Ozi, BOTH political parties, and BOTH Federal and State politicians are to blame. It is not possible to blame one party or another for the overall shemozzle that electrification of SA's suburban system has become.ozisnowman wrote:State Labour only has itself to blame it should never have delayed electrification of any of the lines. The backbone of our network is the railway lines and they should be a priority to providing an efficient and more frequent service.
One thing that is very clear in this whole mess is that Infrastructure spending whether it be at a Federal or State level should be planned and managed by an independent body that is not effected by electoral pork baralleling and personal petty agendas.
The reasons: First of all, if you remember those funny middle carriages in the red hen sets, then you will know that they were bought for an electrification project in Adelaide that never went ahead...under the Liberals. Brisbane was electrified in 1976, and Perth in 1993. We have had both Liberal and Labor Governments in South Australia over that time. Neither party has covered itself in glory over this, and neither can point a finger of blame at the other.
However, it is also true that State Governments do not have enough money themselves for all the capital works they require. That requires Federal money, since the Feds gather about 70% of taxes, while having 35% of expenses. The rest of the money they dole out to the states. If they decide that some State project or another is unworthy, they can make it almost impossible to construct. It is called vertical fiscal imbalance, and Australia suffers badly from this in many ways.
However, one thing is perfectly clear. It is a Labor Government in Adelaide constructing NOW something that has been mooted since the nineteen twenties and which no previous government ever, of whatever political colour, ever managed to do. That is, almost 80 years of dithering by previous governments, but this one has managed to make a start. I think it would be pretty politically partisan not to give credit where it is due. Maybe the Wran/Weatherill governments could have done more, maybe they could have done it better, but still, they have managed to pull off something that no other government in the State's history has been able to do despite talk for the last 80 years.