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[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:34 pm
by Professor
The altitude will be only 4 m shorter than the Conservatory, which stands out a lot more than SA water.

There is a lot of reinforced steelwork in the foundation area so a raft will be poured sometime in the next week or so. Also all of the dirt has pretty well gone from the hole and there is no truck access anymore to the lower level. So I think the crane is not far off.

PS misdeceived would mean that you were told the truth...

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:39 pm
by ozisnowman
Although this will be a great addition to the skyline i am glad i didnt buy one of these overpriced dogboxes.
I am just amazed after looking at the level 5 floor plate that the size of a one bedroom and two bedroom
are exactly the same. You get smaller bedrooms, smaller kitchen, smaller meals and family area in the
same sized footprint as the one bedroom... These developers really know how to con people.

Government needs to get smart about this.... These developers should not be able to charge ridicoulously more
for a two bedroom if it occupies the same floorplate as a one bedroom. Maybe its time Adelaide adopts a
European approach of having a per sqm cost for CBD appartments and per sqm cost for Glenelg appartments
and so on. That way one actually gets what they pay for......

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:11 pm
by Professor
I agree that the apartments would be too small - I would hate to live in one.

There's a reason that we still use the words "Caveat emptor" after all these years.

Anyway lots of steel reinforcing rods for the foundation still being installed.

I would like to see the building completed so that it moves the perceived CBD well over to the east.

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:28 pm
by Omicron
If the room dimensions were present on the plans when people bought their apartments, I see nothing wrong with some of the two-bedroom apartments being the same size as a one-bedroom apartment. If buyers didn't bother to check the sizes of other apartments before making their decision, then they won't get much sympathy from me, I'm afraid.

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:41 pm
by AtD
Can't legislate against people being lazy and stupid.

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:17 pm
by teflon fox
AtD wrote:Can't legislate against people being lazy and stupid.
Look - you are right but until you own an apartment it can be quite difficult
to appreciate the size of living areas. . Also the direction that balconies face and their
size have an enormous impact on their usability.

In saying that i concur that these apartments are generally small and over-priced.
There are better oppurtinities available in the city - generally east of this development

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 11:36 am
by Professor
You cannot legislate against stupidity.

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:00 pm
by UrbanSG
Ipad actually doesn't look too bad and Altitude will be a similar height or slightly higher the crane in this pic which will be great. I like the black glass on the side of Gallery too. Pic from the top of the bus station carpark today:


[CAN] Re: #U/C: [ The Precinct ] Masterplan Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:02 pm
by Ben
Next stage of "The Precinct" will be on Franklin Street in front of Altitude and will be named "The Loft".

[CAN] Re: #U/C: [ The Precinct ] Masterplan Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 5:34 pm
by AtD
Will this be one of the Gallery sized buildings, or Altitude sized buildings?

[CAN] Re: #U/C: [ The Precinct ] Masterplan Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:33 am
by Ben
AtD wrote:Will this be one of the Gallery sized buildings, or Altitude sized buildings?
Not sure to be honest.

[CAN] Re: #U/C: [ The Precinct ] Masterplan Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:51 am
by ozisnowman
The Loft will be a Gallery sized building if it is fronting Franklin street.
Looking at the pictures anyone can see that the 2 Altitude sized buildings
on the Balfours site are in the middle of that city block and not on the
street fronts.

[CAN] Re: #U/C: [ The Precinct ] Masterplan Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:53 am
by Ben
ozisnowman wrote:The Loft will be a Gallery sized building if it is fronting Franklin street.
Looking at the pictures anyone can see that the 2 Altitude sized buildings
on the Balfours site are in the middle of that city block and not on the
street fronts.
Yes but all applications require an address and for example the Altitude building used the franklin street side address so it is not quite as clear cut as that.

[CAN] Re: #U/C: [ The Precinct ] Masterplan Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:10 pm
by Pistol
I don't care where it is, I am just sooo excited by these names
Gallery --> Altitude --> Loft --> God only knows whats next :lol: :lol:

[CAN] Re: #SWP: Altitude | 58m | 18lvls | Residential | [The Precinct]

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:49 pm
by Professor
just went for a walk and looked at the site. Lots of reinforcing steel in place and seems to be around 2 m in height and covering a very large slab, so will be a big concrete pour. Maybe in the next week or so?

Also the lift-well steelwork is starting to take shape so another sign that it will come up out of the ground shortly.

Still no sign of a crane bas(s) yet and I would think that Mr Samaras would be quite pleased with the hire fee he is getting for the portable crane.

Multiplex will make this building move quickly.