Re: #VIS: Riverside (Entertainment Precinct)
Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:26 pm
Sorry, 'bout this monotonehell (I'm not intending to make fun of you or anything. )
Adelaide Now Viewers wrote:I like the vision put forward - especially as it has the one thing Rann seems to think unecessary - public consultation. Obviously Rann thinks its a pretty good vision too, otherwise he wouldn't be investing personal effort to ridicule it. Rann wants Hamilton-Smith to "show him the money". I want Rann to show me the results of his last 7 years in office (his results I mean, not just a catalogue of good stuff that's happened while Rann has been in office)
Posted by: Trevor of Minlaton 4:09pm today
Comment 429 of 471
I reckon I can cost the proposal right now. 1. Sell West Lakes +$350m 2. Sell Ent centre site +$20m 3. Rebuild RAH and save. +$600m 4. Private sector buys ancillary commercial development rights in exchange for paying half the cost of building stadium + $500m 5. No tram required to west lakes, saving +$300 m Total $1.77 billion. And that's not even taking into account the annual benefit from extra jobs and GSt tax coming to government. Mr Rann, what's your problem?
Posted by: Cara Goretti of Adelaide 4:09pm today
Comment 428 of 471
election winner right here. Adelaide needs this more than anything else- this will do wonders for tourism, and the image of Adelaide. best of all we hopefully wont have to suffer AAMI stadium anymore. Whatever sport plays at this stadium I will attend- footy, rugby, soccer, cricket!
Posted by: Tim of adelaide 4:08pm today
let me crunch some numbers if we have a hospital thats about 950 beds.. with a patient per day at max capacity the most ppl it will service will be 346,750 ppl per year. if we get a stadium of 50,000 capacity for both soccer and football then it will be running all year. lets say we manage to get a game each week of the year, but every game only averages 50% capacity. 1,300,000 would have been through the gates in a single year. Thats not including finals matches, world cup, international events, concerts etc.... Read More That is more than 3x the amount of ppl who will stay in that hospital! and thats if the hospital is full capacity, and the stadium at half capacity. Imagine what that figure would be if the capacity percentage were reversed!!! Add to that each patient in a bed COSTS the state money. Every seat at a stadium GENERATES INCOME! Not jsut from the cost of ticket. But from food, drink, merchandise, not to mention the money spent at cafe's and bars throughout the city.
Posted by: Peter of Brahma Lodge 4:30pm today
Comment 441 of 471
ONYA BJ.. this is about the 'walking dead' boomers wanting a nice new hospital to keep them gasping another few years verse the young people who need a vibrant and creative city... To deny the young is stupid they will be paying for everything including the funerals for the boomers!!.. However, just to do something, anything no matter how bad is ALL GOOD in this City of the WALKING DEAD....
Posted by: Pushbiker of 4:27pm today
Comment 440 of 471
My god!!! Has the penny finally dropped in this little town?? Please!! Get on with it immediately!! Adelaide is stagnant, it is bereft of vision, it is stuck in the 80's let's be honest. The lib's vision of progress is an absolute must!! I remember Melbourne before Jeff Kennett came along and breathed new life into the place with constructing sports, arts, entertainment sectors. The place was nearly as dismal as Adelaide is now. Now look at it! Productive and vibrant. People want to live there, tourists want to be there. Can't say as much for this town. Get on with it!
Posted by: Michael of Greenwith 4:27pm today
Comment 439 of 471