property. Can anyone confirm the seriousness of this? ... type=hotel
Not sure whether this is part of the tender process or simply designing for the sake of it but I love it. It's the perfect design for the location, a very European vibe about it. Not a high-rise but instead utilising all of the land it has available to it and working well into the plaza. My only concern is have they left enough of a channel for the future tramline which is meant to be terminating next to this hotel.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 9:21 am
by Llessur2002
rev wrote:
Patrick_27 wrote:
rev wrote:I really don't like their color scheme.
Yes, really. :D
Agreed - it looks like they've re-purposed a military transport plane.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 9:47 pm
by Bacon
Llessur2002 wrote: Agreed - it looks like they've re-purposed a military transport plane.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 10:05 pm
by Brando
Bacon wrote:
Llessur2002 wrote: Agreed - it looks like they've re-purposed a military transport plane.
A C-17 Globemaster, now that you could be forgiven....

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 12:10 pm
by I Follow PAFC

Great news from @JetstarAirways with new 3xweekly ADL-Sunshine Coast service from Sept 30. Fares on sale now.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 1:04 am
by Norman
Looking at the latest Google Earth map, it looks like the massive solar panel array on top of the carpark roof has been completed.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:03 am
by how good is he
Any news on the Airport hotel? Maybe they are waiting for Masters to leave so they can refurbish it into a hotel!

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 7:36 pm
by Simo00083
Does anyone know what the load factors are like on Qatar so far? Seems to be taking off pretty early so assuming not great? Will they last?

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 7:54 pm
by Norman
We probably won't know for another 3 months when the May figures are released

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 1:26 am
by Stefan P
Simo00083 wrote:Does anyone know what the load factors are like on Qatar so far? Seems to be taking off pretty early so assuming not great? Will they last?
Inbound figures have not been flash. The 2nd flight had 15 on board, the 3rd flight had 25. From all reports (from myself and fellow enthusiast) since then they haven't cracked to many flights above 50 (based on observation). Outbound is a bit different they would be averaging 150-200 (again purely on observations of flights seen, not every flihgt has been observed).

I assume they want to get out early to beat Emirates who are usually right up its tail, plus the gate it uses is also used by Virgin which usually has an aircraft sitting around waiting for the bay to be free.

My opinion is that they will be here for a while (may reduce frequency), I will give them a years grace and will start being skeptical on them next year. My opinion is that they will grow based on "word of mouth" from those who travelled this year will pass on the good or bad info about them. They will last longer than Air Asia, they are just here to stop Emirates from increasing flights which is/was (I beleive) on their radar.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 6:27 am
by ghs
Uber cars have recently been allowed to pickup from Sydney airport.

I wonder if an area will be setup at Adelaide airport for Uber cars ?

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 8:28 am
by Simo00083
Will we see a response from Emirates to increase frequency? Also any word on an airline from the US starting up and which route would that be?

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 9:33 am
by Stefan P
Simo00083 wrote:Will we see a response from Emirates to increase frequency? Also any word on an airline from the US starting up and which route would that be?
Probably not at the moment as the market will be to saturated. Emirates has stated that Australia is a priority to make an all-A380 market. In time once airport infrastructure is done EK will become an A380 as figures suggest that Adelaide has the passengers for 1x A380 a day (whether that be seasonal or all-year round). However they could go down the path of 2 B777 flights which will cater for the fright market out of Adelaide, the A380's can't hold much cargo hold and Adelaide has a huge freight load on most of its current flight (It wouldn't surprise me that MElbourne doesn't send some of its freight to ADL as they have 2x A380's a day which don't hold to much fright ).

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 5:17 pm
by Simo00083
Are there any developments in a possible American route to Adelaide? Which airline and route would take Adelaide on?