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Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:27 pm
by PD2/20
rev wrote:
Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:35 pm

This is a failure by governments.
Everything that's done is looked at/approached as stand alone. There is no thought beyond that project, that piece of roadway. How many times do you see brand new roads, or footpaths, ripped up? Too often in this state.

Can you provide instances of brand new roads being ripped up?

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:54 pm
by rubberman
PD2/20 wrote:
Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:27 pm
rev wrote:
Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:35 pm

This is a failure by governments.
Everything that's done is looked at/approached as stand alone. There is no thought beyond that project, that piece of roadway. How many times do you see brand new roads, or footpaths, ripped up? Too often in this state.

Can you provide instances of brand new roads being ripped up?
North Terrace after the tram extension had nice new pavement. Then along came SA Power Networks and trenched a fair length of it. Pavement replaced. Along came SA Water, and trenched a fair length. Pavement replaced. Pretty egregious imho.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:57 pm
by Ho Really
Saltwater wrote:
Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:24 pm
In reference to the plans you posted, it's unclear to me whether the blue line is below or above ground...
See this version the orange line runs above ground. This one is similar to the one advocated by the lobby group. It goes underground (under the Keswick creek drain) or just under street level. See the profile and cutaways.
...but assuming it's below-ground under Mile End South as you don't want to wipe out the Villi's factory, RAA building etc, and need to get across the James Congdon / South Road intersection, it's not clear where it returns to surface level given it needs to get across the NSM, which will be in a trench through that section next to Hisense stadium, and at some point you want to return to level-grade, along the creek corridor, which makes this very challenging.
Those concepts with the blue line are all underground at Keswick and Mile End and only resurface after Marion Road which aren't shown on those maps. The NSM can go deeper.
Not saying it can't be done - Singapore built MRT stations along the Rochor Canal, but as soon as that level of engineering is introduced, cost benefits of using that corridor quickly disappear.
Nothing concerning this is too hard. I know about the Rochor Canal. More complicated with a greater volume of water. I was staying next door when this was being built and at particular intervals we could feel the vibrations (at a frequency that caused no damage to foundations etc.). So if the Singaporeans can do it...


Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:58 pm
by Ho Really
rev wrote:
Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:35 pm
This is a failure by governments. Everything that's done is looked at/approached as stand alone. There is no thought beyond that project, that piece of roadway. How many times do you see brand new roads, or footpaths, ripped up? Too often in this state.

Why isn't there some sort of vision or master plan of sorts, that shows us what they want to do? I mean, other than our speculation that they have no idea and no plans and it's all made up as they go along. Why isn't there a graphic, a map of greater Adelaide, South Australia even, showing what infrastructure will be built or improved upon, where new public transport will be laid down etc?

Something like that, would help bring in investment to the state as investors would be able to see where the state is headed.
100 percent


Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:59 pm
by Ho Really
rubberman wrote:
Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:54 pm
PD2/20 wrote:
Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:27 pm
rev wrote:
Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:35 pm

This is a failure by governments.
Everything that's done is looked at/approached as stand alone. There is no thought beyond that project, that piece of roadway. How many times do you see brand new roads, or footpaths, ripped up? Too often in this state.

Can you provide instances of brand new roads being ripped up?
North Terrace after the tram extension had nice new pavement. Then along came SA Power Networks and trenched a fair length of it. Pavement replaced. Along came SA Water, and trenched a fair length. Pavement replaced. Pretty egregious imho.


Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:05 am
by ChillyPhilly
It seems Keswick Creek will soon be a Bikeway as per maps in the T2D Urban Design Strategy.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:19 am
by A-Town
ChillyPhilly wrote:
Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:05 am
It seems Keswick Creek will soon be a Bikeway as per maps in the T2D Urban Design Strategy.
A much better outcome than using it as a tramway. The future airport tramway needs to go down HBR or SDB to maximise development opportunities along those routes.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:23 am
by ChillyPhilly
A-Town wrote:
ChillyPhilly wrote:
Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:05 am
It seems Keswick Creek will soon be a Bikeway as per maps in the T2D Urban Design Strategy.
A much better outcome than using it as a tramway. The future airport tramway needs to go down HBR or SDB to maximise development opportunities along those routes.
I agree. Happy for a tram down both roads for different reasons: HBR for enhancing and improving what is existing, and SBD for revitalisation opportunities.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:26 am
by Saltwater
A bikeway is a great idea and something badly lacking in the area. I can understand the push to put rail to the airport, but if inner west residents (who have been known to be vocal on such issues - I'm one of them), are subjected to construction and railway noise, for a line they don't even get to use, it would be a hard sell politically.

If the line needs to be underground through Mile End South and Cowandilla as per Ho_Really's plans, why not put it under SDB or HBR, and build an intermediate station along the way the locals can use? Personally I'd love to see a station near the current Drakes site at Torrensville, and the site redeveloped into medium density mixed-use, then continue onto the Airport.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:37 am
by rev
Saltwater wrote:
Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:26 am
A bikeway is a great idea and something badly lacking in the area. I can understand the push to put rail to the airport, but if inner west residents (who have been known to be vocal on such issues - I'm one of them), are subjected to construction and railway noise, for a line they don't even get to use, it would be a hard sell politically.

If the line needs to be underground through Mile End South and Cowandilla as per Ho_Really's plans, why not put it under SDB or HBR, and build an intermediate station along the way the locals can use? Personally I'd love to see a station near the current Drakes site at Torrensville, and the site redeveloped into medium density mixed-use, then continue onto the Airport.
Most residents will likely reject the idea of using the creek, and the SA media will lap that up and give them far more coverage then necessary. That's part of the problem in this state, and why governments are so reluctant to get a move on with things.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:40 pm
by Saltwater
If I've got kids that go to Cowandilla and they can ride along a bike path next to the creek to get to school, I'm not complaning. It's safer than the current arrangements with them dicing with SDB and Brooker Terrace.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 9:37 pm
by Nort
rev wrote:
Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:37 am
Saltwater wrote:
Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:26 am
A bikeway is a great idea and something badly lacking in the area. I can understand the push to put rail to the airport, but if inner west residents (who have been known to be vocal on such issues - I'm one of them), are subjected to construction and railway noise, for a line they don't even get to use, it would be a hard sell politically.

If the line needs to be underground through Mile End South and Cowandilla as per Ho_Really's plans, why not put it under SDB or HBR, and build an intermediate station along the way the locals can use? Personally I'd love to see a station near the current Drakes site at Torrensville, and the site redeveloped into medium density mixed-use, then continue onto the Airport.
Most residents will likely reject the idea of using the creek, and the SA media will lap that up and give them far more coverage then necessary. That's part of the problem in this state, and why governments are so reluctant to get a move on with things.
You clearly don't live in the area? The "creek" is a barren artificial concrete storm water channel. A bike or even walking path along it would get a lot of support apart from some of the houses literally with their back fences into it.

That said, even in the T2D master plan it's listed as a non certain thing, and I would say there is unfortunately little chance of it being funded as part of it.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:54 pm
by rev
Saltwater wrote:
Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:40 pm
If I've got kids that go to Cowandilla and they can ride along a bike path next to the creek to get to school, I'm not complaning. It's safer than the current arrangements with them dicing with SDB and Brooker Terrace.
I doubt it would make much of a difference to many of the residents whose properties back up onto the creek if a bike-way was included with a tram line, particularly if a portion of their back yards had to be acquired.
Not sure if you're one of those residents who live there, but just going off how quite a few reacted over the NSM developments to date and how the media played it up.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:00 am
by Nort
In a good part of the the section highlighted I imagine the bike path would be on the oval side anyway, but this is getting away from airport relevant stuff.

Re: News & Discussion: Adelaide Airport & Airlines

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 5:37 pm
by VinyTapestry849
I love how I raise an airport terminal expansion and it’s now a war in here about creek train tracks