Can't the politicians see that there are MORE than two places to build a hospital? At the moment, we've got Mike Rann wanting to build it on a riverfront area with so much potential and then we've got Martin Hamilton-Smith wanting to rebuild it on the current site!
What about other areas in/around the CBD. Let's go through a few of them:
Keswick Military Baracks; a good spot, but National Trust won't like us destroying the buildings.
Clipsal Site; also a good spot, can't see any reasons NOT to build it there, can someone tell me a few.
Victoria Park; let's not go there... We should put our new airport there, there's more than enough space since the grandstand plan was knocked back
Land to the east of Ellis Park; Now THERE'S an idea. Think about it, we have the train line going right past it (a train station could be set up to service both it and Santos Stadium); we have buses going all around that area; there's plenty of open space nearby that can be turned into a park with trees that can absorb all the CO2 being released from APPA member's mouths when they protest about us 'invading' parklands areas
; and if we decide to extend the tramline to the airport down Sir Donald Bradman Drive, well I don't think I need to speak anymore.