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[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:59 pm
by Patrick_27
It wouldn't be Rundle Mall without the desperate attempt to include banner advertising feature on the support poles.

Still don't understand why the poles are set so far back from KW Street and Pultney Street? How are those area's not covered with the lights going to be lighten up?

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:33 pm
by SRW
Patrick_27 wrote:It wouldn't be Rundle Mall without the desperate attempt to include banner advertising feature on the support poles.

Still don't understand why the poles are set so far back from KW Street and Pultney Street? How are those area's not covered with the lights going to be lighten up?

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 6:34 am
by [Shuz]
Floodlights. Great. They can't even do a job well done. I'm really disappointed with the outcome of this lighting system. It's inconsistent - having two different types of lighting - floodlight and catenary lighting. Which have two different effects. One's an illuminator, the catenary is more for ambience.

Then you have the poles. And my latest understanding is that the catenary system will be hung in 'twos'. A very 90s corporate / executive look way of going about it.

I was really hoping that they'd have stuck to the original plan, which was for a more 'organic' catenary lighting system much like what Is installed in Federation Square, Melbourne. It would have complimented the more organic urban design themes of the mall - i.e. The pavers, the natural drainage path, the seating.

The 'paired' catenary system, propped up by these large poles instead of being attached to the existing buildings just in no way seems to compliment the organic urban design nature of the rest of the Mall Redevelopment. It's the opposite - fixed 'planned', structured, ordered - essentially not organic.

I have way too.many feelings about this lighting system. It's just they have done such a great job with the rest of.the mall redevelopment and the Council and relevant stakeholders should be so proud of what they have done and achieved in transforming this public space. But unfortunately it is things like this, which are part of the ambience of that space, that can make or break it. And I just feel like it will.break it because it just doesn't... go. They've deviated / compromised too much from the original.intention / concept.

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:59 am
by rhino
[Shuz] wrote:....... much like what Is installed in Federation Square, Melbourne......

:roll: :roll: :roll:

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:43 am
by dsriggs
We need as many Federation Squares as possible!!! That'll show em!!


[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:45 am
by Waewick
maybe an organic one? that we can feel better about it and its impact on the enviroment.....

oh wait, i'm lost :mrgreen:

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:07 pm
by monotonehell
Why are you guys dissing Shuz here? His point was a good one and well made. He pointed at Fed Sq not because he wants it replicated here, but only as an example of a lighting system well done.

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:16 pm
by [Shuz]
monotonehell wrote:Why are you guys dissing Shuz here? His point was a good one and well made. He pointed at Fed Sq not because he wants it replicated here, but only as an example of a lighting system well done.
Thank you monotone! Exactly my point.

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:54 pm
by crawf
Shuz makes a valid point.

Until it's 100% complete I want to remain optimistic, though I am really starting to get concerned about this new lighting system. In saying that, the poles could be a good platform for long narrow banners to be erected on which would bring colour to the mall, but they could also potentially look unsightly and out of place.

Two minds.

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:14 pm
by Nathan
One would have thought that the Lord Mayor, with his connections to business and as a previous head of Rundle Mall management, could have resolved the issue with building owners...

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:41 pm
by rhino
crawf wrote:Until it's 100% complete I want to remain optimistic

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:49 pm
by Maximus
monotonehell wrote:Why are you guys dissing Shuz here?
Because if we all had a dollar for every time someone compared something in Adelaide to Federation Square, we'd have enough to money to dig the bloody thing up and relocate it from Melbourne!

Personally, I'm a bit sick and tired of the seemingly endless comparisons to what is really just a very underwhelming expanse of concrete.

Shuz's point is fine and valid -- it's just 'tainted' by what I shall hereby dub Federation Square Fatigue.

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:32 pm
by [Shuz]
Oh for fucks sake - I only brought up the Federation Square thing because it's the only example I've personally seen of an organic catenary lighting system in a public space. Not because it's in Federation fucking Square.

If there was a organic catenary lighting system in another public place that I've seen and know of, I would have cited that as an example.

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:47 pm
by Waewick
[Shuz] wrote:Oh for fucks sake - I only brought up the Federation Square thing because it's the only example I've personally seen of an organic catenary lighting system in a public space. Not because it's in Federation fucking Square.

If there was a organic catenary lighting system in another public place that I've seen and know of, I would have cited that as an example.
I was just stirring, so don't take my comments too seriously. :cheers:

[COM] Re: Rundle Mall Redevelopment | $30m

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:56 pm
by Maximus
[Shuz] wrote:Oh for fucks sake
Now, now... no need for cussing. I was just offering an answer to Mono's question. Didn't say that I agreed with the criticism of your post, just suggesting an explanation.

Have a good weekend, mate. :D