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[COM] Re: Victoria Park

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:11 am
by omada
It hardly looks like an improvement to me, I walked there daily a few years back and if anything it's actually worse, as the ACC have decided to spend the money on additional over-engineered tracks and roads. But with the $30 million dollar Rundle Mall pavers, I think Victoria Park will be "WIP" for a long time to come.

[COM] Re: Victoria Park

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:09 pm
by Mr Smith
What's the plan with the gates? No doubt they are of some dubious 'heritage' significance. And the restored grandstand looks somewhat incongruent with the tacked on lean-too bits still attached. And that small wooden building near Wakefield Street with the fence around it. Is that it, or is it a case of watch this space for the next 5 years?

Personally I think the area around the Brittania Roundabout looks pretty crap. A case of heritage for heritage sake IMO.

[COM] Re: Victoria Park

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:18 pm
by Waewick
There is still a fair bit of work to be done IMO.

given the trees that are being put in, I would assume we are 5 years away from the place looking close to done.

[COM] Victoria Park

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:30 pm
by Paulns
What a waste of a good opportunity....

[COM] Re: Victoria Park

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:13 pm
by Just build it
Must be the most expensive pathways in Australia but it's heartening to see in the photos the masses of people making use of them. :D

[COM] Re: Victoria Park

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:40 pm
by Waewick
well when I was there vic park had heaps of people (well in context) honestly it had many families enjoying the open space. I realise this isn't every ones cup of tea but I really like it and the green open space

[COM] Re: Victoria Park

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:13 pm
by mgb
Hopefully with the announcement that ADCIV went into administration today it doesn't delay the work at Victoria Park further, although I suspect it will. They had been doing a lot of the civil works up to now.

[COM] Re: U/R: Victoria Park

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 8:58 am
by Maximus
A big 'like' to this news. Cyclists off the roads and people will actually be able to use the grandstand. Surely everyone will be happy! :wink:

Would be great to see the proposed alignment of the new track if anyone has a pic/diagram.
Cyclists welcome $650,000 extension of Victoria Park criterium track
Tim Williams
The Messenger
December 12, 20122:38PM

CYCLISTS say a $650,000 extension of the criterium track in Victoria Park will be a boost for the sport and give it a new home.

More than 630m of new track will be laid to shift the course east and allow viewing from the heritage grandstand.

The existing track largely uses the Clipsal 500 roads through Victoria Park, putting it out of action for cycling for most of the summer season while preparations are made for V8 Supercar racing.

The new track is expected to be completed by mid-2013. it will be available for racing, pedal prix events and school and community use for all but a few weeks each year.


[COM] Re: U/R: Victoria Park

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:25 am
by Nathan
Maximus wrote: Cyclists off the roads
You do realise criterium racing is a completely different thing to road cycling, and will have a net zero effect on "getting cyclists off the roads"?

In regards to Victoria Park, isn't this yet another example of why they should have built the permanent grandstand? Knocking out many uses of the park for half the year while they set up and tear down, to the point where they have to spend *more* money duplicating things are made out of bounds during that period, is just idiocy. Especially when the facilities could have been used by these other sports when not required by motor racing.

[COM] Re: U/R: Victoria Park

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:11 am
by Maximus
Nathan wrote:You do realise criterium racing is a completely different thing to road cycling, and will have a net zero effect on "getting cyclists off the roads"?
Now now, no need to be belligerent. :) Seems the intended sarcasm/joke didn't quiet come through, despite my use of the wink. I was making a bit of fun of the article, which includes a quote that the track will help to get cyclists off the road. Yes, the effect will be minimal, but not necessarily zero. A road cyclist could quite viably decide to use the track for training purposes, instead of the road. I've personally done that myself in the past.

Definitely agree with the rest of your post, though.

[COM] Re: U/R: Victoria Park

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:32 am
by [Shuz]
Methinks the Government will probably re-visit the Victoria Park issue again soon and build a permanent grandstand. It's been what, 3-4 years since the whole saga occured last time? It would fit well within their new objective and approach they have taken to revitalising the city and making it more 'vibrant'.

[COM] Re: U/R: Victoria Park

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:45 am
by Waewick
given the state is near on broke, I can't see them re-visting anything until Olympic Dam takes off :hilarious:

[COM] Re: U/R: Victoria Park

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:57 am
by Wayno
i'm happy for this to go ahead, hopefully with ongoing funding from the Rugby codes to help with maintenance:
Rugby revival for Victoria Park

THE rugby codes want to make the city their home, install lights at a revamped Victoria Park and make use of its heritage grandstand.

The SA Rugby League, SA Rugby (Union) and Touch Football SA are working together on plans to install lights around the City Council's "premium" field in front of the grandstand, to allow for marquee night games and regular night competitions.

They say the prominent location will help boost the profile of their sports.

Rugby league would be the main user, shifting the bulk of its games to Victoria Park, where several new playing fields are expected to be completed by mid-year.

SA Rugby League general manager Ken Kennedy said most clubs were based in the outer suburbs and some had no playing fields of their own, so a central base would be ideal.

"We'd be looking at playing our junior and senior competitions there," he said. "The exposure in the middle of the city is what we miss. People can do other things in the city after their games."

SA Rugby (Union) wants to play interstate matches, club finals and possibly a weekly "match of the round" under lights in Victoria Park, as well as staging carnivals for union and rugby sevens when the other fields are finished.

Chief executive Lachlan Clark said the grand final played at Victoria Park last year attracted a crowd of 4000 and received "rave reviews" from clubs and spectators.

"We're hoping to use it as SA Rugby's premier ground," he said. "It's a great venue. With the addition of lights we could play interstate matches and all sorts of things there."

The City Council has approved a $50,000 grant to SA Rugby League towards the $190,000 cost of the lights, on the conditions the rugby codes would not have exclusive use of the main field, that the field would not be fenced and the council would approve the design of the lights. The rugby codes will seek the rest of the funding from the State Government, a task potentially made tougher by proposed cuts to community sports grants (see story, Page 5).

"(The plan) is rather dependent on the State Government supporting our application," Mr Kennedy said.

Touch football is already played extensively in the south parklands next to Victoria Park.

Touch Football Australia state operations manager Tim Wyld said an extra field with lights was much needed and looked forward to carnivals combining all three codes and possibly finals played as curtain raisers to rugby finals.

"The opportunity for us is we can move literally right next door with really good facilities with the grandstand and lights," he said.

Lord Mayor Stephen Yarwood backed the lighting plans but stressed the main field must still be available for other sports including equestrian events.

[COM] Re: U/R: Victoria Park

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:14 pm
by omada
No sorry, this means more permanent infrastructure in an park already congested for 6 months of the year with temporary grandstands. Not to mention the proliferation of bitumen roads now dissecting the park.

[COM] Re: U/R: Victoria Park

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:25 pm
by mattblack
omada wrote:No sorry, this means more permanent infrastructure in an park already congested for 6 months of the year with temporary grandstands. Not to mention the proliferation of bitumen roads now dissecting the park.
I couldn't think of anything worse than enticing people to use the park :wallbash: