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[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:27 am
by nath91
Does the Sky City development compliment the heritage elements of Festival Plaza?
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 12:02 pm
by Ho Really
nath91 wrote: ↑Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:27 am
Does the Sky City development compliment the heritage elements of Festival Plaza?
It's contentious. Yes and no. In my opinion modern does compliment old, in most cases if done right.
The curvy nature does break up the straight lines in both the old Railway Station building (especially complementing the column design in various parts of this building) and the Festival Centre. Which I think is a positive.
The negative would've been if it was more like a block with vertical lines or horizontals (the Intercontinental and Riverside buildings for example) and the Walker proposal. The gold colour is similar to its surroundings (including the Convention Centre) except the Festival Centre but like an in between, so it's not too bad. I think it is good that the Festival Centre actually sticks out as white. It's separate. Good also to project images on the roof as done in the past.
The most impact this new building will have is towards the plaza and the Riverbank and across the river. It needs to standout at the end of the plaza. Hiding the heritage building, which loses nothing as it is a imposing grand building in its own right, is not too bad.
My only gripe is that the casino/hotel is too close to the old Railway Station building, which like Parliament House had a view to the plaza. It should've had more breathing space but hard to do in such a small area. My
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 3:53 pm
by Bob
Photo shows how this the area looked approx. 1930.
City Baths facing east on KW Rd, new Parliament house still not completed, the new Railway Station recently completed including the new Station Road to the main station entrance for road traffic facing east, to the left you can just see the balcony of the old South Australian Hotel and The Grosvenor Hotel is still there on North Terrace.
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:43 pm
by claybro
a fascinating view. What is the large complex on elder park, about where the current festival theatre is ?
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:23 pm
by EBG
An other innovative Melbourne building. click on picture for bigger.
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:31 pm
by Ho Really
claybro wrote: ↑Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:43 pm
a fascinating view. What is the large complex on elder park, about where the current festival theatre is ?
Yes that's where the Festival Centre was built, well part of it. Take a look at Parliament House it's only half the size. Beauty.
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:38 am
by Honey of a City
claybro wrote: ↑Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:43 pm
a fascinating view. What is the large complex on elder park, about where the current festival theatre is ?
That was the Schools Patriotic Fund Hostel which later became the Elder Park Migrant Hostel.
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 4:43 pm
by claybro
Honey of a City wrote: ↑Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:38 am
[quote=claybro post_id=183961 time=<a href="tel:1566900823">1566900823</a> user_id=5463]
a fascinating view. What is the large complex on elder park, about where the current festival theatre is ?
That was the Schools Patriotic Fund Hostel which later became the Elder Park Migrant Hostel.
Cheers for that.. although I knew of the baths, I never knew there were buildings so close to Elder park prior to Festival Theatre. Puts into perspective the hysteria attached to our current generation building on the sacred parklands eh?
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 9:11 pm
by SRW
claybro wrote: ↑Wed Aug 28, 2019 4:43 pm
Cheers for that.. although I knew of the baths, I never knew there were buildings so close to Elder park prior to Festival Theatre. Puts into perspective the hysteria attached to our current generation building on the sacred parklands eh?
Actually, there's been opposition to parklands alienation since the 1850s and the first parklands preservation society formed in 1903. Just as well too or much more may have been forsaken. IMO, such opposition today becomes more valid as net losses increase.
And just on the Elder Park building, prior to being the migrant hostel it was an R&R institution for servicemen during the First World War called the 'Cheer-Up Hut'.
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:59 am
by Nort
claybro wrote: ↑Wed Aug 28, 2019 4:43 pm
Honey of a City wrote: ↑Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:38 am
[quote=claybro post_id=183961 time=<a href="tel:1566900823">1566900823</a> user_id=5463]
a fascinating view. What is the large complex on elder park, about where the current festival theatre is ?
That was the Schools Patriotic Fund Hostel which later became the Elder Park Migrant Hostel.
Cheers for that.. although I knew of the baths, I never knew there were buildings so close to Elder park prior to Festival Theatre. Puts into perspective the hysteria attached to our current generation building on the sacred parklands eh?
Not at all, if anything it reinforces how the only reason we even have these Parklands is through being constantly reminded that it's public landed intended for public use.
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:13 am
by EBG
1/9/2019 there is a piling rig and associated mobile crane on site over near the station side of the site - no time for a picture.
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 4:53 pm
by Ben
Revised plans being assessed by the DAC for the carpark. Sound like there are other revised plans for the tower and retail but are a separate application which they have mentioned is a concern they are not concurrently being assessed. ... hments.pdf
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 10:02 pm
by SRW
Ben wrote: ↑Fri Sep 13, 2019 4:53 pm
Revised plans being assessed by the DAC for the carpark. Sound like there are other revised plans for the tower and retail but are a separate application which they have mentioned is a concern they are not concurrently being assessed. ... hments.pdf
I gained a different impression from the document -- the other application I believe is for public realm (plaza) works. At issue were concerns about incorporating services within the car park so as not to compromise the public realm, specifically King William Road landscaping and proposed plaza water feature. The below extract also indicates no change to tower:
The proposed alteration to the car parking layout results in an overall reduction of 172 car parking spaces from the original approved consent.
The proposed amendments to the basement car park are being driven by proposed (but not yet formally sought) alterations to the internal floor plan of both the approved office tower and retail building associated with the relocation of lift cores, plant and services penetrating into these buildings from the basement car park below.
There is however no significant or material change proposed to the external appearance of the approved office tower or retail building above ground (plaza) level.
In addition, there is no significant or material change to the interface of the office tower and retail building with the approved public realm of Festival Plaza (with the exception of the removal of the parliamentary lift). Importantly, there will be no encroachment into the public realm of Festival Plaza beyond the approved development.
The image referenced by the State Heritage Branch has been produced by ARM Architecture and relates to a separate variation application for the Walker Festival Plaza public realm (DA020/V091/15). This plan was provided by the Department to inform a pre-lodgement planning meeting that was held on 28 August 2019 and it does not form part of the variation application for the Festival Plaza Car Park.
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:41 am
by Patrick_27
These car-park plans just go to show how little the public has had access to the overall plans for this redevelopment. Based on the renders released a few years ago, I was of the impression that the plaza would level up with KWS, but it now looks as though you will have to climb a flight of stairs to get up to the plaza? They've also replaced the tree-like vine structures with actual trees which will probably the stunted by the limited root growth space the carpark below will create. This proposal stinks, they should go back to the drawing board and consult the general public like the council have done with the Market Arcade redevelopment.
[COM] Re: Festival Plaza Redevelopment | $800 million
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:04 am
by ChillyPhilly
Patrick_27 wrote: ↑Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:41 am
These car-park plans just go to show how little the public has had access to the overall plans for this redevelopment. Based on the renders released a few years ago, I was of the impression that the plaza would level up with KWS, but it now looks as though you will have to climb a flight of stairs to get up to the plaza? They've also replaced the tree-like vine structures with actual trees which will probably the stunted by the limited root growth space the carpark below will create. This proposal stinks, they should go back to the drawing board and consult the general public like the council have done with the Market Arcade redevelopment.
The changes to the overall project (read: lazy, Adelaide-standard watering down) are a direct consequence of the effective sacking of John Hanlon from Renewal SA.