Pistol wrote:I agree with you Matt.
No one has given a rats ass about the state of affairs of the train yard land UNTIL the current government decided to actually utilise this land.
...Then the Opposition released a vision that was immediately backed by the majority of Adelaide (including many on S-A wasn't it?
Pistol wrote:And it isn't going to be a wishy washy development that may or may not include a stadium that will probably take 10 years to get funding for and build - this development is actually a value adding community development that will support the city of Adelaide for decades to come.
And an entertainment precinct with surrounding restaurants, cafes and hotels won't?
Pistol wrote:It would have been interesting to see whether MHS had any plans for this land prior to Mike announcing the hospital.
Yes it would, just like it would be interesting to see whether:
Media Mike would've committed to electrifying the railway network 4 months after MHS first started making noise;
The AC would have had development plans taken away soon after that;
Media Mike would've given (then admittedly withdrawn for understandable reasons) money to the SANFL to upgrade that... place;
Suddenly announced a boom in Infrastructure Projects that we had been lacking for some time;
etc. (
Well, actually I can't think of anything else at the moment,
but I'm sure there are some other things... <awaits a batman picture>
Pistol wrote:when a political party actually has the balls to do something what do we do??? Maybe they should have consulted with the community first...
Quite ironic really.
I... what? Come again? Rann's Government has the balls to do something? I can't really think of anything to say right now about that, but I laugh. I'm not saying MHS is necessarily going to revolutionise this city and become the next Playford/Dunstan/Kennet that we desperately need, but despite protests from the NIMBYs at least he put forward an exciting vision that was immediately received with open arms by the public and immediately considered a better option for the RIVERFRONT. Besides, since when did Riverside's life ever revolve around the stadium? The new world-class arena could go where AO is now, instead of this every-5-years-we-build-another-stand thing that they have. Meanwhile, the Riverside area could become similar to the Southbanks in Melbourne/Brisbane and Darling Harbour in Sydney. I know that I'm comparing again, but I'm merely using them as an example of how they've revolutionised the surrounding areas. Meanwhile you (someone who interestingly has a picture of Media Mike with one of the state's better Premiers on their profile*) complain about something like that when you too have been openly asking for an exciting vision along with nearly everyone else on S-A.
Besides, my grandmother passed away in the ICU (one of the greatest in Australia I'm told, but stand to be corrected) at the current RAH and I tell you, the Botanical Gardens was a perfect retreat to calm down; where are you going to go from CityWest? Hindley Street
? The gradually-becoming-another-dustbowl that is the western parklands
? As well as that, I know several people that have done a University Medical Course and my uncle's brother works at IMVS. These two things are very conveniently located next to the RAH, but no, we're going to shift it right out of there! But wait! In order to cover that up, we'll spend millions more relocating all those things, won't we? But we won't include that cost in the supposed '1.7bn' figure will we? No,because that doesn't sell a story and we aren't called Media Mike for nothing are we?
*BTW, I'm aware of the irony that exists in me making such a statement because my signature degrades Media Mike, so don't anyone bother pointing it out.