#VIS: Inner-City Stadium/Riverbank Precinct

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#391 Post by adam73837 » Thu May 08, 2008 8:57 pm

Firstly, any government would build a new hospital, the fact is that he has chosen the most ridiculous place to put it. As for the 'super schools' is there any proof that they will be very successful? Then there's the Bakewell Underpass. Just for everyone who is questioning it, it was an 80-year old bridge that had had HEAPS of traffic using it for an extremely long time. Of course it had to be redeveloped. And as for the buses, buses are replaced continuously, its a fact of a transport systems lifetime. An as for those underpasses on South Road, they're just band-aid solutions to a problem that will not go away with a few underpasses. What we need is a large ring route sytem with a north-south corridor (ring any bells...?)
Meanwhile, the new prison for Adelaide and the desal plant have not been built and the new Adelaide Airport was being brought up during the late 90's meaning that Mike Rann is now being known as the Premier who was 'behind it all'.
And if Martin Hamilton-Smith was using me as his handpuppet, I would have to get myself away from him somehow because I do not want to become a politician or a media represntative to the government or opposition.
I take back many of the things I said before 2010; particularly my anti-Rann rants. While I still maintain some of said opinions, I feel I could have been less arrogant. I also apologise to people I offended; while knowing I can't fully take much back. :)

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#392 Post by Will » Thu May 08, 2008 10:24 pm

Norman wrote:Things the current governmet has done?
-Desal Plant
-New prisons
-New hospital
-School reforms (ie Super Schools)
-Bakewell Underpass
-Rail Re-sleepering
-New buses
-New Adelaide Airport

that's all I can think of for now.
Not to mention:

*reduicng waiting times in hospitals
*nationalising the Modbury Hospital
*deepening Outer Harbour
*Hiring more police
*Introducing the PACE program which has facilitated mining exploration
*Introduced the Social Inclusion board
*Brought Carnegie Mellon and Cranfield University to Adelaide
*Got the Royal Insitute to open their Australian office in Adelaide
*Rebuilt the public service

I could go on....

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#393 Post by rhino » Fri May 09, 2008 7:44 am

adam73837 wrote:Firstly, any government would build a new hospital, .
MHS's Liberals say they won't. They would rather patch up the craphole that we currently call our major hospital.
adam73837 wrote: As for the 'super schools' is there any proof that they will be very successful? .
There's plenty of evidence that the current system is not successful. Small schools, while they can offer a sense of community, cannot afford to offer the range of educational services that a superschool can offer. Sure, it's something new and as yet unproven, but the theory is good and the current system is failing the kids.
adam73837 wrote:Then there's the Bakewell Underpass. Just for everyone who is questioning it, it was an 80-year old bridge that had had HEAPS of traffic using it for an extremely long time. Of course it had to be redeveloped. .
And it got redeveloped by Rann. How much infrastructure development was there under the previous government? Very very little.
adam73837 wrote:An as for those underpasses on South Road, they're just band-aid solutions to a problem that will not go away with a few underpasses. What we need is a large ring route sytem with a north-south corridor .
The underpasses are the affordable solution. Got any ideas on how we should pay for land aquisition to build your freeway empire?
adam73837 wrote:Meanwhile, the new prison for Adelaide and the desal plant have not been built .
To say "we're going to build this" and then build it without planning it would be folly. You say you are not interested in going into politics - thank God for that!

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#394 Post by Howie » Fri May 09, 2008 8:16 am

rhino wrote:
adam73837 wrote:Firstly, any government would build a new hospital, .
MHS's Liberals say they won't. They would rather patch up the craphole that we currently call our major hospital.
Liberal press release talks of a total rebuild of RAH at the current site. It's not an upgrade like previous developments at the RAH site. So entire buildings would be demolished and rebuilt... there's really no point keeping existing buildings, they're totally unsuitable for today's needs, and even buildings themselves get sick over time.

