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[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 12:27 pm
by Pikey
The beginning of two cores becomes obvious!


Also, if you look to the top of the image, you can just make out some red meshing poking out of the top of the fence, on the gouger St footpath. Me thinks this is where the crane will go, as it's been excavated and has had reo bar inserted.

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:52 am
by Professor
The crane base for the building is going in today on the edge of the site on Gouger street. Looks like it will be a pretty fast construction schedule, with the lift core already above street level.

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:11 pm
by UrbanSG
Sounds good. Look forward to seeing this crane go up soon.

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:04 am
by Hippodamus
it's way too short, and although modern in appearance, not articulated to address the street well, and provide a boundary to Victoria Square.

Conservative building for conservative lawyers.

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:29 am
by Zender
WOW! 8 LEVELS! *cough cough*

for such a prominent spot around victoria square.... so much opportunity.... i shake my head in disappointment
does look good though

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:26 pm
by AtD
Guys, it's Gouger Street, not Currie Street. Eight levels is a respectable height for the area.

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:44 am
by omada
I agree 8 levels is appropriate, any more and it would dominate Gouger Street and damage the market/ chinatown vibe that's going on there.. (which could be enhanced it you ask me, with better streetscaping, larger footpaths etc - but that's another story)

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:17 pm
by Edgar
true, any bigger or higher would upset the theme in Gourger St.

It looks ok to me, the design is pretty much used in most new building construction around Adelaide lately.

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:12 pm
by skyliner
Don't forget the 12 floor Coglin Pl. development will be next door to bulk up the area.


[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:15 pm
by Zender
AtD wrote:Guys, it's Gouger Street, not Currie Street. Eight levels is a respectable height for the area.
Nah sorry i dont agree here. this is a prime location looking over Victoria Square, what should be the heart and most important part of the city (dont get me into how the original plans for adelaide were set out, thats a whole nother can), but anyways, I believe any building over looking Victoria Square should be an absolute statement, and all the other 15ish level buildings at the moment look beautiful around Vic square now. What about Optus building? Is that too high, atleast someone had the balls to try and expand there. Are you gonna say the precinct is also way too much for that end of town??? considering theyre gona be the tallest buildings there by far. Not to mention, come back to gouger st there in 5-10 years and this buildings height will be laughable for this site.

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:19 pm
by crawf
You reckon the old SGIC building, Hilton and Wakefield House look beautiful? :shock:

I like this building and I think the height is fine for the area

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:33 pm
by Zender
crawf wrote:You reckon the old SGIC building, Hilton and Wakefield House look beautiful? :shock:

I like this building and I think the height is fine for the area
No im talking about the buildings of those heights surrounding Vic square. God i know those 3 are fugly, i just think this one should be of similar height to fit in with the rest of the buildings. I think it would look really nice with mid-high rise around the entire square.

p.s. SGIC is undergoing reno :D

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:42 am
by AtD
Zender wrote:Nah sorry i dont agree here. this is a prime location looking over Victoria Square, what should be the heart and most important part of the city (dont get me into how the original plans for adelaide were set out, thats a whole nother can), but anyways, I believe any building over looking Victoria Square should be an absolute statement, and all the other 15ish level buildings at the moment look beautiful around Vic square now. What about Optus building? Is that too high, atleast someone had the balls to try and expand there. Are you gonna say the precinct is also way too much for that end of town??? considering theyre gona be the tallest buildings there by far. Not to mention, come back to gouger st there in 5-10 years and this buildings height will be laughable for this site.
Idealistic design principals are all well and good, but it's the market, not architects, that usually ends up making such decisions. Thus, 8 levels is a respectable height for the area.

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:16 pm
by Zender
Come on, the market can easily accommodate for more than 8 levels in that area! I believe it would have been the builders and future tenant/s decision (& whatever ACC regulations) to build at 8 levels. I just hate to see such a block be underutilized to its full potential... my :2cents:

[COM] Re: #U/C : Thomson Playford Building (Gouger St) - 8lvl

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:17 pm
by urban
Gouger and Rundle St's have prospered because they are intimately scaled. A 4-5 storey limit would be most appropriate for Gouger St.

Pirie St has the biggest proportion of tall buildings in Adelaide. It is also one of the least enjoyable streets in Adelaide. This is not a coincidence.

North Tce, King William St, Wakefield/Grote and Grenfell/Currie can all accommodate tall buildings because of their width and their use as major traffic routes.

Gouger St & Rundle St must retain their intimately scaled setting.