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[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:32 pm
by skyliner
UrbanSG wrote:I agree professor.

Some people have been saying Adelaide hasn't been hit as hard by the credit crisis say in comparison with Brisbane. That is because a lot of large projects were about to take place in Brisbane but have been cancelled so it looks a lot worse.

Back here in Adelaide our latest round of developments have started and that will be about it apart from maybe one or two new ones eg police headquarters. The rest will be cancelled, downsized or at least delayed. We never had anywhere near the amount of development occurring interstate so of course we should be doing better. That is why we have to enjoy this current round of construction while it lasts, it was definately a small to medium construction boom for our city.

It is good to have a break really because it allows for consolidation otherwise things get out of hand like the late 80's and we are left with the fallout for decades.

Just so long as the office vacancy rates stay low we will be alright and development will return in a couple of years. I just don't want a repeat of the early 90's (thankfully this deosn't look likely at this stage).
That 'some people' was probably me - Proportionately speaking (ie Pop. as against number of projects against size/cost of projects as against speculation levels) Brisbane has a greater loss. The net result on the two cities may yet prove otherwise however.

Absorption and cancellation of the above effects by other economic developments and state/fed. gov't actions may also produce a different result.

As to the level of our boom, it was at least at the level of the 1980's - evaluated historically as a significant boom here. I saw and monitored this frequently (as you do) . Never saw more than 8 cranes up at once.


[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:47 am
by UrbanSG
Going up quickly. Pic from today:


[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:14 pm
by JamesXander
Is it just me or are the floors massive in this building. Yoa Ming could easily move around in this monster of a building.

[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:37 am
by loud
Quote from a newsletter I receive:

"Satisfac Direct Credit Union is close to finalising a lease commitment for around 2,100sqm of 'A' grade office space in Adelaide. A spokesperson from the company confirmed that it intends shifting to the new 400 King William Street development. If all goes to plan it also hopes to have an additional 250sqm of retail space for a bank branch on the ground floor."

[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:44 am
by Ben
Thanks Loud. Thats good news. Wonder if their building next to Optus will be redeveloped now.

[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:48 pm
by Ben
From today. Level 5 nearing completion.


[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:20 pm
by Will409
Looks like they are adding some extra steel beams on the carpark side so maybe a crane rise may not be too far off?

[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:14 pm
by UrbanSG
Great picture update Ben, thanks.

Don't think there will be a crane rise Will409. Those new steel beams represent 3 floors. Only another lot (another 3 floors) of those to go on top of those new ones (below the cabin height of the crane) and this will be topped out.

[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:08 am
by talrok
this pic has good shot of Conservatory in background .. again, shame not another 5-10 floors higher .. thanks for the post.

[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:55 pm
by white_goodman
i think Wallmans and Satisfac are the only two pre-commed anyone else?

[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:52 pm
by loud
white_goodman wrote:i think Wallmans and Satisfac are the only two pre-commed anyone else?
Was speaking to one of the leasing agents the other day... there are more, but I can't remember any of them...

[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:53 pm
by Ben
Level 7 and 8 beams now going up.


[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:14 pm
by omada
This one was slow to start, but man are they making a mockery of our initial criticism now!

[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:56 am
by UrbanSG
Pics taken today:



[COM] Re: #U/C: 374-400 King William St | 47m | 11lvls | Office

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:43 pm
by Shuz
I don't think one really realises the dominance this will have. Just compare this to the 2nd photo of the recent update. Pshaw.