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#395 Post by rhino » Fri May 09, 2008 9:10 am

Howie wrote:
rhino wrote:
adam73837 wrote:Firstly, any government would build a new hospital, .
MHS's Liberals say they won't. They would rather patch up the craphole that we currently call our major hospital.
Liberal press release talks of a total rebuild of RAH at the current site. It's not an upgrade like previous developments at the RAH site. So entire buildings would be demolished and rebuilt... there's really no point keeping existing buildings, they're totally unsuitable for today's needs, and even buildings themselves get sick over time.
Thanks Howie, I hadn't heard of that. Any concept plans, (realistic) costings, time frame, or just another "We'll do this!"

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#396 Post by Howie » Fri May 09, 2008 9:31 am

I believe the costings are around the $500m mark, i'm not privy to any other information on timelines etc.

But what they're saying at the moment is... and this is only my interpretation of it, $500m for a RAH rebuild, $500 for a stadium on the railyards, $400-500m for relocation and repatriation of the railyards, then private/public kick off an entertainment precinct on the railyards (includes 5 star hotels, cinemas, with operators etc). If they do it right, that's under $2billion dollars ... or about the same price as a new MJN hospital.

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#397 Post by rhino » Fri May 09, 2008 9:43 am

Howie wrote:I believe the costings are around the $500m mark, i'm not privy to any other information on timelines etc.

But what they're saying at the moment is... and this is only my interpretation of it, $500m for a RAH rebuild, $500 for a stadium on the railyards, $400-500m for relocation and repatriation of the railyards, then private/public kick off an entertainment precinct on the railyards (includes 5 star hotels, cinemas, with operators etc). If they do it right, that's under $2billion dollars ... or about the same price as a new MJN hospital.
So they reckon they can build a new hospital, presumably to the same standard as the Marj, for less than a third of the price? Unbelievable!And they can build a stadium for about half (from memory)of what WA is spending to build theirs? Incredible!Either that, or ..... :wank:

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#398 Post by Howie » Fri May 09, 2008 9:50 am

Who knows... i haven't seen the funding model of it. But I do remember Labor was looking at a RAH rebuild and railyards entertainment precinct prior to the marj proposal - i won't go into the reasons why they went for the marj hospital in the end, but i can tell you it's not going to be significantly cheaper building the marj at the railyards.

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#399 Post by Will » Fri May 09, 2008 11:56 am

rhino wrote:
Howie wrote:I believe the costings are around the $500m mark, i'm not privy to any other information on timelines etc.

But what they're saying at the moment is... and this is only my interpretation of it, $500m for a RAH rebuild, $500 for a stadium on the railyards, $400-500m for relocation and repatriation of the railyards, then private/public kick off an entertainment precinct on the railyards (includes 5 star hotels, cinemas, with operators etc). If they do it right, that's under $2billion dollars ... or about the same price as a new MJN hospital.
So they reckon they can build a new hospital, presumably to the same standard as the Marj, for less than a third of the price? Unbelievable!And they can build a stadium for about half (from memory)of what WA is spending to build theirs? Incredible!Either that, or ..... :wank:
MHS is living in some alternate reality if he thinks he can build a hospital of the same standard as the Marj for a quarter of the price!

Or, in fact, maybe MHS has let the cat out the bag by revealing the cost. Maybe his interpretation of 'rebuilding' the RAH is just another band aid solution to keep it going for another 10 years.

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#400 Post by ozisnowman » Fri May 09, 2008 12:54 pm

AUFC, FFA and Federal Government should build a Soccer Only stadium in or near city
later to be shared with rugby etc. If and when Australia wins to host the world cup.
Mike Rann and his cronies and anyone who whinged about an inner city stadium like
you will should be force to go to the Marj and watch the World Cup from your hospital
room TV....

