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[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:38 pm
by EBG
Another one of those hideous sculptures with the random alignment of steel columns. see other pictures previous page.

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:44 pm
by rev
Are they even completed yet?

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 3:05 pm
by Mpol03
They look so bad I thought they were part of the construction. Such a shame. I hope they blend in and that th rest of thenlandscapping/finishing are much better. Sigh.

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:44 pm
by rev
Happened to go through the Port/South intersection, they've done some more work on those "structures"...they are shelters..and clearly not finished.

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:40 pm
by SBD
rev wrote:
Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:44 pm
Happened to go through the Port/South intersection, they've done some more work on those "structures"...they are shelters..and clearly not finished.
In light of the frequent news about bridges on the Southern Expressway section, I wonder if those new structures are architecturally-designed throw screens to reduce the chances of rocks going through windscreens in the trench, or even just loose loads blowing over the edge of the bridges when a poorly-secured load experiences unexpected side winds as it crosses the motorway.

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:01 pm
by Eurostar
The intersection of Main South Road and Brookside Drive will soon be signalised

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:13 am
by HeapsGood
The traffic delays this morning at the Darlington exit/overpass are a complete joke. They need to better manage the bottleneck of traffic in peak.

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:38 pm
by SBD
HeapsGood wrote:
Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:13 am
The traffic delays this morning at the Darlington exit/overpass are a complete joke. They need to better manage the bottleneck of traffic in peak.
We know there was a switch to a new bridge over the weekend. What was the problem this morning?
  • Less lanes than before the switch
  • Roadworks speed zones during morning peak
  • Drivers slowing down because they wanted a look-see from the top of the new bridge
  • More traffic because school holidays are over
  • Inadequate signs about new traffic movements
  • Inadequate drivers failing to change lanes in advance of when they cared which lane they were in
  • something else?
If there are less lanes from last weekend until the project is completed, that could be a problem, but the rest are things there isn't much they could do about it. The switch and the start of school were well publicised so people could know to expect them.

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 4:04 pm
by HeapsGood
Probably a combination of all of those. Reduced the lanes down to 2 for traffic exiting onto South road, down to 1 for those wanting to go to Flinders Drive, and the merge with the South Road traffic is also slow.

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 5:18 pm
by SBD
HeapsGood wrote:
Mon Jul 23, 2018 4:04 pm
Probably a combination of all of those. Reduced the lanes down to 2 for traffic exiting onto South road, down to 1 for those wanting to go to Flinders Drive, and the merge with the South Road traffic is also slow.
What could have been done differently/better? Make more kids walk and ride their bikes to school instead of getting taken in mum or dad's 4wd? I don't travel through Darlington, but I've been impressed with traffic management on T2T and Northern Connector when I've seen it.

Someone commented this work seems to be taking longer than they thought it would in some other countries. I guess we are keeping the roads open as they are upgraded, rather than just blocking off huge chunks for 6 months and saying it's OK to take 4 hours to commute while they make a new road where the old one was.

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 1:28 pm
by neoballmon
I'm not a fan of the new lights at brookside because its clearly on a pooly timed program, not based on traffic volumes and southbound south road traffic banks up pretty far in evening peak. Interpeak is fine in either direction so far. I haven't experienced morning peak so can't comment on anything here.

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[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 12:05 am
by Norman
A few photos from Wednesday





[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 10:51 pm
by EBG
Those shelters/works of art still look like crap

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 7:51 am
by bits
Art is subjective.
Are the coloured posts or the fence waves examples of great art on the superway?

Aren't they wayfinding marks? You almost subconsciously know where you are by the landmarks you can see.

I find these post structures completely inoffensive.

[U/C] Re: North-South Motorway

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:24 am
by Llessur2002
I really don't mind the stick things - being approximately the same height as the buildings on Port Road I think they as some continuity to the scale of the street and lessen the visual impact of what is essentially a large barren plain in an otherwise built up area.