If there was a possibility of a web interface being built for the display, myself and my fellow programmer colleagues wouldn't mind building the web application to run it.Harbo wrote:I'd say never mind the touch screen, the essential thing is to get each pixel wired individually to a cpu, from there blind freddy can make anything happen, onto the web, write your own apps, into your phone, a touch screen any where for a few hundred dollars. Being pre-occupied with a touch screen now is likely to see the thing hard wired to a limited interface at great expense and cutting the screen off from the opportunity of input from every geek in the world.
Can you imagine sitting in Ibiza, watching the people in rundle st respond to your input from your PDA on the dance floor?
the mind boggles. and it is so easy, I say, just keep the doors open at this stage.
Probably a slightly more advanced version of a javascript painter would be perfect.. see here