I am not opposed to health funding but the way some of you guys carry on about it
you would think that most of you are around retirement age and ready for the
gerriatric hospital. If that is what Rann wants to create then be it we might as well
change our slogan from SA Festival State to SA Retirement Village.

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#401 Post by Will » Fri May 09, 2008 5:00 pm

ozisnowman wrote:AUFC, FFA and Federal Government should build a Soccer Only stadium in or near city
later to be shared with rugby etc. If and when Australia wins to host the world cup.
Mike Rann and his cronies and anyone who whinged about an inner city stadium like
you will should be force to go to the Marj and watch the World Cup from your hospital
room TV....

I am not opposed to health funding but the way some of you guys carry on about it
you would think that most of you are around retirement age and ready for the
gerriatric hospital. If that is what Rann wants to create then be it we might as well
change our slogan from SA Festival State to SA Retirement Village.
Health and education are more important than sexy things like stadiums. I will never apologize for this.

Furthermore if you bothered to look through my previous posts, you would find that I am not against building an inner city stadium. I just will not let MHS insult my intelligence by leading me to believe that he create a proper and world class facility for only $500 million.

The only person that needs to apologize is you for your lack of maturity and for slandering me on this forum.
Last edited by Will on Fri May 09, 2008 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#402 Post by BenJ » Fri May 09, 2008 10:19 pm

Whhooaa there! Perhaps we should get back on track?

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#403 Post by Mants » Sat May 10, 2008 9:31 am

i think MHS represents the greater Adelaide population at this point in time, regardless of what you think of him.
Rann has become unpopular due to the ultimatums and lack of public contact regarding this project, however MHS has at least gone out there to listen to the opinions and try and provide an alternative solution (which the current government has failed to do) whether or not you believe his price tags are realistic.

think aesthetics. a stadium would not only look fantastic on the railyards, it would revitalise the west end; a part of the city which is yet to reach its full potential. a stadium built on the railyards would be so much more than just a stadium, it would be an indication that Adelaide is willing to invest in something other than the absolutely necessary, something for all South Australians to enjoy and it would act as a sign to the rest of Australia that we are serious about hosting World Cup games and showcasing our beautiful city.

what hospitals have the privilege of an absolute waterfront location in the heart of the CBD? it is absolutely necessary to rebuild the RAH, however a hospital is something which can be built in any shape or form at another location in the city or inner suburbs. this piece of real estate deserves an iconic structure. not a typical (yet significantly larger) rectangular box.

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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#404 Post by Wayno » Sat May 10, 2008 11:29 am

Mants wrote:i think MHS represents the greater Adelaide population at this point in time, regardless of what you think of him.
Rann has become unpopular due to the ultimatums and lack of public contact regarding this project, however MHS has at least gone out there to listen to the opinions and try and provide an alternative solution (which the current government has failed to do) whether or not you believe his price tags are realistic.

think aesthetics. a stadium would not only look fantastic on the railyards, it would revitalise the west end; a part of the city which is yet to reach its full potential. a stadium built on the railyards would be so much more than just a stadium, it would be an indication that Adelaide is willing to invest in something other than the absolutely necessary, something for all South Australians to enjoy and it would act as a sign to the rest of Australia that we are serious about hosting World Cup games and showcasing our beautiful city.

what hospitals have the privilege of an absolute waterfront location in the heart of the CBD? it is absolutely necessary to rebuild the RAH, however a hospital is something which can be built in any shape or form at another location in the city or inner suburbs. this piece of real estate deserves an iconic structure. not a typical (yet significantly larger) rectangular box.
good post mants...
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Re: #Vision: New Inner-City Stadium

#405 Post by adam73837 » Sun May 11, 2008 10:45 am

Yes Mants, well done! :D (The smilie isn't implying that I'm being sarcastic)
I take back many of the things I said before 2010; particularly my anti-Rann rants. While I still maintain some of said opinions, I feel I could have been less arrogant. I also apologise to people I offended; while knowing I can't fully take much back. :)

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