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[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:39 pm
by Professor
There is a lot of activity behind the old bakery facade. Several Cat excavators and cranes working today.

The old Balfours factory had plenty of cellars and underground work areas and these are all exposed now. It's turning into a rather large hole. Once the cellars and existing concrete have gone they will get on with the foundations, which will be quite extensive for this structure.

Probably a couple of months at least until we see a crane go up. Will be a nice building.

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:54 am
by Professor
May have to amend the crane timing forward. There was lots of large circular foundation reinforcing steel being delivered and the pile drills operating. The facade located on the street front hides a lot of what is happening so maybe the crane will be on site quicker than I expected.

Maybe they could have two - that would be nice.

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:13 pm
by UrbanSG
Sounds good professor. This one will have a big impact on that end of town. Urban Construct really do move quickly.

I wonder when the next release will occur, maybe when the market improves a bit with some expected interest rate cuts. As far as we know they are still aiming at the Balfours site for the next release I think.

I noticed a few weeks back their signage went up over parts of the old bus station but I think that was more to do with vandalism on the site and it will be a while until we see any of the proposed towers going up there. It would be great to see something happen to the old bus station soon though with some new apartments, that site is a shocker.

[CAN] Re: #U/C: [ The Precinct ] Masterplan Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:55 pm
by Ben
Bit confused as to this one. It was lodged by Urban Consruct and appears to be on or around the old bus station site. But t's offices?
Type: Application Assessed on Merit
Application Number: DA/666/2008
Lodgement Date: 20/08/2008
Location: 71-83 Franklin Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000
Description: Demolish existing and construct 13 level office building with basement car parking, Level 1 and ground level retail tenancy

[CAN] Re: #U/C: [ The Precinct ] Masterplan Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:59 pm
by UrbanSG
It is the large site directly east of the new Bus Terminal.

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:11 pm
by UrbanSG
This one is going nuts. The amount of workers on the site is amazing for so early in the project. Some pics taken today (sorry they are small, taken on the work camera :D ):



[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:20 pm
by Omicron
Every single time I see the title of this thread, I am confused by 'Safe Work Practices' of Altitude that are apparently so fascinating that they need their own topic. :wink:

OHS&W regulations at work be damned!

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:21 pm
by Norman
The area looks VERY different! :shock:

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:03 pm
by UrbanSG
Big hole developing for this one, pics taken today:


Taken from the NE:


[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:48 pm
by Norman
Few pics from today:




[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:34 am
by cruel_world00
This was an awesome venue during the Fringe. As great as the development is, it's a shame we lost the venue.

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 7:50 pm
by mattblack
Sitre has had major concrete pour for the foundation and is 95% excavated. Suprised that Gallery crane is coming down. Maybe gonna be moved 25m over?

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 7:54 pm
by jk1237
mattblack wrote:Sitre has had major concrete pour for the foundation and is 95% excavated. Suprised that Gallery crane is coming down. Maybe gonna be moved 25m over?
Well I wouldnt be surprised in your spot on about the crane moving to this rather than to Hindmarsh Sq

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:23 am
by Brando
jk1237 wrote:
mattblack wrote:Sitre has had major concrete pour for the foundation and is 95% excavated. Suprised that Gallery crane is coming down. Maybe gonna be moved 25m over?
Well I wouldnt be surprised in your spot on about the crane moving to this rather than to Hindmarsh Sq
That would seem the logical move, but our resident crane man Alkai assures us Hindmarsh is the go.

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:22 am
by Shuz
I've just got a little dissappointed with this one because it won't be as 'tall' as I thought, clearly misdecieved by the renders. This will only rise about 2 metres taller than the new SA Water building which by comparision isn't that big, and with their bulk, they'll appear even smaller so. But the fact that it is located away from most high-rise clusters should bring out the height a bit more.

I'm still hoping that there'll be some variation across all the towers, otherwise it would look very 'commie block'.