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[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 1:19 pm
by Ben
They are also proposing to include another set of traffic lights!!! WTF :wallbash:

They say preliminary discussions say the widening will be to the east.

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 2:31 pm
by ChillyPhilly
The Corridor is intended to be an elevated road along there from memory, so access may be reasonable.

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 3:15 pm
by Goodsy
ChillyPhilly wrote:The Corridor is intended to be an elevated road along there from memory, so access may be reasonable.
So they'll kick up a fuss and attempt to sue when they lose business during construction just like the businesses around the Superway

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 7:18 pm
by rev
[Shuz] wrote:Surely this is a joke?

I know April's Fools was a month ago, but this is just really, terribly, horrible, bad planning.

The State Government needs to intervene now and save us the time, money and resources. I can only imagine if this gets approved and built, it will mean that in the near future there will be a very ugly and drawn out land acquisition process when the time comes to upgrade the Edwardstown section of South Road. I wouldn't be surprised if Bunnings went so far as to sue for lost earnings and compensation of capital expenditure because the Government didn't plan properly.
Haha you serious? Joke is well behind what words I'd be using to describe this whole south road situation.
If you think a new Bunnings going up on the corridor is bad, you should look closer to T2T.
Specifically around the Thebarton Oval stretch. The area probably most bitched about after the section T2T is addressing. Yet they allowed not only new homes to be built ride on the corridor in side streets leading off South Road, but the council went and built a new community center right on the corridor. And they are all opposite each other more or less. So any widening that does happen there, one or the other will have to bulldozed after being acquired by the government.

There's a good possibility the whole thing is going to turn into the aftermath of a dogs breakfast from here on in between Darlington and T2T.

And lets not forget that there was a service station that was going to be built along the corridor right on South Road as well...

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 7:43 pm
by jase111
So is Bunnings Edwardstown the replacement for Bunnings panorama or are there still two developments ??

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 9:45 pm
by Norman
jase111 wrote:So is Bunnings Edwardstown the replacement for Bunnings panorama or are there still two developments ??
As far as I know, with no insider knowledge, the Edwardstown Bunnings would only get up if the Panorama store fails to get approval.

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 6:02 pm
by I Follow PAFC
As part of the Torrens Road to River Torrens Project, bridge beams for the new Torrens Road bridge at the South Road intersection will be installed this weekend.
Traffic controllers will be on South Road near Torrens Road from 7am to 6pm on Saturday 6 May.
During this time, two cranes (350t and 400t) will be installing ten concrete beams to construct the first half of the Torrens Road bridge.

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 7:37 pm
by Norman
The beams on the Torrens Road bridge are now in place. Photos are from Stephen Mulligan's Twitter.

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 7:42 pm
by SBD
Norman wrote:The beams on the Torrens Road bridge are now in place. Photos are from Stephen Mulligan's Twitter.
Do you know where the beams were made and what route the big trucks used to get there? That looks rather more than a standard semitrailer.

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 9:33 am
by mawsonguy
Photo of the soil dump at the back of Krispy Kreme, Port Wakefield Rd, Bolivar taken from Google Eart as at 10 February 2017:
And the earthworks at the Prexy interchange, same source and date. They have progressed a lot since the photo was taken

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 2:33 pm
by PD2/20
Norman wrote:The beams on the Torrens Road bridge are now in place. Photos are from Stephen Mulligan's Twitter.
These photos show that two cranes were being used for the lift. Later about 5pm the 400T crane (on the right) had been reconfigured and was used on its own for the lift.

Reconfigured crane awaiting attachment of slings to beam

Beam being slewed

Beam being lowered on to bearers

There were then a further two beams which had been delivered awaiting installation.

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 1:46 am
by Norman
Latest drive-by video for Darlington:

I've made a few changes, such as including captions showing what's changed since the last video. Any feedback is appreciated :)

Video for T2T will be here tomorrow or Tuesday.

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 9:10 am
by SouthAussie94
Does anyone else get the feeling that Darlington doesn't really seem to be making great progress and that there doesn't seem to be a lot happening? I understand that there is a lot happening behind the barriers that isn't visible upon driving through.

I'm not involved in the project so those with insider information can probably correct me, but it appears as if only the SEXY bridge has had any significant work done on it. That, by my count, leaves another 6 bridges to build. Compare that to T2T where all (correct me if I'm wrong) all major bridges are either complete, or currently under construction.

Considering both T2T and Darlington are both scheduled for completion late next year, it seems that T2T is miles ahead of Darlington.

Communication with the public at Darlington is also quite limited. There has been no update to the Current Works and Upcoming Activities page since March. Compare this to T2T where the last update was issued on the 5th of May.

I don't mean to be negative about the project, but I suspect we might be waiting until 2019 to drive along it. Hopefully I'm wrong!

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 10:01 am
by monotonehell
Norman wrote:Latest drive-by video for Darlington:
I like the music :) If you're looking for music in the future, almost anything by Kevin MacLeod in the Youtube library is good.

(Thanks for pointing out the link error HoneyOfACity I ninja edited in the correction.)

[U/C] Re: News & Discussion: South Road / North-South Corridor

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 10:55 am
by Norman
I agree with the observation that progress is slow on this project. I am still not sure if we even have a Project Impact Report yet.

One of the reasons for the lack of visible progress could be that the area to work in is much larger, so we don't see all the services being moved or removed as much as the very tight corridor at T2T.