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Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:53 pm
by Mants
Cruise wrote:unfortuantly i don't share your vision of a nanny state
i agree with you cruise.

what about retail workers who pop out the front of their shops for a smoke? banning smoking in the mall and it's side streets will mean that these people will have to walk to either pultney, grenfell or king william streets or north terrace. it's a bit unfair considering cigarette smoke is only a temporary inconvenience which people can deal with.

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:57 pm
by Omicron
When did Rundle Mall become privately-owned? It is disgraceful that individuals are claiming the moral high-ground over other individuals over which they have merely symbolic, limited or no jurisdictional power. Enclosed shopping centres are rightfully smoke-free because of laws enacted by Parliament, but to ban smoking within Rundle Mall based on the whims of egotistical and narrow-minded councillors who are elected voluntarily by a hilariously low percentage of the ACC population is at best an example of pathetic minorities attempting to flex their non-existent muscles.

I am not a regular smoker; I could happily exist for the rest of my life without going near a cigarette, cigar etc., but for a local government to demand the elimination of a personal choice that is fundamentally intrusive upon personal liberty is nothing more than the hilariously-simplistic refuge of weak-minded people, serving nothing more than the ill-informed crusade of the politically-correct imbeciles of society.

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:58 am
by monotonehell

I'd just like to say that all you people talking about your right to do this or that should realise that rights are there to protect society, not to let you have your way. A lot of people get that confused. Rights are about constraints and obligations placed on our behaviour in order to protect a value.

For example (the classic one) is a right to life. That means that the constraint is that no one is allowed to kill anyone.

Nb. You don't have a right to smoke.

You sometimes have the freedom to smoke, however in some areas (like enclosed places) it has been determined that people have the right not to breath in potentially hazardous smoke. So the constraint and obligation is that people are not permitted to smoke there.

Please continue. :)


Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:09 am
by Omicron
If an open-air public mall is determined to be subject to restrictions upon personal activities such as smoking, then *non-denominational deity* help us all.

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:04 pm
by flavian
The move to ban smoking in Rundle Mall is all part of a movement to make it just like every other shopping center. For the same reason they put piped music in, to stop people hanging around. The corporate bureaucrats who really run things in Adelaide want a nice sterile, controllable environment, just like Westfield Shopping Centre. (I believe the current mall manager actually used to run Westfield, correct me if I'm wrong.)

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:14 am
by Ben
From the City Messenger.

Nothing new. this has been talked about for years.
Mall smokers may have to butt out

1 Feb 11 @ 03:31pm

THE City Council is investigating a ban on smoking in Rundle Mall.

The idea was suggested by the Heart Foundation during community consultation on changes to the Rundle Mall bylaw late last year.

Lord Mayor Stephen Yarwood said that many other Australian outdoor shopping strips, including Brisbane’s Queen St Mall, had forced visitors to butt out.

“You can’t smoke in any other major shopping centres in metropolitan Adelaide because they are undercover,” Mr Yarwood said.

“Heart Foundation research showed 80 per cent of people in Brisbane supported Queen St Mall going smoke free.”

A report on whether Town Hall has the power to prohibit smoking in public places will be presented to the council in coming months, after the issue was discussed at a meeting this week (January 31).

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:44 pm
by mshagg
Im a smoker and i do tend to smoke on the odd occasion i travel along the mall - but most of the time it's crossing the mall from Grenfell st side to the northern side of the mall or vice versa, which takes all of 20 seconds lol.

It wouldnt exactly be a large inconvenience if i were banned from smoking there, nor would it be very surprising.

It would serve them well to have maintained a few throughfares to Grenfell st which people could smoke in, as you dont have many options between Gawler and Pultney to access grenfell st without going through a 'strip mall'. People cant 'get their smoking done' before actually getting to the mall.

The fact i can smoke in the mall isnt exactly a drawcard for the mall itself. Despite what non smokers seem to think, even heavy smokers can actually go a few hours without nicotine...

Surprising to see the ACC is still yet to determine if they have the authority to ban it or not. The lawyers must give them a different answer every time they are briefed on the matter :lol:

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:42 am
by Mrcockatiel
I avoid Rundle Mall like the plague due to getting a doze of cancer causing chemicals each time I enter. I'd rather work in an asbestos factory (which would at least have basic OH&S standards) than walk through Rundle Mall slowly killing myself.

It's about time something was done to get rid of this filthy disgusting, selfish habit. It also sets a bad example for children. If you want to smoke, shoot up, whatever, do it in your own home, not on front of children. Actually, I'd rather be standing next to someone shooting up Heroin, than a smoker if told to make a choice. At least the druf is not slowly creeping into my body from being in the close vicinity of the person.

Until Rundle Mall gets rid of the smoking burden, it has lost my patronage to Westfield which has taken this matter more seriously.

These selfish smokers couldn't care less about pregnant women in the mall etc, and just use their addiction as an excuse to avoid responsibility.

If Rundle Mall doesn't ban smoking, it's leaving its self open to being sued by anyone who gets lung cancer who works there.

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:51 am
by Mrcockatiel
Omicron wrote:If an open-air public mall is determined to be subject to restrictions upon personal activities such as smoking, then *non-denominational deity* help us all.
Hey while they are at it, just let people have sex in public there. Stopping that is just as much of a ban on civil liberties. That's legal too. Incase you don't get it, i'm being sarcastic you tool.

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:18 am
by peas_and_corn
Mrcockatiel wrote:
Omicron wrote:If an open-air public mall is determined to be subject to restrictions upon personal activities such as smoking, then *non-denominational deity* help us all.
Hey while they are at it, just let people have sex in public there. Stopping that is just as much of a ban on civil liberties. That's legal too. Incase you don't get it, i'm being sarcastic you tool.
As aware as I am that your suggestion is sarcastic... yes please.

Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:38 am
by AtD
Whoa... Hyperbole alert.

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:43 pm
by Omicron
Mrcockatiel wrote:
Omicron wrote:If an open-air public mall is determined to be subject to restrictions upon personal activities such as smoking, then *non-denominational deity* help us all.
Hey while they are at it, just let people have sex in public there. Stopping that is just as much of a ban on civil liberties. That's legal too. Incase you don't get it, i'm being sarcastic you tool.
Bless your heart. Image

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:14 am
by Paula
I'm all for this ban on smoking. It is detrimental to my health to walk down Rundle Mall, so I simply don't go there anymore. On the bright side, at least my non-smoking self is not clogging up the hospitals with asthma-like symptoms. :)

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:09 pm
by Will
Even though I too do not like the smell other people's smoke, there is no evidence that second-hand smoke in an open environment is going to give you cancer or other problems. The concentrations of carcinogenic chemicals is way too small.

Re: Rundle Mall - A Smokers' Paradise

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:59 am
by dsriggs
My problem isn't with people smoking, but it's that there always seems to be one or two of the metal ashtray things that always have plumes of smoke coming out of them when I'm in the Mall. Maybe if they changed those to something less likely for the cigarettes to catch fire, there wouldn't be the same problem.