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Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:43 pm
by Aidan
I didn't like the which pie is better ad, because it makes us look weak when we have to resort to sentiment to convince people that our identical pies are better. What we should be doing is making non-identical pies that are genuinely better! The last few times I've tried to buy a chicken pie, I've been unable to get one - all the local and interstate manufacturers seem to only be making chicken and vegetable pies instead.
But the snakes and ladders advertisement is far worse, because it looks like a Cash Converters commercial! It also looks like it's trying to deny reality, playing down the economic problems our state has. Our state does have a lot going for it, but stupid ads like that make it look as if it's all a fabrication!
Their ads used to make SA look great, but now they seem to have the opposite effect.
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:06 pm
by Wayno
do you mean the adverts with Keith Conlon and "random celeb guest" rabbiting on about SA? or something else?
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:21 pm
by Norman
Wayno wrote:do you mean the adverts with Keith Conlon and "random celeb guest" rabbiting on about SA? or something else?
No, it's an animated game of snakes and ladders. I recorded it some time ago, I might get it up for you guys tomorrow.
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:56 pm
by adam_stuckey
I don't like any of them at all. What the point really of selling South Australia to South Australian's why do we waste money on trying to get people to spend time where they live?
SA Great new angle "Your lounge room try it now just ask keith conlon"
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:33 am
by stumpjumper
I do. I consider the SA Great ads to be at least partly the work of the Rann govt. I'm not a rabid conspiracy theorist - substantial govt funding, govt appointments and friends on SA Great board, uses govt ad agency KWP! and consistently pushes govt line.
Misleading too - 'cheapest home prices on mainland' but we Adelaide has 12th least affordable housing on planet!
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:27 am
by ricecrackers
did you know they've been running SA Great ads for 30 years?
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:35 am
by Wayno
adam_stuckey wrote:What the point really of selling South Australia to South Australian's why do we waste money on trying to get people to spend time where they live?
errr, so local residents spend their money here, rather than interstate or overseas. Also so locals better appreciate the beauty of their local environment - both are good reasons.
I've not seen the snakes/ladders yet.
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:46 am
by Will
I particularly hate the snakes and ladders ad. The reason why is because the reasons they mention as to why 'we are in a good place' are cringe-worthy. Having the cheapest costs regarding groceries and property prices in the mainland is not something worth boasting about because the reason why they are lower is because of lower incomes and an economy which has only recently rebounded from the moribund 90s.
The ads featuring Keith Conlon are also cringe-worthy. Although the man has done a lot for this state it is time he was retired. From a marketing point of view we do not need an elderly gentleman selling the state.
The marketing of this state is pathetic and it is time for fresh ideas.
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:51 am
by Wayno
Will wrote:The ads featuring Keith Conlon are also cringe-worthy. Although the man has done a lot for this state it is time he was retired. From a marketing point of view we do not need an elderly gentleman selling the state.
agree 100%...
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:59 am
by Shuz
I think we need to take on a very different approach...
What do many percieve us to be not? Youthful? Social? Full of nightlife? Progressive?
I think we should target those areas. Show off our people in nightclubs, dining out in the streets, roaming the Garden of Unearthly Delights, at the Clipsal. Let's really bolster this agenda - Not as a 'quaint old country town' with wineries in the north and south full of elderly people on a wine-tasting tour, or as some mountain-hiking ancients...
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:03 am
by Wayno
Shuz wrote:I think we need to take on a very different approach...
What do many percieve us to be not? Youthful? Social? Full of nightlife? Progressive?
I think we should target those areas. Show off our people in nightclubs, dining out in the streets, roaming the Garden of Unearthly Delights, at the Clipsal. Let's really bolster this agenda - Not as a 'quaint old country town' with wineries in the north and south full of elderly people on a wine-tasting tour, or as some mountain-hiking ancients...
agree, and it's a balance - we can do both!
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:46 am
by joshzxzx
Tooooo many old people..
If i can remeber correctly there were some adds on tv about a year ago which was very vibrant and they advertised Rundle mall. I think they were on the right track as the music was vibrant and young people having fun in the shops and having coffee and all that jazz.
It actually made you feel good about living in Adelaide which is what these adds need to do. They should also be screened interstate to "plant a seed" into the people on the eastern sea board. Over time this will change the perception of Adelaide and we may actually start to loose the bad reputation that we have among young people.
This can only be a good thing for tourisum and the loss of young people!
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:49 pm
by ricecrackers
i think commercials of this nature are pointless and achieve nothing.
as i've said earlier, they've been running them for 30 years. before Keith Conlon it was Des Colquhoun (RIP). both proud South Australians and great knowledge bases of the state.
however during that time i've witnessed no significant change to South Australia's place in national importance. if anything it has diminished during that time. South Australia's problems are not based on perceptions, but realities... realities that need to be changed. propaganda can only fool someone for a relative short period of time, after which, the true realities become apparent. one of those realities is career opportunities here are very limited for talented or creative individuals....the very people that are needed to turn the fortunes of this state around.
whats needed is radical government policy, which is virtually impossible to implement without losing office after one term due to the conservative nature of the electorate. the political system prevents such radicalism due to the different term spans of the upper house. so to get around that, a truly great leader is needed, one who can charm the upper house, the oldies, the small-minded townsfolk while and at the same time implementing radical change, without the conservatives realizing or caring that it is taking place.
i think the major political parties should advertise for and import one each.
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:51 pm
by rev
They should make some ads featuring some of the festivals we have. Clipsal 500, Futuremusic, Fringe, etc.
Re: Does anyone else despise the SA Great ads?
Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:47 pm
by Wayno
joshzxzx wrote:If i can remeber correctly there were some adds on tv about a year ago which was very vibrant and they advertised Rundle mall. I think they were on the right track as the music was vibrant and young people having fun in the shops and having coffee and all that jazz.
i think you mean the "Adelaide - You are Here" advert? i like that one too...