For those who missed it before the debate...
The new flyover can be found here:
Here are some shots provided on the DPTI website:
There is also a schedule for the remaining works:
- Construction of centrally aligned priority bus lanes between Richmond Street and Hackney Road/Botanic Road intersection
- East Terrace realignment open to traffic and road surfacing completed
- Botanic Gardens car parks (final landscaping and lighting works expected to be completed late in the second quarter of 2017)
- Last sections of roof over the tunnel on Hackney Road installed
In progress till late second quarter of 2017
- New shared use pedestrian/cycle bridge across the River Torrens
- Hackney Bridge widening works
- Park Road widening and changes to the Hackney Road / Bundeys Road intersection for the outbound priority bus lane
Late second quarter of 2017
- Extension of the Plane Tree Drive U-turn slip lane
- Reopening of the Linear Park paths under Hackney Bridge
In progress till mid-2017
- Backfilling of tunnel within Rymill and Rundle Parks
Mid 2017
- Reinstatement of fountain near East Terrace
Mid 2017 till last quarter of 2017
- Eastern service road improvements including landscaping
- Construction of the Botanic Gardens Plaza located in front of the Tram Barn and Goodman Building on Hackney Road
In progress till third quarter of 2017
- Construction of the new shared use path between the River Torrens and Hackney Road /Botanic Road intersection
- Hackney Road rehabilitation works (road resurfacing) night works
- Tunnel civil construction
Early third quarter of 2017
- Implementation of the right turn restriction from Hackney Road to Park Terrace during peak times
Third quarter of 2017
- Construction of the outbound priority bus lane from just south of Richmond Street up to the Gilberton entry
- U-turn facility to be installed between the tunnel portal and the intersection of Hackney Road and Botanic Road
- Lifting of right turn restrictions at the intersection of Hackney Road / Botanic Road / North Terrace / Dequetteville Terrace and reinstatement of all lanes on Hackney Road and Dequetteville Terrace
Last quarter of 2017
- Installation of urban design elements for the portal, including landscaping
Last quarter of 2017
- East Terrace and Rundle Road rehabilitation and upgrade works
End of 2017
- Reinstatement of parking on the eastern side of Hackney Road and Dequetteville Terrace between north of Botanic Street and Little Rundle Street with peak period weekday restrictions
- Complete tunnel testing and commissioning
- Complete operational testing