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Re: fabricator's Tonsley to Reynella (and beyond) railway

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:17 am
by HeapsGood
ok sent you my email mate.

Re: fabricator's Tonsley to Reynella (and beyond) railway

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:08 am
by Westside
Here's an idea I've been toying with to get the train line up from Flinders uni to Reynella. That is through the Valley between Main South and Flagstaff Hill Rds:


As you can see, the line ascends from the current Terminus at Tonsley via a bridge/viaduct past the MS/Marion Rd intersection. Stopping at a station alongside Main South Rd, adjacent to FMC (Linked via footbridge). Obviously the position of the line relative to MS Rd will depend on what happens with the Darlington interchange. The line proceeds through the valley to a park and ride interchange near Majors rd, before entering a tunnel under MS Rd. Then winding through adjacent the Expressway, to join the old Willunga line reservation to Reynella. Then it may be extended further at a later date.

The section in black rises 120 metres over 5.4km (according to Google maps), giving a reasonable gradient of 1:45. This solution avoids kms of tunnels and acquiring great swathes of properties. As it takes dozens of 'express' buses off South Rd and Goodwood Rd each day and will cut up to 15 mins off the trip, I think it is worth the Govt investigating a solution like this.

Thoughts? Do we think this is actually possible??

Re: fabricator's Tonsley to Reynella (and beyond) railway

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:29 am
by Aidan
Your curves around Darlington look rather tight, and there would be significant environmental opposition to your alignment through Glenthorne, but yes, it would be possible.

I regard it as an improvement on your previous alignment, but it's still rather long and slow. More tunnelling can make it short and fast.

Re: fabricator's Tonsley to Reynella (and beyond) railway

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:37 am
by Westside
Aidan wrote:I regard it as an improvement on your previous alignment
Just to clarify, I am not Fabricator, just put a new idea put on his thread!

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:17 pm
by Bubbeltea

Re: fabricator's Tonsley to Reynella (and beyond) railway

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:23 am
by Aidan
Bubbeltea wrote:There should be a train line to Happy Valley because the busses from Aberfoyle Hub to the city take long detour through Abefoyle Park and Flagstaff Hill.
Not all of them - the express buses go straight through.

Anyway, new railways generally need a better reason for construction than inadequate bus services, because it's much cheaper just to improve the bus services.

Re: fabricator's Tonsley to Reynella (and beyond) railway

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:23 am
by Bubbeltea

Re: fabricator's Tonsley to Reynella (and beyond) railway

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:47 am
by rhino
Aidan wrote: it's still rather long and slow. More tunnelling can make it short and fast.
It's not really that much longer than a straight line, and far far cheaper than tunnelling. Credit where credit is due - this is not a bad proposal.