A few things not mentioned in the proposal:Will wrote:The plans for the new $146 million 5 level rehabilitation building, new psychogeriatric building and the new 5 level staff carpark are before the state government DAC.
This proposal is designed to facilitate the transfer of services from the Repat.
The plans are available:
http://www.dac.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/ ... 15_opt.pdf
- The original proposal was for a 10 level carpark, but not everyone was happy with that (especially since the hospital is 7 floors).
- The location of a new hospice to replace Daw House is yet to be confirmed, so there could be further developments at FMC.
- The original plans mentioned in the original Transforming Health proposal included demolishing the child care centre and moving it. The plans indicate that it is staying now.