[COM] 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17lvls | Ibis Hotel

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#61 Post by Nathan » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:12 pm

Waewick wrote:
Mants wrote:let me get this straight.
we're trying to inject life into the Rundle Mall precinct after hours, and demolishing the only live music venue in the area is going to do that?

i don't visit the Jade Monkey regularly, but it is popular. not every bar or club has to look modern and bright. many people like the grungy atmosphere. there is definitely a huge market for it these days.
if there is demand for the live muisc venue in the area it will be re-born somewhere.
But that's not the point. Part of what makes the Jade the Jade, is the space itself. It's not something that can just be "re-born" somewhere else. Why demolish it if it's not needed to build the hotel?

For what it's worth, the building started life as the City Steam Biscuit Factory, and is at least 130 years old (I have a photograph of it in a book, taken in 1880). It's still largely unchanged since then, apart from some white plastering over the facade and the additional of the door heading down to the store in the basement.

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#62 Post by Nathan » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:15 pm

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#63 Post by Waewick » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:18 pm

if the Jade Monkey is so popular then it will remain

if not it will be sold.

yes, the building is old and it is a shame to lose it, but in reality progress is progress and this really isn't a significant building*

*I admit it would be good to see the exterior restored and retained but I can't see it happening.

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#64 Post by Reb-L » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:41 pm

Just number the stones, knock the thing down and put it together again somewhere (keep the photo in the back pocket if you can't remember what it looked like). Shouldn't be too hard for anybody who's had a Lego set. And I can think of quite a few empty spaces within the terraces that could do with a bit of noise and exitement (sorry Ann M).

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#65 Post by cruel_world00 » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:48 pm

Hey the Exeter isn't all that much of a significant building... it's prime real estate too. Let's knock that down, and as you all say, if people want places to buy alcohol it will get rebuilt somewhere else.

That argument is ludicrous.

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#66 Post by Waewick » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:53 pm

no it isn't

it is the arguement of economics and the free market. If something of higher and better use for the exeter exists - then it will happen

look at the Brecknock.

or are you suggesting that we should be retaining all buildings over a certain age because they might be considered significant at some point........hmmmm

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#67 Post by Wayno » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:59 pm

crawf wrote:Hang on for a second, do we actually know for sure that Hines could possibly be part of the Jade Monkey site?

This thread is sounding like Adelaide Now at the moment
yep confirmed. The site is 'L' shaped facing both Grenfell St & Twin St bordering this building (costume shop, etc) on 2 boundaries.

I don't think we're sounding like AdelaideNow. We're just tossing it around. Good to see opinions from all perspectives being put forward.
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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#68 Post by Ben » Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:14 pm

Off Topic I know but... I would love to see the Exeter demolished. God thats a dump and a blight on Rundle Street. IMO... *opens can of worms*

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#69 Post by Omicron » Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:16 pm

That's a shame. Right when the ACC was just starting to hint at showing a vague interest in the Rundle Mall side-streets, too. Granted, the new building is nicer than the ugly things currently on the Grenfell side, but the loss of the Jade Monkey building behind is a blow to the sort of whimsical surprise-and-delight structures that make any city interesting at street-level.
Waewick wrote:no it isn't

it is the arguement of economics and the free market. If something of higher and better use for the exeter exists - then it will happen

look at the Brecknock.

or are you suggesting that we should be retaining all buildings over a certain age because they might be considered significant at some point........hmmmm
To an extent I agree with you, although the free market really isn't in play as much as it should be given the extent of land-use and building design constraints placed on developers. Methinks some sort of reward system for retaining interesting older buildings in new developments would help - you give us this, and we'll give you that. The current regulations have shown time and again that they produce standardised square glass and steel boxes of broadly similar heights and broadly similar designs, favouring complete demolition of existing structures over clever retention, restoration and integration of the old and new.

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#70 Post by Waewick » Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:48 pm

granted that we have had our fair share of glass boxes, but I think it is a matter of a city maturing.

We would hope that, eventually the looks of a building will take precedence over just the price alone.

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#71 Post by crawf » Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:15 pm

At the moment the Jade Monkey really does nothing with interacting with Twin Street, it looks seriously run down and ready for the bulldozers.
http://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=adelai ... ,0.55&z=21

The Jade Monkey should go down Casablabla's path, with the side alleyway transformed into a stunning outdoor bar area. This place is extremely popular and looks amazing.

Though this hotel development should happen regardless if Jade Monkey stays or not, it will increase night-time activity on Grenfell Street and visually improve that eyesore block. Hopefully it will also stimulate a major revamp for the tired looking Twin Street Arcade and Twin Street itself, which currently feels dingy and unsafe day/night.

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#72 Post by Nathan » Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:25 pm

crawf wrote:The Jade Monkey should go down Casablabla's path, with the side alleyway transformed into a stunning outdoor bar area. This place is extremely popular and looks amazing.
I seem to recall an interest in doing that at one stage, but they were blocked. Not sure if it was the council or the building owner. So they have to make do with the small beer garden at the back, and leave two ugly looking lanes along either side. It was a couple of years ago, so my memory is a little fuzzy on the details.

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#73 Post by Mants » Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:11 pm

Waewick wrote:if the Jade Monkey is so popular then it will remain

if not it will be sold.
this is not true at all.
Tuxedo Cat suffered a similar fate and nothing of the sort has reopened in the area.

sorry to use the M word here, but when i think of the success of Melbourne's laneways and the nightlife there. I think of places like the Croft Institute, Section 8 and the like, which are quirky and different, not shiny new hotels.

sorry but it is places like the Jade that keep people interested in Adelaide. You can go anywhere in the world and visit a hotel...there is nothing special about this development at all, when it comes down to it. it could be built on any block in the CBD.

Just because certain forumers probably don't like the Jade or the service they offer, that is no reason to want to see it demolished. We should be encouraging small businesses like this to stay open and for new tenants to move into other buildings in the area. local music, local art and small business should all be encouraged- this is the key to reinvigorating our laneways and bringing our city alive.

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#74 Post by AtD » Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:13 pm

Just to be clear, they intend to demolish the Jade Monkey, then leave the site vacant.The hotel tower will be built on the Grenfell Street side of the site and does not require the Jade Monkey to be demolished at all. I can't imagine why they'd do this! It smells fishy... get approval, demolish the lot then sell the larger vacant site maybe?

Other than that, it's an alright looking development. Looks nice. Not impressed that there's a driveway crossing Grenfell Street. But I am impressed that the entrance to the hotel is on Twin Street and will generate a fair bit of foot traffic.

Edit: Maybe there's some structural problem with the Jade Monkey? Maybe the process of digging foundations for the tower will cause significant damage?

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[COM] Re: PRO: 122 Grenfell Street | 59m | 17 Levels | Hotel

#75 Post by Pistol » Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:01 pm

Ben wrote:Off Topic I know but... I would love to see the Exeter demolished. God thats a dump and a blight on Rundle Street. IMO... *opens can of worms*
OK I had to bite.

You can't be serious Ben?!?
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